Appendix F
List of Centrally Retained Items and Proposed Factors for New Delegation
S251 Line / Description / High Needs Block£ / Early Years Block
£ / Schools Block
£ / Proposed Formula Factors to use for Delegation
Block 1: Amounts that can be retained Centrally before allocating formula with agreement of Schools Forum
Pre-16 Pupil growth / 263000
Block 2: Amounts that can be retained Centrally before allocating formula but no new commitments or increases in expenditure from 2012/13 (schools forum approval required to confirm the amounts on each line)
1.6.3 School admissions / 2604 / 37940 / 314756 / 355300
1.6.6 Servicing of schools forums / 413 / 6023 / 49964 / 56400
1.6.9 Purchase of carbon reduction commitment allowances / 733 / 10678 / 88589 / 100000
Block 3: Amounts that have to be delegated and cannot be de-delegated
1.0.4 Threshold and Performance Pay (Devolved) / 0 / 0 / 175000 / 175000 / Basic Entitlement (AWPU) 100%
1.5.1 School meals/milk - nursery, primary and special schools / 1497 / 1763 / 96049 / 99310 / Deprivation 100%
Block 4: Amounts that have to be allocated through formula but can be de-delegated for maintained schools (approval is by the relevant phase members of the schools forum)
1.1.2 Contingencies / 0 / 0 / 50000 / 50000 / Basic Entitlement (AWPU) 100%
1.4.1 Support to underperforming ethnic minority groups and bilingual learners / 572 / 8340 / 57087 / 66000 / EAL 100%
1.6.4 Licences / subscriptions / 460 / 6704 / 45886 / 53050 / Basic Entitlement (AWPU) 100%
1.6.5 Miscellaneous (not more than 0.1% total of net SB) / 0 / 0 / 75000 / 75000 / Basic Entitlement (AWPU) 100%
1.6.7 Staff costs supply cover (including long term sickness) / 781 / 11373 / 77846 / 90000 / Basic Entitlement (AWPU) 100%