TCHG (TEACHING) 6530 - Fall
Course Title: Strategies for Empowering Students to Become Active, Responsible Learners
(Prerequisite: Completion of an On Course I Workshop)
Course Description: This course focuses on practical strategies for empowering college and university students to become active, responsible learners. Participants in this course learn a variety of highly effective learner-centered methods that not only appeal to various learning preferences but also motivate students to take charge of their own learning. These methods are drawn from best practices in psychology, education, business, sports, and personal effectiveness.This course is appropriate for college faculty from all academic disciplines, instructors of college success courses, counselors, student affairs staff, TRIO personnel, and administrators seeking strategies for improving student academic success and retention. (3 Graduate Credits)
Course Objectives:Students in this course will…
A. Learn and implement proven strategies for empowering students to become active, responsible learners who are self-motivated, self-managing, interdependent, self-aware, emotionally intelligent, and self-confident.
B. Learn and implement effective learner-centered strategies.
C. Write articles presenting the learner-centered strategies they implement, with assessments of the outcomes and experiences of each.
D. Critique posted articles by classmates, evaluating the effectiveness of their implementation of learner-centered educational strategies.
E. Submit articles for possible publication in the On Course e-Newsletter, an Internet publication with more than 250,000 subscribers from colleges and universities in the United States, Canada, and around the world.
CourseAssignments:Successful students in this course will…
Possible Points / Course AssignmentsAttend an On Course I Workshop in its entirety (21 hours). Recommended: Attend the 3-hour optional evening session. Dates and locations for all On Course Workshops are posted at
Write and submit to your instructor a Schedule of Personally Chosen Deadlines for your ten Journal Entries and three Articles. All assignments must be completed by the end of the semester.
Write and post on your personal class home page a PersonalIntroduction.
100 / Write and submit to the instructorten journal entries chosen by the student from Journals 1-15from On Course: Strategies for Success in College and in Life, most recent edition. (10 points each).
100 / Following the format provided by the instructor, write and submit an Article*about the implementation of a learner-centered strategy from an On Course resource (i.e., On Course I Workshop, On Course text, On Course Facilitator’s Guide, or On Course Web Site).
100 / Following the format provided by the instructor, write and submit an Article*about the implementation of a learner-centered strategy from a source OTHER THAN an On Course resource; that is, a strategy the student learned from any source other than On Course or one the student designs him/herself.
100 / Following the format provided by the instructor, write and submit an Article*about the implementation of a learner-centered strategy found in either an On Course resource or any other source.
100 / Write and post on the course DISCUSSION BOARD constructiveFeedback regarding Articles posted by Success Team members,following the feedback guidelines provided by the instructor.
500 / Total Possible Points
*The instructor may publish appropriate articles in the On Course e-Newsletter, a free Internet publication with 250,000 subscribers and/or post them on the On Course website. Submission of articles in the course shall constitute the author’s permission to publish/post articles. Ownership of articles shall be retained by the authors.
Final Grades Are Determined as Follows:
A = 460 - 500 points / B- = 400 - 409 points / D = Not givenA- = 450 - 459 points / C+ = 390 - 399 points / F = Course requirements not met
B+ = 440 - 449 points / C = 360 - 389points
B = 410 - 439 points / C- = 350 - 359points
Required Text:
Downing, Skip. On Course: Strategies for Success in College and in Life (most recent edition of the Study Skills Plus edition). Wadsworth/Cengage Learning.
Course Bibliography:
Adams, Kathleen. Journal to the Self: Twenty-Two Paths to Personal Growth. Warner Books, 1990.
Allen, David. Getting Things Done. Viking, 2001.
Ambrose, Susan A., Michael W. Bridges, Michele DiPietro, Marsha C. Lovett and Marie K. Norman, How Learning Works, Jossey Bass, 2010.
Bradshaw, John. Homecoming. Bantam Books, 1990.
Branden, Nathaniel. How to Raise Your Self Esteem, Bantam, 1988.
Branden, Nathaniel. Taking Responsibility, Simon & Schuster, 1996.
Brearley, Michael. Emotional Intelligence in the Classroom. Crown House, 2001.
Brophy, Jere. Motivating Students to Learn. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2004.
Brookfield, Stephen D. The Skillful Teacher. Jossey-Bass, 2006.
Brown, Peter C., Henry L. Roediger III and Mark A.. McDaniel, Make It Stick: The Science of Successful Learning, Harvard University Press, 2014
Burns, David, M.D. Feeling Good. William Morrow & Company, 1980.
Burns, David, M.D. The Feeling Good Handbook. Penguin, 1989.
Buzan, Tony. Make the Most of Your Mind. Simon and Schuster, 1977.
Chapman, Joyce. Live Your Dream. Newcastle, 1990.
Ciarrochi, Joseph. Emotional Intelligence in Everyday Life: A Scientific Inquiry. Psychology Press, 2001.
Covey, Stephen R. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Simon and Schuster, 1989.
Covey, Stephen R., A. Roger Merrill & Rebecca R. Merrill. First Things First. Simon & Schuster, 1994.
Csikszentmihalyi, Mihaly. Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience. Harper & Row, 1990.
deBono, Edward. deBono's Thinking Course. Facts on File, 1982.
Deci, Edward. Why We Do What We Do. G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1995.
Dewey, John. Experience & Education. Collier Books, 1938.
Doyle, Terry. Learner-Centered Teaching. Stylus Publishing, 2011.
Dweck, Carol. Mindset. Ballantine Books, 2007.
Dyer, Wayne. You'll See It When You Believe It. Morrow, 1989.
Ellis, Albert. How to Stubbornly Refuse to Make Yourself Miserable about Anything. Carol Publishing Group, 1994.
