
Physics 499 (PSU): Basic Aspects of Superconductivity

? (UIUC): Basic Aspects of Superconductivity

May 12 – June 4, 2015

Time: Tuesday14:00-15:40 & Thursday 10:00-11:40

Place:Seminar Room, 12th floor, PhysicsBuilding, SJTU


Prof. Tony Leggett

UIUC office: 2113 Engineering Sciences Building, 217.333.2077

SJTU office: Physics 1201

Email: ,

Prof. Ying Liu

PSU office: 152F Davey Lab

SJTU office: Physics 1202

E-mail: ;


This one-credit course coveringbasic aspects of superconductivity is intended for physics and physics related majors who have taken quantum mechanics course at Pennsylvania State University (PSU), University of Illinois in Urbana-Champaign (UIUC),and Shanghai Jiao Tong University (SJTU), typically towards the end of their junior year. This course aims at providing a basic overview of the phenomenon of superconductivity. A list of topics to be covered is found below in the Course Calendar.

Reference books

  1. C. Kittel, Introduction to Solid State Physics, 8th Ed., John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2005.
  2. A. J. Leggett, Lecture Notes on Superconductivity.

Group projects:

There will be activities every week day, and excursion in the weekends;Students will also carry out a supervised research project which will be a project of laboratory or computational work; Each American student will team up with a student from Shanghai Jiao Tong University to carry out the research project. Each student will write a report on the research project at the end of class even though the results of the research will be shared;Students are required to give a presentation, keep a study/research logbook, and write research report as well as an essay summarizing the learning experience at the end.


The numerical grade will be determined by the following distribution:

Homework:2 x 30% = 60%

Group project including the presentation:40%


You are expected to read materials to be discussed in class before the lectures. Topics to be discussed in each class are listed in the class calendar. Homework sets and the term paper need to be turned in on time to receive full credits.For PSUand UIUCstudents, all codes of conduct at your home institution are applicable even though the class will take place off the campus.


All class activities will be conducted in English and take place in Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Minhang Campus,Shanghai, China.

First day of class: Penn State students will leave for Shanghai no later than Monday, May 11, 2015 to ensure that you will arrive at Shanghai on Tuesday, May 12, the day before the class.For UIUC will leave for Shanghai a week later than the PSU students, Professor Liu will make up the lectures on Monday, May 18.

Last day of class: Friday, June 5, 2015. PSU and UIUC students can return home as soon as Saturday, June 6, 2015, arriving at the US on the same calendar day.

Course Calendar:

Date / Content / Homework/tasks
Week 1 (May 12 & 14)
(SJTU and PSU students) / - Introduction to the course. Review of Quantum Mechanics, organization of group projects (Liu);
- Greatest discoveries in superconductivity research (Liu) / - Group project meeting
Week 2 (May18)
(Make-up classes for UIUC students) / - Introduction to the course. Review of Quantum Mechanics, organization of group projects (Liu)
Week 2 (May 1921) / - Experimental survey I (Leggett);
- Theory survey I (Leggett) / - Group projects
- Homework Set 1
Due: May 26
Week 3 (May 26 & 28) / - Experimental survey I (Leggett);
- Theory survey II (Leggett) / - Homework Set 2
Due: June 2
- Group project meeting
Week 4 (June 24) / - Frontiers of SC research (Leggett)
- Presentations and course feedback (Liu & Leggett) / - Group project slidesdue: June 4, 2015