FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
35-47 Cleveland Street, Orange, NJ 07050
Our Mission Statement
- Community
- Exploration
- Fellowship
- Spirituality
- Liberal Religious Education
- Diversity
- Freedom and
- Action
To be a life-affirming liberal religious community where people of diverse beliefs, ideas and background come together to provide spiritual and intellectual growth to one another and to work together in Orange, New Jersey, for a greater good in the world.
To study and practice religion in freedom and fellowship. To provide support and care for our community and the community at large.
FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
Religious Education Program for Children
Our Mission:
To provide a safe, emotionally supportive environment where children can begin the lifelong process of spiritual discovery. In keeping with the Unitarian Universalist Principles, we encourage respect for various religious traditions, service to the community, care for the environment, and equitable treatment of all people. Children will develop an understanding of these principles through curricula and activities that encourage reflection, creativity and joy.
On one Sunday of every month (with a few exceptions) we have intergenerational worship in the church sanctuary which allows adults and children to form connections with each other and build friendships on spiritual foundations through intentional acts of liberal religious worship. These regular intergenerational services help the children to feel an integral part of the congregation and also introduce them to the rituals of our worship. Children are encouraged to participate in meaningful ways in the rituals of our worship service (i.e. by assisting the ushers, sharing a reading, or lighting the chalice) when they are comfortable doing so.
The Religious Education Program is a Cooperative:
Participants from the Congregation share their talents and skills in the classroom as teachers, or by organizing or assisting with a specific project. The Director of Religious Education works with the Chair of the Religious Education Committee and volunteer teachers to plan teaching schedules, coordinate activities and prepare curricula.
The Religious Education Committee facilitates communication and continuity by meeting to review the program on an ongoing basis and to assist in planning for upcoming months.
FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
Our Classroom Covenant
- I have a right to be happy and to be treated with kindness here. This means that no one will laugh at me, ignore me or hurt my feelings.
- I have a right to be myself here. This means that no one will treat me unfairly because I am fat or thin, fast or slow, boy or girl.
- I have a right to hear and to be heard here. This means that no one will yell, scream, or shout, and my opinions will be considered in any plans that we make.
- I have a right to learn about myself here. This means that I will be free to express my feelings and opinions without being interrupted or punished.
- Safety is first.
- When Sunday School is over, I will tell my parent that I am done and get their permission before I go play.
- I will not bring anything to church that might hurt another person or myself.
- I will not play run or rough-play inside the church.
- I will do my best to look out for my classmates.
- We believe that each and every person is important and should be treated fairly.
- I will be as respectful as I can to the other people here.
- I will welcome and be friendly to all people here, whether they are visiting, new, or have been here a long time.
- I will share or pass when it's my turn.
- I will listen and wait when it is another person's turn.
- I will not put others down or call names.
- We believe that our church is a place where all people are accepted and we keep learning together.
- I will not ONLY play with or talk to my best friend here--this is a time to include all of the children in my group and play together.
- I will participate with enthusiasm (or give it my best try).
- I will make an effort to come every Sunday especially since my teacher and classmates also make the same effort.
- We believe in caring for our environment, and the planet Earth.
- I will be careful with our Sunday School space, furniture, and materials.
- I will use only what I need.
- I will help clean up.
FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
Adopted by the Board of Trustees on April 8, 2004
The First UU Church of Essex County is committed to provide a safe, emotionally supportive environment for all members and friends and their children. We recognize that we often are in a unique position to learn of circumstances in the lives of children and adults where there may be a need for intervention and healing.
To insure a safe and emotionally supportive environment the following steps shall be implemented:
A. Selection of Workers with Children and Youth
All RE teachers and other adults working with children and youth will ...
- have been a member/friend for at least six months
- attend at least one teacher training session provided by the DRE.
- sign "Code of Conduct" (see below).
- receive a copy of the Safe Congregation Policy and acknowledge receipt in writing.
- have knowledge of reportable child abuse, NJ state reporting law, and procedure (see below).
B. Supervision Guidelines
- Minimum of two adults scheduled to supervise each group. The DRE may make exceptions to this two-adults rule on a case by case basis.
- Children playing outside must be supervised by two adults.
- Permission slips must be completed and signed by the parent or guardian before a child or youth can participate in an off-site field trip.
- Volunteers or compensated employees are not allowed to drive children and youth or be alone in a car with one child or youth except by prior parental/guardian arrangement.
C. Formation of a Safe Congregation Team
- Members: Minister, the DRE, and the President.
- Provides counseling as required.
D. Monitoring of Policy and Procedures
- Initial training must be enforced by DRE.
- The Executive Board will conduct an annual review of the policy and assess how well the program has met its goals.
While the main focus of this policy is directed to those involved in working with our children and youth, all members of the First UU Church of Essex County and visitors carry a responsibility to provide a safe and caring community where children can begin the lifelong process of spiritual discovery. Therefore the Safe Congregation Policy will be accessible for the congregation as a whole.
