16th May, 2007
Meeting commenced: 9.30 a.m.
" ended: 12.05 p.m.
PRESENT: Councillors Ainsworth, Antrobus, Boshell, Broughton, E. Burgoyne, Clague, Coen, Connor, Cooke, Davies, Deas, Devine, Dobbs, Ferrer, K. Garrido, R. Garrido, Gray, Harold, Heywood, Hinds, Howard, Hulmes, Humphreys, Hunt, Jolley, Jones, King, Lancaster, Lightup, Lindley, Loveday, McIntyre, Macdonald, M.B.E., Mann, Merry, Miller, Morris, Mullen, Joe Murphy, O’Neill, Owen, Pennington, Potter, Ryan, Salmon, Smyth, Taylor, Turner, Warmisham, Warner and Wilson
Following the recent death of the Mayor, Councillor B.P. Murphy, and in the absence of the Deputy Mayor, Councillor V. Burgoyne, the Chief Executive, Barbara Spicer, called upon the meeting to elect a Chair from its number present, to Chair the Council meetings to be held now and at 2.00 p.m., this day.
RESOLVED: THAT Councillor Pennington be elected Chair for the meetings.
- Councillor Pennington - in the Chair -
Councillor Pennington formally reported the death of Councillor B.P. Murphy, Mayor of the City of Salford which had occurred on 23rd April, 2007. A Civic Funeral Service had been held on 8th May, 2007. All those present stood in silent tribute.
The following Members paid tribute to Councillor B.P. Murphy:-
Councillor Merry - Leader of the Council.
Councillor K. Garrido - Leader of the Opposition.
Councillor Owen - Leader of the Liberal Democrat Group.
Councillor Potter - On behalf of Salford Magistrates Bench.
Councillor King - Fellow Ward Councillor.
Councillors Warmisham and Joe Murphy - Lead and Executive Support Members of Children’s Services, and
Barbara Spicer - Chief Executive - on behalf of the employees of the City Council.
Apologies for absence were submitted on behalf of Councillors V. Burgoyne, Compton, Dawson, Hill, Kean, B. Lea, M. Lea, Jane Murphy and Witkowski.
There were no interests declared.
The minutes of the meeting held on 18th April, 2007, were signed by the Chair as a correct record.
RESOLVED: THAT the following petitions submitted by the Councillors indicated below be forwarded to the appropriate Directorates:-
Councillor / Details / DirectorateCouncillor King / From residents from Great Cheetham Street East objecting to a proposed off licence. / Environment
Councillor Warner (on behalf of Councillor M. Lea) / From residents of Broomhall Road, Pendlebury, requesting traffic calming to reduce traffic speed. / Housing and Planning
RESOLVED: THAT the Council approve the awarding of the Silver Medal to the Merchant Navy Association in recognition of the work of the association and its close links with the City. Arrangements be made for a ceremony to be held in September, 2007.
Council received formal notification of the results of the local elections held on 3rd May, 2007. Members welcomed back those who had been returned by the electorate and expressed a cordial welcome to those new Members who had been elected for the first time.
Reference was also made and thanks expressed to those former Councillors who had not returned to the Council.
Councillor Mann, Lead Member for Neighbourhoods made a statement relating to the new proposals for developing neighbourhood management across the City. He commented upon the (a) increased levels of devolved budget under the control of Community Committees, (b) detailed consultation which had been carried out prior to the publication of the report before the Council, (c) ways in which the views of partners
and particularly the view of the Local Strategic Partnership had been taken into account in influencing the new framework and (d) introduction of a stronger scrutiny procedure to measure the impact and effectiveness of Community Committees and the neighbourhood model.
