December 15, 2015
P.C. Members present: Ashley Lynch, Nickie Cleary, Jaime Weitl, and Eugene Meiners, NOI Board President.
Conference Call: Kim Denman and Melissa DePaz.
Staff present: Tonya Weber, HS/EHS Director, Sheri Mertz, CFO, and Pam Stanzyk, HS/EHS Office Coordinator.
Ashley Lynch called the meeting to order at 6:07 p.m.
Roll Call
Financial Reports
Sheri Mertz, CFO, presented the Head Start/Early Head Start Summary and Financial Report for December 2014 through October 2015. There was a general discussion of various line items. All HS/EHS credit card activity was reviewed for October 2015. It was noted that we are in the process of closing out the 2014-2015 budget ending November 30, 2015. Jaime Weitl motioned to accept the Financial Report ending October 31, 2015. Nickie Cleary seconded. Motion carried.
Policy Council Minutes
October 27, 2015, minutes were read. Kim Denman motioned to approve the minutes as read. Jaime Weitl seconded. Motion carried.
Program Report
Tonya summarized the following items on the October and November 2015 Head Start/Early Head Start Program Report: HS/EHS Enrollment and Attendance; HS/EHS Education & Disabilities; Communication; Professional Development; Volunteer/Parent Involvement; In-Kind; Child Abuse and Mandatory Reporting; CACFP Reimbursement; and Health. It was noted that the funded enrollment for Head Start is 247 children and 36 families for Early Head Start; the November report shows Disabilities exceeded the requirement of 10%; and In-Kind (Non-Federal) exceeds the requirement needed for the program year. Shared programs with school districts are extremely beneficial to our in-kind.
Health & Safety
There were no corrected or uncorrected reports to review.
NOI Board Minutes
The September 24, 2015, Board minutes were shared. There were no questions or concerns.
Committee Reports
HS/EHS Health Services Advisory Committee minutes were shared. Fluoride Varnish is provided 3 times per year. In the past all Head Start and district children received fluoride varnish. The recommendation to provide fluoride varnish to only Head Start children and those school district children considered high risk due to staff and time constraints. Dental Hygienist agreed with recommendation at HSAC. The Children’s Health Clinic held in Carroll for preschool physicals was very successful. There are plans to make this an annual event with consideration of expanding to the Perry area.
Comprehensive Services & School Readiness Review – Follow Up
In October Federal Review Team reviewed our program for all services and school readiness. Review overview letter was received and there were no findings.
2014-2015 HS/EHS Annual Report – Follow Up
The HS/EHS Annual Report was provided to all parents. They were sent home in children’s book bags. The report is also available online at the New Opportunities web site.
Policy Council Schedule / Survey – Follow Up
The schedule survey was mailed out to policy council members who did not attend the October meeting. Results show that Policy Council meetings will be held the 4th Tuesday of each month, with the exception that March will be held March 29, 2016.
Staff Updates
Approval for the hiring of Amanda Nees, HS/EHS Health Coordinator, and Emily Heuton, Carroll Program Aide, was received via email on December 3, 2015.
Tonya requested approval for the hiring of Sue Martin, Perry Lead Teacher. Policy Council was made aware of the resignation of Jess Drees, HS/EHS Health Coordinator.
Nickie Cleary motioned to approve the hiring of Sue Martin. Jaime Weitl seconded. Motion carried.
IM/PI Alerts
No new IM’s or PI’s to review.
2015-2016 HS/EHS Grant Award
Tonya received notice of award for the HS/EHS Grant that was submitted in September.
2016-2017 HS/EHS ERSEA Plan
Eligibility, Recruitment, Selection, Enrollment, and Attendance Plan is in the process of being reviewed for revisions. The ERSEA Plan will be presented to policy council next month for approval.
2016-2017 HS/EHS Application
A change was made to the HS/EHS application due to changes from the Federal Government regarding children and families being categorically eligible. Only Homelessness and Foster Care are considered categorically eligible.
Nickie Cleary motioned to approve the revision to the 2016-2017 HS/EHS application. Jaime Weitl seconded. Motion carried.
2016-2017 HS/EHS Selection Criteria
Tonya explained the purpose of the selection criteria and reviewed revisions made to the 2016-2017 Selection Criteria for both Head Start and Early Head Start.
Jaime Weitl motioned to approve the 2016-2017 HS/EHS Selection Criteria. Nickie Cleary seconded. Motion carried.
Tonya was asked to clarify the Early Head Start program. EHS is served in Carroll, Greene, Guthrie, and Dallas Counties.
2015-2016 Self-Assessment Process
Tonya explained that Self-Assessment is completed each year in order to determine the strengths and weaknesses of the HS/EHS program. Consideration is being given to change the process of self-assessment by sending a team from our program to another program and vice versa. Tonya asked for policy council feedback on changing the process. Parents will still be included in self-assessment.
Jaime asked if a parent survey is offered. Yes, it is provided to parents in February/March.
2015 Head Start Community Needs Assessment Update
Policy Council received updated information that was added to the 2013 Community Needs Assessment (CNA). The CNA is completed every 3 years.
Early Childhood Iowa – Day on the Hill
February 23, 2016. Parents were provided with information and were encouraged to attend to represent our program.
Policy Council Training
Program Governance 101 – Module 1: The Basics was tabled until January meeting.
Jaime Weitl motioned to adjourn at 7:05 PM. Nickie Cleary seconded. Motion carried.
Next Policy Council meeting January 26, 2016, 6:00 PM.