Palm Sunday 20th March 2016- Blessing of Palms.

6.15pm VigilEderney, 9.30am Montiagh 11am Ederney

Holy Week

Saturday / 19th / 6.15pm / Ederney / Anniversary; Mickey & Mark Connolly
Sunday / 20th / 9.30am
7.30pm / Montiagh
Ederney / Funeral of Martin Nugent
Penance Service for Easter
Monday / 21st / 7.30pm / Montiagh
Tuesday / 22nd / 10am
7.30pm / Ederney
Irvinestown / Penance Service for Easter
Wednesday / 23rd / 7.15am
7.30pm / Ederney
Pettigo / Penance Service for Easter
Thursday / 24th / 11am
10.30pm / St.Macartan’s Cathedral, Monaghan
Ederney / Chrism Mass –
All people of the Diocese welcome
Evening Mass of the Lord’s Supper
Night Prayer at the Altar of Repose
Friday / 25th / 3pm
7.30pm / Ederney
Montiagh / Celebration of the Lord’s Passion
Stations and Veneration of the Cross
Saturday / 26th / 9pm / Ederney / Easter Vigil
Sunday / 27th / 9.30am
11am / Montiagh
Ederney / Anniversary; Michael Hegarty

Holy Week Ceremonies: Please come out and join with us in celebrating Holy Week, by joining in the ceremonies.

Holy Thursday: Collection for Trocaire. Owing to an error in the Parish Envelopes of this year, there were no envelopes for Trocaire. Please collect a special envelope at Masses this weekend, write you envelope number on in and leave in at Offertory on Holy Thursday or other Masses offer the next two weeks. The reason for this is because of Gift Aid. Also all money given to Trocaire will be matched by money from Oversea Aid.

We Remember Those Who Have Died: Martin Nugent, Killycappy Road.May he

rest in peace

Anniversary Masses: when booking an Anniversary or Months Memory please

write the names of the person(s) and/or family into the Diary on the Altar Rail.

Confessions for Easter: 7.30pm; Palm Sunday: Ederney;

Tuesday: Irvinestown;

Wednesday: Pettigo.

Weekly Adoration in the Parish Centre is suspended until Thursday 7thApril

Eucharistic Adoration; every Monday in Montiagh; 10.30am to 11.30am

The Rosary is said in the Church every evening; Sunday- Friday 6-30pm, Saturday at 5-15pm. Everyone most welcome.

Divine Mercy Sunday 3rd April;The Novena begins on Good Friday 25th – 3rd April. The Novena prayer and Chaplet will be said at the Divine Mercy Shrine in the Church after evening Rosary. The Chaplet will be said at 2.30pm on Good Friday.

Easter Choir: rehearsal onSunday 20th March at 6:30pmin the Parish Centre.

Parish Envelopes: List of Envelope Holders is currently being updated for 2016.

Anyone requiring a new box of envelopes please contact Fr McManus

Diocese of Clogher 2016 Centenary Celebration:

‘Who do people say we are?’ A 100 Years Back – A 100 Years Forward.

An Evening of visual, musical and drama presentation and reflectionin

St. Macartan‘s Cathedral Monaghan Tuesday 29 March and Wednesday 30 March

St Michael’s Church, Enniskillen Friday 1 April.

At 8pm on all nights.(Doors open from 7.30pm)Admission FREE.

Opportunities for donations on the night. Tickets available from Enniskillen Parish Office, St Michael’s, Darling Street /Fr Michael McGourty PP, Irvinestown.

IRISH GRAVEYARDS SURVEYORS have recently displayed draft maps of Pettigo & Carn Graveyards in St Mary’s Chapel Pettigo & Lettercran Graveyard in St Joseph’s Chapel Lettercran. Families with relatives laid to rest in their graveyards are asked to view the Draft Maps(sooner rather than later)& using the ‘Alteration sheets’ available in the Church Porch, to forward alterations, additional information to Irish Graveyards Surveyors not later than Friday 8th April 2016.

Diocese of Clogher Lourdes Pilgrimage led by Bishop Liam McDaid July 6th- July 11th 2016. Total price: €735. For details see poster on Church notice board.

Medjugorje: 20th July '16 ex Dublin. €599. Contact John Calgie 68631177

Bannagh Community Association 25 Card Drive in Aid of MS on Saturday 19th March 2016 at 9pm sharp. Supper served. Everyone Welcome. Please come along and support.

5Km Sponsored Walk in Ederney for Sr. Muriel;

Put on your walking shoes Saturday 2nd April 2016 and join us on our sponsored walk – All proceeds in Aid of Sr. Muriel’s

‘St Joseph the Worker Ltd’ to help feed the poor and destitute in Bosnia.

Starting at St. Joseph’s Church Car park at 11am, we will walk to Clonee Cross via Edenclaw Road and return the same route.

If you are unable to do the walk please join us for a cup of tea in the Parish Centre.

For sponsorship forms contact Mac McKervey or Mairead McGarrity. Everyone welcome.

Ederney Youth Club; Ice Skating to Dundonald, Belfast.Wednesday 30th (Easter Holiday Week). Departing from the Hall at 11am and returning at 7pm. (Bring packed lunch). Those interested need to book on or before Tuesday 22nd with deposit (non- refundable). Limited seats only. Early booking essential.

Aisling Centre; Poems of 1916 – remembering the Somme and the Rising with Rosemarie Keenan Tuesday 5th - 26th April, 2.00pm – 4.00pm. No prior knowledge of poetry necessary All welcome - For information contact the Aisling Centre – 028 6632 5811

Aranderg CCE Easter Draw taking place Easter Saturday night in Aghyaran GAA Centre (Whistlin Donkeys ). First prize is 500 litres of home heating oil-various other prizes.

Lines are £1 each.Anyone looking to purchase lines contact Annemarie McVeigh. Lines for sale in McHugh fuels office.

Ederney St Joseph's; Lottojackpot stands at£4,500.You can get your envelopes
in the local businesses oronline @ St Joseph's GAC.
Tonight'sdraw takes place in the New Street Inn.
Club Membership is now due and must be paid before the end March 2016.
Adult £30, Children £20 and Family £70. The membership can be paid to any committee
Anyone wishing to order skinny tracksuit bottoms place your order with Kate or
Dearbhaile ASAP.
TheSeniorPresentationof ClubAwards and aNight at The Racestakes place
On Monday 28th Marchin the Corner Bar. Horses £10 each. Contact Justin Maguire.
Cardiac Screening for athletes (aged 14 to 35)on Saturdaymorning
26th March:
*This is your last chance to avail of the heart screening sessionnext Saturdayin the
*Remember that in Ireland at least 70 young adults each year die from a previously
undiagnosed heart condition.
To book a place contact Patricia McGrath; 68631567;

Ederney ABC;Bonus Ball Week 1 winner- Martin McMenamin.

Week 2-winner - Emmett McGrath.

Week 3winner - Lizzie Maguire.