A debate on the proposal then commenced and the following comments were made and questions were raised:-
(i) / Would the new structure of Neighbourhood Partnership Boards create a further layer of bureaucracy and impact upon the cost effectiveness of the proposed model. / } Councillor Heywood}
(ii) / The model was welcomed but concern was expressed if it would deliver what was already expected. In relation to the sector teams a question was raised to who had agreed to the name change to Local Business Partnerships when this proposal had not been agreed at Cabinet. / } Councillor K. Garrido
(iii) / Concern was expressed that this was a top down approach from Partnerships and people would not be convinced this method would deliver the necessary service improvements and enable local communities to receive responses to local issues and problems. / } Councillor Owen
(iv) / In reply to (ii) Cabinet did not agree the name of the groups but did agree that the work of the groups should commence. Members would be consulted regarding the name. / } Councillor Lancaster
(v) / A question was raised regarding representative ness and how a local resident who was not a member of a recognised community group ensured that their views could be heard at Community Committees. / } Councillor Lindley
(vi) / Claremont Weaste Community Committee had expressed concern at the proposals and requested that they be allowed to adapt a model to ensure flexibility for a local approach. / } Councillor Ainsworth
(vii) / The proposals were not to develop local town halls as in the “Tower Hamlets” approach, the proposal in the report before Council was to create an environment where Community Committees could impact on contribute to the work of the Council and partners under a uniformed framework. The proposals clarified what Community Committees could and could not do. / } Councillor Merry
In response Councillor Mann made the following comments:-
The Local Partnership Boards replaced the existing Executive Groups and did not add to layers of bureaucracy. The proposals have been developed after long debate and discussion with partner agencies and will enable Community Committees to have a greater influence in the involvement of services in local neighbourhood areas.
(ix) Community Committees were a means by which a process was delivered, interaction between service deliverers and local people goes on everyday across all services and would continue to do so.
(x) The uniformity of the new process enabled the Council to join up with partners services allowing local communities an access point to submit views and influence local service deliverers, especially partners who had also signed up to the proposed new structure. If Community Committees opted out from the agreed framework, there was the potential for service partners not to sign up to the decision-making processes.
The Chair then put the matter to the vote and upon a show of hands it was
RESOLVED: THAT the proposal as detailed in the report now submitted and adopted by Cabinet be confirmed.
RESOLVED: THAT the following appointments be approved, and the portfolios (including cross-cutting issues) as determined by the Leader of the Council be confirmed for the 2007/08 municipal year:-
· Councillor Merry - Leader of the Council (Communications and Marketing; Performance and Best Value; Policy; Regeneration Matters; Strategic Overview).
· Councillor Lancaster - Deputy Leader of the Council (Community Safety; Crime and Disorder; (assisted by Councillor Harold); Electoral Matters; Property; Service Reviews; and Targets and Pledges).
Cabinet Portfolios
/Lead Member
/ Executive Support MemberChildren’s Services / Councillor Warmisham / Councillor Humphreys
Culture and Sport / Councillor Warner / Councillor King
Customer and Support Services / Councillor Hinds / Councillor Devine
Environment / Councillor Mann / Councillor Hunt
Community Services and Health / Councillor M. Lea / Councillor Coen
Housing / Councillor Connor / Councillor Mullen
Planning / Councillor Antrobus / Councillor Potter
Service Development Neighbourhoods / Councillor Joe Murphy / Councillor Harold
Portfolios for the remaining “cross-cutting” issues were allocated thus:
Councillor M. Lea Asylum Seekers & Refugees (assisted by Councillor Coen).
Councillor Hinds Implementation of the Gershon Report.
RESOLVED: THAT in accordance with Article 4.5 of the Council Constitution, the following membership of the Council Agenda Group 2007/08 be approved:-
The Mayor.
The Deputy Mayor.
The Leader of the Council.
The Deputy Leader of the Council.
A Member of each minority party
(Councillors K. Garrido and Owen).
Two non Cabinet Members
(Councillors Hunt and Potter).
One Scrutiny Committee Chair
(Councillor Smyth).
One other Member of the Majority Party
(Councillor Jolley).
Councillor Howard Conservative Group.
Councillor Heywood Liberal Democrat Group.
