Dear Parent/Guardian:

As the 10th grade counselor, I met with your student’s class today to discuss course selection for next school year. You can review the courses your student has selected through Home Access Center (Choose the “Classes” link at the top, then select the “Requests” tab. If you need to make changes, you may do so through HAC until the end of February. If you have any questions about the scheduling process or about the courses being offered, please contact me (Jennifer Wagner): 302-653-3133 or .


(2016-2017 school year)
Class of 2019
To be promoted to 10th grade:
Students must earn 6 credits.
(1 English; 1 Math; 4 additional credits)
4 English
4 Math
3 Science (must take/pass Biology)
3 Social Studies (must take/pass US History)
1 Physical Education
½ Health
3 Career Pathway
2 World Language
5.5 Electives
26 Total Credits

Students perform best in honors level courses

when they meet the following criteria:

-Earned an 80% in the current honors course.

-Earned a 90% in the current college preparatory course.

Visit the “School Counselors” website for announcements, information on college planning, study skills, Student Success Plans, and more.

*From the SHS website, click on the “School Counselors” link on the right.

*Please review the Schedule Change Policy on the other side of this document.

Smyrna High School Schedule Change Policy

The expectation for scheduling is that students and parents have made a concerted effort to choose the appropriate classes and alternates that will prepare them for graduation, college and/or the work force. Once a schedule is completed, teachers are hired, books are ordered and classrooms are prepared which, when changed, cause a ripple effect. Therefore, there will be no schedule changes once a request is in place, other than for the following exceptions:

Schedule Changes:

(These exceptions may only take place within the allotted 2 week time frame at the beginning of school).

·  Balancing classes to prevent overcrowding at the request of administration.

·  Result of a disciplinary action by the administration.

·  Level Changes (AP/Honors to CP, CP to Applied etc.) - student must have written parental consent.

·  Replacing an SSR with a course, co-op, student aide or early release. This option is for students in a senior homeroom ONLY.

·  Lack of required courses needed for graduation.

·  If a student is assigned to a teacher with whom they took a class and failed,

every effort will be made to re-assign the student to a different teacher.

Schedule changes are ONLY made for academic purposes.

The following list represents examples of reasons that are not considered acceptable for schedule changes:

·  Student/Parent does not like the teacher

·  Student/Parent does not like the teaching style

·  Teacher is “too hard” or “too strict”

·  Teacher gives too much work

·  Student is failing the class

·  GPA is being affected

·  Student wants a different lunch

Since class changes will not be made for the reasons listed above, students and parents should assess their abilities and goals and carefully request courses for each school year. Students should make special note of course level (Honors, AP, or CP), Career Pathways, graduation requirements (PE/Health etc), any requirements set forth by the NCAA Eligibility Center, and what elective/alternate classes they choose.

Level Changes:

Level changes (i.e. Honors to CP) may also be made up to 6 school days after issuance of the first report card. These changes will only be considered at the written request of the parent and if there is room available in the requested course level. Level changes after that period will be limited to cases with extenuating circumstances at the discretion of the administration. Grades earned in the initial course “follow” the student to the new course.

If there is any question about the difficulty level of a particular course, teachers and counselors can be consulted prior to requesting the course.