1st Six Weeks, American Government


Unit 1, Ch. 1 /
  • Purposes of Government
  • Types of Government
  • Principles of Democracy
  • Is government truly necessary in a society?
  • What role does the distribution of power play in how governments are organized?
  • What are the essential elements of a democracy?

Unit 2, Ch. 2-4 /
  • The Creation of the Constitution
  • Principles of The Constitution
  • Federalism/Division of Powers
  • Separation of Powers/ Checks and Balances
  • Changing the Constitution
  • Was the U.S. Constitution a product of innovation or imitation?
  • To what extent should power be divided in a democracy?
  • If the goal is to preserve democracy, should changing the Constitution be easy or difficult?

Unit 3, Ch. 5-9 /
  • The Two-Party System in American History
  • Functions of Parties
  • Party Organization and Process
  • Political Participation and Interest Groups
  • What attracts Americans to one political party over another?
  • Are political parties a necessity in American politics?
  • If we have political parties, why do we need other political interest groups?

1st Six Weeks Objectives and I CAN statements


* I can identify significant individuals in government and politics (Game Changers)

* I canexplain major political ideas from history such as natural law, natural rights, divine right of kings, and social contract theory, and the rights of resistances to illegitimate government (Ch. 1)

* I can identify major intellectual, philosophical, political and religious traditions that address issues of liberty, rights, and responsibilities of individuals. (Ch. 1)

* I can evaluate the role the federal government plays in establishing the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution (Ch. 1)

* I can compare the structures, functions, and processes of the national, state, and local governments in the U.S. federal system (Ch. 1)

* I can explain why the Founding Fathers created a distinctly new form of federalism and chose a federal system of government vs. a unitary system. (Ch. 1)

* I can compare the U.S. constitutional republic to historical and contemporary forms of government (Ch. 1)

* I can analyze advantages and disadvantages of federal, confederate, and unitary systems of government (Ch. 1)

* I can analyze advantages and disadvantages of presidential and parliamentary systems of government (Ch. 1)

* I can understand how U.S. constitutional protections such as patents have fostered competition and entrepreneurship (Ch. 1)

* I can evaluate the impact of the Internet and other electronic information on the political process (Ch. 1)


* I can identify the contributions of the political philosophies of the Founding Fathers (John Adams, Alexander Hamilton, Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, John Jay, George Mason, Roger Sherman, and James Wilson), Ch. 2

* I can examine the debates and compromises that impacted the making of the founding documents (Ch. 2)

* I can explain how crucial a written constitution is. (Ch. 2)

* I can analyze how the Federalist Papers explain the principles of the American constitutional system of government. (Federalist 10)

* I can evaluate constitutional provisions for limiting the role of government (Ch. 3)

* I can describe the procedures outlined in the constitution by which the U.S. Constitution can be amended. (Ch. 3)

I can also analyze the role of the amendment process in a constitutional government. (Ch. 3)

* I can identify how the American beliefs and principles of the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution contribute to both national and federal identity are apart of the United States today. (Ch. 2 and 3)

* I can examine the reasons why the Founding Fathers protected religious freedom in America. (Ch. 3)

* I can explain how certain provisions of the U.S. Constitution provide for checks and balances (Ch. 3)

* I can categorize government powers as national, state, or shared (Ch. 4)


* I can analyze the functions of political parties and their role in the electoral process at different levels of government (Ch. 5)

* I can explain the two-party system and evaluate the role of third parties in the United States (Ch. 5)

* I can identify opportunities for citizens to participate in political party activities (Ch. 5&9)

* I can understand the factors that influence an individual’s political attitudes and actions (Ch. 8)

* I can examine different points of view of political parties and interest groups (Ch. 5 and 9)

* I can give examples of the processes used by different entities to affect public policy (Ch. 5-9)

* I can assess the impact of the changes brought about by individuals, political parties, interest groups, or the media today and in the past (Ch. 5-9)