Councillor Merry submitted the recommendations of the Council Agenda Group with regard to the appointments of committees and appointment of Chairs of Scrutiny Committees etc., subject to an amendment to include Councillor Kean as Member of the Budget Scrutiny Committee. He also stated that two Scrutiny Committee Vice Chair positions would be open to the Conservative Group, as in previous years.
Councillor K. Garrido asked if it was possible for the position of Chair of Scrutiny Committees to be occupied by Members of the opposition groups.
Councillor Merry indicated that this matter would be considered when a further review of Scrutiny Committee numbers was undertaken later this year.
RESOLVED: THAT, subject to the abovementioned amendment the recommendations of the Council Agenda Group be approved and adopted, and attached as appendix 1 to the minutes.
Councillor Merry submitted for approval the recommendations of the Council Agenda Group in relation to nominations/appointments to Outside Bodies. In considering this item Members of the Opposition Groups submitted various amendments to the recommendations as submitted, with the exception of the inclusion of Councillor Cooke to be appointed to the Editorial Board of LIFE In Salford and the deletion of Councillor Joe Murphy from NPHL Parent Board, all other amendments having been put to the meeting were declared not carried.
RESOLVED: THAT the recommendations of the Council Agenda Group in respect of the appointments and nominations of representatives of Members of Council to outside bodies be approved and attached as appendix 2 to the minutes.
RESOLVED: THAT authorisation be given for leave of absence from Council duties to Councillor S. Witkowski, on the grounds of ill health in accordance with section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972.
(a) Councillor Merry, Leader of the Council
(i) Councillor K. Garrido referred to a publication that had been issued during the election period by the Council relating to the Council’s performance and questioned why this had been allowed to happen.
(ii) Councillor Lindley asked if Councillor Merry was satisfied with all literature issued during the election period by Labour Councillors, specifically referring to an election leaflet which had been circulated in the Walkden South Ward
In response Councillor Merry made the following comments:-
(i) The information to which Councillor K. Garrido had referred had been provided in the booklet and considered by the relevant Scrutiny Committee, the Best Value Performance Plan (BVPP) was about City Council performance and reflected a balanced view and under current guidance it had to be made available before the Local Government Elections.
(ii) Unlike other parties in the elections he had taken action in withdrawing an election leaflet in Eccles, other than that he was very satisfied with the messages and literature given by Labour candidates at the local elections.
The following comments were then made:
(i) / In her opinion the publication of the BVPP notification was very close to infringing election rules and this followed a similar error that had occurred last year. The BVPP should have been published by 31st March not one week before the election. / } Councillor K Garrido}
(ii) / She also queried who had agreed to the document published stating that although the matter had been before the Scrutiny Committee, they could not have known when the information was to be published. / } Councillor K. Garrido
(iii) / Commented that the election leaflet in Eccles was a very serious issue. / } Councillor Lindley
(iv) / As a Member of the Editorial Board of Life in Salford, in which the information was published he was not aware that the issue was to be released at this time, he further stated that this could have appeared as majority party propaganda.
Reference was also made to an issue regarding an article in a local newspaper at election time. / } Councillor R. Garrido
At this point on the advice of the Chief Executive the Chair ruled the matter raised by the last speaker as “out of order” and not a matter before the Council.
(i) / In response to Councillor R. Garrido’s claim of propaganda a statement was made that the publication of the said information Life in Salford was published far too late to influence election outcomes. / } Councillor Jolley}
Reference was then made to an event that had occurred during the recent election campaign. / } Councillor Lancaster
At this point the Chair ruled that this matter was also “out of order” and not a matter before the Council and should be resolved elsewhere.
In response to the debate Councillor Merry made the following comments:-
Opposition Party Members were aware of the content of the article in Life in Salford as Members of the Scrutiny Committee.
He was not aware of the timing of the publication, therefore this could not be seen as majority party propaganda, but he would ensure that the timing of the publication would not clash with the election period in future years.
He paid tribute to colleagues who had lost seats in the local election and stated that the Labour Group had won a mandate to continue with Labour local policies.
(b) Councillor Lancaster, Deputy Leader of the Council