Seminole Middle School
School Advisory Council
November 4, 2015
7:15 am
1. Welcome
2. Review October’s Minutes
3. Title I
1. Title I Family Night-Math 11/18/15 at 6:30 pm in the Kiva
2. November Parent Training Academy
4. School Improvement Plan and Input
5. Accreditation
6. Central Area Advisory Meetings
a. A. November Meeting-11/19/15 at 9:30 am-Dillard High School
7. AP Capstone Informational Meeting-Monday, November 16th at 6:00 pm
8. Principal’s Report
9. Next SAC Meeting-December 2, 2015 at 7:15 am
10. Adjourn
Seminole Middle School
School Advisory Council
November 4, 2015
7:15 am
1. Welcome
2. Review October’s Minutes- Venuto motioned first to approve minutes. Ms. Klienman seconded the motion.
3. Title I
1. Title I Family Night- Mrs. Reep mentioned that our first Title I Family night (Reading) “went off without a hitch”. Parents received information on reading Standards, there was a scavenger hunt, and Raffles. The next one is for Math 11/18/15 at 6:30 pm in the Kiva.
2. Training Academy- Mrs. Reep stated that there is a Title I parent training Academy at Atlantic West Elementary, next Thursday. There will be a guest speaker Mr. Barrinton Irving (The first African American to fly solo around the world). He is trying to start the first flying classroom. An online in class simulation. (Aviation). Anyone interested in Aviation, we can get our kids involved here. The date is next Thursday from 7-8:30.
4. School Improvement Plan and Input- Sarah Rappaport stated that originally it was supposed to be done by October 30. The district just revamped the plan and it was just approved. Sarah was just given access and she noticed that it has been revamped. She recognizes that it is pretty much the same thing that it has always been but now it is broken into sections. We first recognize what we are doing here for our teachers and our learning communities. The second part is looking at our school wide behavior program. We also look at our attendance plan. The third part is everything for accreditation. Finally, the fourth part is looking at college and career readiness. Sarah will try to PDF the sections out to everyone. We are looking at what worked and what we need to revamp to bring it back. We will discuss it at our December meeting. Mrs. Reep asked for stake holders to provide any input as to any ideas that we may be able to do for extended learning or other school improvement initiatives. Mrs. Kleinman had a suggestion to have study skills class for each year. She also stated something to help with time management and getting ready for the rigor. Marlow stated that there isn’t money in the budget because the money is for core classes. What we can do here at the school is to stress and utilize the planner. Mrs. Marlow stated that she would really urge the teachers to have the kids use their planners.
5. Accreditation- Sarah. Rappaport stated that we are in an accreditation year which means that; everything we do is what the accreditation department looks at in order to decide if Broward Schools is going to remain accredited. We are talking about Standard 1, which is the mission and vision of the school. Next month we will begin to move to standard 2. Standard 1 also relates to student achievement and growth. Next October they will be coming to Broward County to start the accreditation process. They will pick schools randomly and then they will have meetings where they will talk to the parents about what’s going on in your school. They also talk to the teachers and talk to administration. We are keeping it at the top of our minds and bringing it up as often as we can. Mrs. Marlow stated that 5 years ago we were cited for speaking with parents and community members they were not aware that the school had been an accreditation year the past 12 months. The purpose is to make sure the parents and community members and stakeholders are aware of what accreditation is. Sarah Rappaport stated that “we are hitting it home with everyone in our community.”
6. Central Area Advisory Meetings- Sarah Rappaport stated that any one is welcome to attend the meetings. They would like to see any parent at the meeting. They are trying to get more involvement. All of the meetings are at Central Broward. The next one is at 9:30 November 19, at Dillard HS. We want representation from the I-zone. Mrs. Venuto mentioned that in February we are hosting one at S. Plantation High School. November Meeting-11/19/15 at 9:30 am-Dillard High School
7. AP Capstone- It’s a program that’s happening at the HS that is Advanced Placement and run by the College Board. We are introducing the AP Capstone at the middle school. Monday, November 16, at 6pm, will be an informational meeting here at Seminole. Bard from the College Board will be here speaking about it. Wednesday, November 18, at Cooper City at 8pm. More information will be given out at the meeting on the 16th. The students who graduates with an AP Capstone Diploma will have the AP insignia on their diploma and get automatic admission to certain universities. Mrs. Marlow wants to open the program to all students not just high achieving. We have one here at our school for one section of speech and debate. Mrs. Marlow stated how the program is phenomenal. It uses the framework of not just having kids regurgitate information but instead digest, analyze, synthesize and apply certain concepts and information.
8. Principal’s Report
a) Teleconference- Mrs. Marlow stated that earlier in the week she had visited a teacher’s classroom (Mrs. Mirza), where they were doing a live video streaming, talking to a live astronaut. The astronauts showed pictures and the students were able to ask questions to the astronaut. There are different schedules of the conference to make sure that all of the kids have an opportunity to see it.
b) ELO’s- have started for Math Tuesdays and Thursdays right after school. We have been increasing in numbers and we are increasing our staff. No student will be turned away. We will also be starting back the Jim Ward Center. We have also started a mentoring program where we are working with the MTL program and our PEARL’s for the females. More information about the programs will be forthcoming. We have noticed a significant decrease with the referrals.
c) Class Size- We have gotten our class size percentage to 80%. That means that 80% of our classes are 22 students or under. Mrs. Marlow was able to work it out in the budget where she is able to purchase Chrome Book Carts. The goal is that all core teachers have a cart in their classroom.
d) Conversations with the District- will be taking place within the next month. This is an opportunity to speak with board members and speak to the Superintendent about any concerns.
9. Next SAC Meeting-December 2, 2015 at 7:15 am
10. Adjourn- The meeting was adjourned at 8:09 by Sarah Rappaport
Seminole Middle School is a Title I School