Code of Ethics for Adults and Older Youth who are in leadership roles with children/youth*
Adults and older youth who are in leadership roles are in a position of stewardship and play a key role in fostering spiritual development of both individuals and the community. It is, therefore, especially important that those in leadership positions be well qualified to provide the special nurture, care and support that will enable children and youth to develop a positive sense of self and a spirit of independence and responsibility.
The relationship between young people and their leaders must be one of mutual respect if the positive potential is to be realized. There are no more important areas of growth than those of self-worth and the development of a healthy identity as a sexual being. Adults play a key role in assisting children and youth in these areas of growth. Wisdom dictates that children, youth and adults suffer damaging effects when leaders become sexually involved with young persons in their care; therefore leaders will refrain from engaging in sexual, seductive or erotic behavior with children and youth. Neither shall they sexually harass or engage in behavior with youth which constitutes verbal, emotional, or physical abuse.
Leaders shall be informed of the code of ethics and agree to it before assuming their role. In cases of violation of this code, appropriate action will be taken.
I have read and understand the above statements of position, expectations and actions.
______/ ______Date / (Name printed)
(Name signed)
*This Code of Ethics was adopted by the Unitarian Universalist Association in 1986.
- Physical abuse
- Neglect
- Sexual abuse
- Emotional/mental injury
- Abandonment
MANDATORY REPORTERS of Child Abuse and Neglect (New Jersey Statute 9:6-8.10): "Any person having reasonable cause to believe that a child has been subjected to child abuse."
- Immediately report to DRE, Minister or President.
- Take appropriate action according to NJ Statute: Report to Division of Youth and Family Services: (800) 792-8610
- Otherwise matter is to remain CONFIDENTIAL.
FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
Our church year traditionally begins on the first Sunday after Labor Day, with the Ingathering: a reunion in the church garden before the first worship service of the new year and our joyous Water Ceremony.
The first of two regular business meetings of the congregation occurs in October. The agenda of this meeting includes election of a nominating committee. In RE we recognize Halloween.
In November, we recognize Veterans Day. Our celebration of Thanksgiving includes the distribution of the "Guest At Your Table" boxes to raise funds for the work of the Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and a special service inviting far away members to come “home” for homecoming.
In December we often have a special service presented by the children of the church school. We hold a special Christmas candlelight service, usually on the Sunday before Christmas. The Sunday after Christmas is often a Quaker-style service. We also host a Kwanzaa celebration at the end of December.
January and February contain services commemorating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and Black History Month respectively.
Traditionally, in March we like to honor Women’s History Month as well. Spring brings many special events: the Annual Service/Goods Auction, the Easter service, our Seder dinner, the annual pledge canvass, Mothers’ Day and, in late May, the annual congregational meeting.
The first Sunday in June is usually reserved for RE to celebrate and close the program. The last service of the year, usually held mid June, is the traditional Flower Communion.
New celebrations and traditions are continuously considered and welcome.
FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
Officers, Trustees, and Staff
Mailing Address:
FirstU.U.Church of EssexCounty
PO Box 998
Orange, NJ 07051
Church office telephone: (973) 674-0010
E-mail for general inquiries:
- PRESIDENT: Frank Barszcz, (973) 324-9351,
- VICE-PRESIDENT: Flore Dorcely, (973) 509-7194,
- SECRETARY: Georgiana Hart, (973) 763-1139,
- TREASURER: Ann Lang, (973) 566-0934,
- through Spring 2011: Barrie Peterson
- through Spring 2012: Ross Miller
- through Spring 2013: Lucinda Long
- MINISTER: Darrell Berger, . The Minister is available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays by appointment. Please call church main line (973) 674-0010.
- ADMINISTRATOR: Gregory Giacobe, (973) 674-0010 ; office hours Mondays 9 AM to 2 PM
- CHAPLAIN: Barrie A. Peterson, M.Div., (973) 761-0216.
- SEXTON: Donna Blaine, (973) 680-8079,
- WEBSITE MASTER: Paul Axel-Lute,
FirstUnitarianUniversalistChurch of EssexCounty
last updated June 13,2010
Committee / Chair or Members / RoleBuilding & Grounds / Bill Stafford
/ To manage and care for the physical structure and grounds of the church.
Čapek Memorial / Paul Axel-Lute
(973) 762-4947 / To develop and maintain a memorial toNorbert & Maja Čapek
Celebrations & Music / Gregory Giacobe
(201) 823-2459 / To coordinate lay-led services when the Minister is not in the pulpit.
Ministry / Nina Barszcz (Board appointed),
Bill Slezak (Minister appointed),
Wayne Eastman (jointly appointed) / See Bylaws Art.13 §§ 9 & 10
Nominating / Gregory Giacobe (through Spring 2011)
Paul Axel-Lute (through Spring 2012) / To nominate officers & trustees for election at annual meeting.
Publicity / Nina Barszcz,,
973-324-9351 / To plan & coordinate methods to publicize the church & its activities.
Religious Education / Flore Dorcely, ,
973-337-8896 / To plan, compose and coordinate religious education for children and adults.
Social & Earth Action / Georgiana Hart
/ To coordinate & direct activities of church members in the community & on social & environmental issues, and to facilitate planning & support for church activities & programs that highlight the UUA's Seventh Principle.