Pursuant to due call and notice thereof, a regular meeting of the Kasson EDA was held at City Hall this 4th day of April, 2017 at 12:00 p.m.

The following members were present: Langan, McKern, Wegner and Eggler

Absent: Stevenson, Peterson and Olmsted

The following staff members were present: City Clerk Linda Rappe, City Administrator Theresa Coleman

Also Present: None

CALL TO ORDER: Vice Chairman Eggler call the meeting to order at Noon.

MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING: Motion to Approve made by Langan, second by McKern with all voting Aye.

EDA BUDGET: Administrator Coleman stated that the EDA does have a budget for a fulltime employee and we are using this for the CEDA consultant. McKern stated that the EDA will not have the expense of the benefits that are in the budget for the CEDA employee.

BUXTON – KASSON MILESTONE: Administrator Coleman filled the EDA in on the Buxton contract. There is information in packet on retail recruitment and links to the Buxton mosaic on line. Administrator Coleman told the EDA members to find time to work around in the links. McKern is planning to attend a retail conference in Las Vegas to touch base with some businesses. Administrator Coleman stated that is will still be at least three years out before we actually get a store opened in Kasson. Administrator Coleman stated that the trade area is based on a general 20 minute drive time.

RETURNED TO EDA FROM CITY COUNCIL - Enabling Resolution, Policy and Procedures Manual 2007, MN State Statute: Eggler stated that according to state law all members are required to get paid. Eggler stated that there are options such as; we leave it alone and keep doing what we are doing, or if there is pay, how much? Donate it back? Langan stated that we should wait until more members are present to decide. Eggler stated that this is tabled until the May meeting.

CEDA: Administrator Coleman stated that the City Council agreed to hire a CEDA support staff to assist with EDA and they can help with the enabling resolution. This person should be in place by the May meeting.

MOOSBRUGGER OPTION – Second Draft: City Attorney had worked out an option to purchase who was interested in the two lots downtown. By concensus the EDA agreed that these are the terms they would like; a development agreement and having a reverter clause. Mr. Moosbrugger had offered $11K for the two lots.

SOUTHERN MINNESOTA INITIATIVE FUND: This is an organization that the EDA is budgeted to support, a $1000 a year. McKern would be interested in meeting with Tim Penny or SMIF to have resources for businesses interested in moving to Kasson. McKern would like to have as many resources for small business recruitment as possible before his conference in May. Administrator Coleman will invite them to the May 2 meeting.

OTHER BUSINESS: The EDA would like to see the funds available at the next meeting. McKern asked where the EDA gets the funds to loan out. Eggler stated that part is a revolving fund from the State. Wegner stated in the policy guide the interest rate should be changed and loan amount. Administrator Coleman asked the EDA to please read through the policy and send her an email with notes so that this can be updated at the next meeting and information can be current when McKern meets with potential businesses at the end of May.

ADJOURNED: Meeting adjourned at 12.21 pm

Respectfully Submitted,

Linda Rappe, City Clerk