Cedartown High School
Herr McAninch – Room 117

2013-2014 school year
Tel. (770) 748-0490

German I

The course objective is to develop students’ basic proficiency in basic German in thefour skill areas of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The primary purpose is to establish rapid and effective communication in German. Study will include vocabulary, German culture, history, and geography in addition to grammatical structures specified in the Georgiastandards. Students will be able to:

 Understand basicspoken German, ask questions, anticipate answers, describe likes and dislikes

 Express themselves clearly on basictopics

 Manipulate basic sentence structure and advanced grammar topics

 Read basic information on new topics

 Write basic paragraphs from information gathered in reading

Required and Recommended Supplies:

  • 3 ring binder w/ pockets & dividers
  • Looseleaf paper
  • 3x5 index cards (optional – for vocabulary flash cards)
  • Notebook (optional-some students use loose leaf paper in a binder for notes)
  • Pen or pencil.
  • Electronic device with Internet access (computer tablet, electronic device, Android, I-Phone etc.)


Participation, Quizzes & Homework (Daily Grades) 20%

Tests (Including One Test Grade for Work Ethic) 60%

Final Exam 20%

Grade Scale:

A = 90 -100

B = 80 –89

C= 79 - 80

F = 69 and below

Class Participation

An integral part of any foreign language, class participation includes responding individually or as a group when asked to repeat words and phrases, attempting to answer questions you are asked, bringing necessary supplies to class, and taking part in the physical aspects of foreign language learning. At the conclusion of every week, you will receive a class participation grade. The more you participate, the more you get out of the class and the more fun you will have!


Classwork and homeworkare to be completed and turned in on the day it is due. All late assignments will receive a 20% deduction. When I take an assignment for a grade, it can either be graded for completion or accuracy. I will not tell you which, so you have to make sure you try your best each time


You will have a scheduled quiz or test at the end of every two weeks. I may or may not tell you if it is going to be a test or quiz. You will just need to know the material that was covered during the previous two weeks. There may also be unannounced, pop quizzes

Phrase der Woche/Phrase of the Week

You will be responsible for memorizing and knowing the German phrase of the week written on the board above the teacher’s desk. Both phrases will appear on the test or quiz at the end of every two weeks.


These will be assigned occasionallythroughout the year and will include topics such as German language, geography, history, music, and culture.

Group work

You will be frequently given an assignment to do as a group. Each individual will be expected to contribute equally to the success of the group. No observers!

Extra Credit

There will be occasional opportunity for extra credit. This may include researching spur of the moment questions and special translations.


I will not check your notebooks for a grade. However, it is highly encouraged that you keep one for study purposes. The better organized you are, the better you will succeed in this class as well as in life. I may also give the occasional open notebook quiz or test, so if you do not have a notebook you’re out of luck.

Detach this portion of the syllabus and return this, along with a signed copy of the attached classroom rules sheet, it as your first couple of homework assignments.

Parent/Guardian Information Sheet-CHS German Class 2013-2014

Your Name ______

Your Child’s Name ______

Relationship to child ______

Daytime Phone # ______Evening Phone #______

Email ______

Does your child have any medical problems that I should be aware of (allergies, learning disabilities, asthma, etc.)?



Any other questions/concerns not addressed above? ______




Please, contact me by calling the high school or via e-mailatif you have any questions or concerns throughout the year.

Student Agreement:

I have read the syllabus, class rules, and procedures. I understand all that is expected of me. I will work hard, be prepared, and be responsible for my own actions.

Signature______Date ______

Parent/Guardian Agreement:

I have read the syllabus, class rules, and procedures. I understand all that is expected of my child. I will do my best to help my child be prepared for and succeed in this class.

Signature ______Date ______

Thank you and I look forward to working together with you to do what’s best for your child!