Lesson Plan Format
Title of Lesson
Retelling the story of Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend
Primary Learning Outcome(s)
A. Student will retell the story in his or her own words.
B. Student will act out different parts of the story using puppets.
Related Georgia Performance Standard(s) or QCC Standard(s)
ELAKR6. The student gains meaning from orally presented text. The student
h. Retells important facts in the student’s own words.
QCC Fine Arts Grade K Theatre Arts Artistic Skills and Knowledge: Creating, Performing, Producing Standard 7: Uses voice and speech to express thought, feeling, and role.
Materials and Equipment
Scaredy Squirrel Makes a Friend by Melanie Watt
Paper bags
“Googly” eyes
Completed pig and wolf puppets
Technology Connection (Must be included when appropriate for the lesson and/or required by the course instructor.)
Step One: Introduction
Today, we will be listening to a story about Scaredy Squirrel, who is afraid of EVERYTHING! Because he is afraid, he has no friends. Until one day he sees the perfect friend. Let’s find out what happens. You’ll have to listen very carefully because we will be retelling the story using puppets that we will create. The importance of retelling stories is to be able to tell someone a shortened story of what happened. That way you do not bore them with hear the WHOLE story word for word. When you tell me what happened at home, do you tell me everything that happened? No! You tell me the important things.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Step Two: Teaching the Primary Learning Outcome(s).
Teach the content relevant to the primary learning outcome(s).
Read the story. Tell the students that they will be retelling the story after we make some puppets. Tell the students that each person will tell a different part of the story, so the whole story will be retold. Give the students an example: the three little pigs. Tell the students what happens in the beginning, the middle, and the end of the story. Explain to the students that I did not tell the whole story word-for-word. Instead, I told the important things that happened in the story. Each student will make one or two puppets depending on how many characters are in his or her section of the story. The story will be made out of paper bags. The students will glue eyes onto the bag and use crayons or markers to draw the rest of the face on the paper bag.
Check for understanding before going on.
Ask individual students different questions as to what they are going to do in order. Students’ responses should be similar to:
1. Make puppets
2. Say something that happened in the beginning of the story (what happens first)
3. Say something that happened in the middle of the story (what happens after the beginning)
4. Say something that happened at the end of the story (what happens last)
Provide practice and feedback related to the primary learning outcome(s).
Guided Practice:
Both Guided and Independent Practice:
Help students, if it is required, to create the puppets. For example, give the students ideas as to how to color their bags, or putting the glue on the bag for the student. The children will then retell the story is his or her own words. If the student shows that he or she is having problems re-telling the story, ask prompt questions. For example, what happened to Scaredy when he saw the bee?
Estimated Time: 45 minutes
Step Three: Closure
Today you have learned how to tell a story over again without reading the story. This is important because you have to be able to think about something in your own way to understand. When you are able to explain something, you learn better. You can use re-telling in social studies, because although we don’t know every single thing that happened during a certain time period, we can tell the important things that happened.
Estimated Time: 5 minutes
Assessing the Primary Learning Outcome(s)
A. Students will retell the story is his or her own words by using puppets.
B. Students will act out different parts of the story using puppets.