Ferrari, M. D. & Robert J. Sternberg (Eds). Self-Awareness. Guilford Press. 1998.
Frankl, Viktor E., M.D. Man's Search for Meaning. Washington Square Press, 1959.
Garfield, Charles. Peak Performers. Avon Books, 1986.
Gawain, Shakti. Creative Visualization. Bantam Books, 1979.
Gershon, David & Gail Straub. Empowerment. Delta, 1989.
Glasser, William. Choice Theory. Harper Collins, 1998.
Glasser, William. Reality Therapy. Harper and Row, 1978.
Goleman, Daniel. Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books, 1995.
Goleman, Daniel. Working with Emotional Intelligence. Bantam Books, 2000.
Harris, Thomas. I'm OK, You're OK. Harper and Row, 1967.
Helmstetter, Shad. Choices. Simon and Schuster, 1989.
Henricks, Gay. The Learning to Love Yourself Workbook. Prentice Hall, 1990.
Herrmann, Ned. The Creative Brain. Brain Books, 1989.
Hill, Napoleon. Think and Grow Rich. Fawcett Crest, 1960.
James, Muriel & Jongeward, Dorothy. Born to Win. Addison-Wesley Publishing, 1978.
Jensen, Eric. Brain Based Learning. The Brain Store, 2000.
Kagan, Spencer. Cooperative Learning. Resources for Teachers, 1994.
Kahneman, Daniel. Thinking, Fast and Slow. Macmillan, 2011.
Keyes Jr., Ken. Handbook to Higher Consciousness. Living Love Publishing, 1975.
Lehrer, Jonah. How We Decide. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, 2009.
Lyubomirsky, Sonja. The How of Happiness. Penguin Books, 2007.
McKay, Matthew, and Patrick Fanning. Self-Esteem. New Harbinger Publications, 2000.
McKay, Matthew, Patrick Fanning, Carole Honeychurch & Cathari Sutker. The Self-Esteem Companion: Simple Exercises to Help You Challenge Your Inner Critic and Celebrate Your Personal Strengths. MJF Books, 2001.
McKay, Matthew, and Patrick Fanning. Self-Esteem Companion. New Harbinger Publications, 2002.
Mandino, Og. A Better Way to Live. Bantam Books, 1990.
Mazlow, Abraham H. Toward a Psychology of Being. Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1968
Merlevede, Patrick E., Denis Bridoux & Rudy Vandamme. 7 Steps to Emotional Intelligence. Crown House, 2001.
Merrill, A. Roger. Connections: Quadrant II Time Management. Publishers Press, 1987.
Myers, David G. The Pursuit of Happiness. Avon Books, 1992.
Moore, Thomas. Care of the Soul. HarperCollins, 1992.
Nilson, Linda B. Teaching at Its Best, 3ed., Jossey-Bass, 2010.
Oakley, Barbara, A Mind for Numbers, Jeremy P Tarcher, 2014.
Ostrander, Sheila & Lynn Schroeder. Superlearning. Dell, 1979.
Peck, M. Scott, M.D. The Road Less Traveled. Simon and Schuster, 1978.
Peck, M. Scott, M.D. The Different Drum. Simon and Schuster, 1987.
Pink, Daniel. Drive: The Surprising Truth about What Motivates Us. Riverhead, 2009.
Pintrich, Paul R. & Dale H. Schunk. Motivation in Education. Prentice Hall, 1996.
Postman, Neil, and Charles Weingartner. Teaching as a Subversive Activity. Dell, 1969.
Raffini, James P. 150 Ways to Increase Intrinsic Motivation in the Classroom. Allyn & Bacon, 1996.
Reeve, Johnmarshall. Motivating Others. Allyn and Bacon, 1996.
Remen, Rachel Naomi, M.D. Kitchen Table Wisdom. Riverhead Books, 1996
Restak, Richard, M.D. The Mind. Bantam Books, 1988.
Rogers, Carl. Freedom to Learn. Charles E. Merrill, 1969.
Rosenberg, Marshall B. Nonviolent Communication. PuddleDancer Press, 2005.
Ruggiero, Vincent. The Art of Thinking. Longman, 2006.
Scharle, Agota & Anita Szabo. Learner Autonomy: A Guide to Developing Learner Responsibility. Cambridge Univ Press, 2000.
Seligman, Martin. Learned Optimism. Alfred A. Knopf, 1991.
Seligman, Martin E.P. What You Can Change & What You Can’t. Alfred A. Knopf, 1994.
Sher, Barbara & Annie Gottleib. Teamworks! Warner Books, 1989.
Smith, Hyrum. The 10 Natural Laws of Successful Time and Life Management. Warner Books, 1994.
Sousa, David A. How the Brain Learns. Corwin Press, 2006.
Steiner, Claude M. Scripts People Live. Bantam Books, 1974.
Sternberg, Robert J., ed., Wisdom: It’s Nature, Origins, and Development. CambridgeU., 1990.
Stone, Hal & Sidra Stone. Embracing Your Inner Critic. HarperCollins, 1993.
Thiagarajan, Sivasailam. Thiagi’s 100 Favorite Games. Pfeiffer, 2006.
Tobias, Sheila. Overcoming Math Anxiety. W.W. Norton, 1993.
vonOech, Roger. A Whack on the Side of the Head. Warner Books, 1983.
Waitley, Denis. Seeds of Greatness. Pocket Books, 1983.
Wlodkowski, Raymond. Enhancing Adult Motivation to Learn. Jossey Bass, 2008.
Young, Jeffrey E. & Janet S. Klosko. Reinventing Your Life. Dutton, 1993.
Zilbergeld, Bernie & Arnold A. Lazarus. Mind Power. Ballantine Books, 1987.