Medical Module
A wider range of knowledge is required to complete this task. It uses features of Excel that have already been encountered but also requires the student to seek help on functions not used previously.
Open the spreadsheet document ‘Med_mod_results.xls’. This shows the marks of 96 medical students on 10 modules.
- Find the average mark for each student.
- Plot a histogram of the average mark for each student with intervals of 5%. These plots may be done using the Histogram tool from the Tools/Data Analysis/Histogram dialogue box. Enter values for Input range (the column of values to histogram); bin range (the column range that contains the bin intervals 0, 5, 10,…100); output range (where you to put the results, beware of overwriting existing data); and tick chart if you want to create a chart. If “Data Analysis” is not visible on the Tools drop-down menu, you will need to install it. Select “Add-ins” and click on the first two entries; then re-look for “Data Analysis”.
- Make new columns to show the highest scores gained throughout the tests in descending order for each person so the column with the highest score is first (furthest left) and the lowest score is last (furthest right). For each student you should be able to see their third highest score, tenth highest score (lowest score) etc. (Hint: look up LARGE() function.) e.g.
Mark1 / Mark2 / Mark3 / Mark4 / Mark5 / Mark6 / Mark7 / Mark8 / Mark9 / Mark10
90 / 88 / 75 / 69 / 54 / 50 / 49 / 47 / 39 / 35
- In a separate column, find the average mark for each student based on the highest 7 marks only.
- Plot a histogram of this average mark (highest seven marks) for each student with intervals of 5%.
- Combine the two histograms on one graph and annotate the bars as illustrated.
- In a separate column show the result of each student using the following criteria, based on the average of the highest seven marks:
≥ 70 - Distinction,
≥ 50 - Merit,
40 ≤ (Average mark)<50 - Narrow Fail
If the average mark is between 40 and 50 and the highest individual mark is more than 65 the result is “Narrow fail with resit”.
<40 –Fail
If the average mark is less than 40 and the highest individual mark is more than 70, the result is “Fail with resit”.
(Hint: look up the IF() function.)
- Make a print out showing only each student’s
- name,
- result,
- average (%),
- average of Seven Highest marks,
- marks in descending order.
The list should be sorted so as to give the “Average of highest seven marks” column in descending mark order. Give the printout atitle “Medical Module MM01” and display a date-time which would be automatically updated if the printout were to be remade at another time.
- Save your spreadsheet as “your username”-mod_med.xls.