December 2015
Guidance on the Use of Social Media
This document refers to all forms of social media (for example, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter) and aims to provide guidance on the appropriate use of social media for both work and personal purposes, during working hours and otherwise, whether using work or personal IT resources.
The University recognises that such channels are increasingly useful communication tools and acknowledges the right of employees to use these sites. However, employees must be aware of the potential implications of posting material on social media sites which could be considered in breach of University policy.
This guidance is designed:
- to encourage good practice
- to protect the University, its employees and students
- to clarify where and how existing University policies and guidelines apply to social media
Anyinformation posted on social networking sitesshould comply with your terms and conditions of employment, the UCLan Staff Handbook, UCLan policies and procedures and the principles outlined below.
This guidance applies to posts on social media sites and channels rather than private messages. However, the University expects that you will communicate in a respectful manner with colleagues and students as per the guidance in the Dignity at Work procedurein any form of communication.
You should be aware that even if you consider the information you post on social media sites to be private, if you have allowed access of that profile/site to anyone other than yourself (for example, Facebook friends, or followers on Twitter), this information may end up in the public domain as you do not have control over information others may pass on to third parties or allow others to view.
If you already have a social networking site or intend to initiate one which indicates in any way that you work at UCLan you should include a simple and visible disclaimer such as "these are my personal views and not those of the University of Central Lancashire (UCLan)”. Unless there are specific concerns about the nature of your job, you are free to talk about UCLan on your site. However, you must follow the principles outlined below, as any breach of these principles may constitute misconduct or gross misconduct under the University’s Disciplinary Procedureand may result in disciplinary action up to and including dismissal.
Failure to follow these principles may breach other University policies and procedures, including but not limited to Dignity at Work Policy, Harassment Policy, Confidential information Policy, Disciplinary Procedure, Exclusivity of Service clause, Policy on Openness, Freedom of Speech, Harassment Policy and Guidance on the Use of Social Media.
Key Principles
- You must avoid bringing the University into disrepute in any way, Please consult your manager if you are in any doubt. You may be expected to remove internet postings which are deemed to constitute a breach of any University policies or procedures.
- You should not reveal confidential University information on social media as identified in the Confidential Information policy. This might include aspects of UCLan policy, work you are undertaking or details of internal UCLan discussions. If you think something on your site gives rise to concerns about a conflict of interest and in particular concerns about impartiality or confidentiality this must be discussed with your manager.
- You must think carefully about what you post about the University and about other people, and how you interact with people online. In general, you should not engage in any activity that refers to the University or your colleagues online that would be unacceptable in the workplace. You should respect the privacy and the feelings of others, and not post any sensitive information about colleagues or others without their permission. This might include contact details or photographs.
- You must not engage in any form of communication which is discriminatory, defamatory or obscenewith colleagues or students on social media, or use social media to bully another individual. The Dignity at Work procedure gives guidance on the type of behaviour UCLan considers unacceptable in the workplace and the way in which we expect employees to behave with each other. We expect employees to maintain the same high standards when communicating with colleagues and students online.
- If someone offers to pay you for site content there could potentially be a conflict of interest and you must consult your manager before agreeing to any such offer of work, whether paid or unpaid. You can find more information about this in the Staff Handbook under Exclusivity of Service.
- If anyone from the media or press contacts you about posts on your site which relate to UCLan you should discuss it with your manager and the Marketing and Communications Service team before responding.
- You should not update your personal site, view or use social media sites during working time, unless such activities form part of a work related activity. Reasonable access is acceptable before/after working hours and during lunch breaks.
If you need to use social media sites in a work related capacity, you are advised to contact the Marketing and Communications Service team for further guidance.
Staff Handbook References
Confidential information
Dignity at Work procedure
Disciplinary procedure
Exclusivity of service
Policy on openness
Freedom of speech
Harassment policy