Computer Programming 11 Project #3 – Grid Game

Your objective is to develop a game where the character navigates a world. It could be a: Grid Based Top View [GBTV]: (Pokémon / Original Final Fantasy /My Mario vs. Koopa demo) or an Infinite Runner [IR] (Run! / Ski Free / Frogger / My Asteroid game demo). I envision this as a 1-player game.

In a grid based top view game, the character navigates a series of levels to attempt to accomplish an objective. Each level should have a puzzle to it. There must be enough levels to develop a story to the game.

In an infinite runner, the game continues to infinity until the character dies. The player is trying to score the most points possible. Keep track of the high-score. There must be a way to earn points. As the character progresses further into the game, the difficulty level should automatically increase. This could happen because it speeds up, or the character’s HP continually decreases, or fuel runs out, etc.

You must get your choice of game approved by me before starting. You will fill out a basic proposal to design your game. This is worth 10 marks.

CP11 Project #3 – Grid GameName: ______Game:______Total: _____ / 60

Skill Number / Criteria / 0 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Game Structure
Game Flow / Rules of the game are clear
Player knows how to play
Character Control / Inputs feel intuitive
Game play makes sense
Items / There must be at least 1 item which increases the player’s score.
There must be at least 1 enemy which kills the player.
Status / User can see their current score / items /etc.
Game Over / Can be reset to begin a new game
High score is tracked
Programming Practice
#2: Coding Conventions / Elements prefixed with txt/lbl/etc.
Capitalization makes names easy to read
No Button1/TextBox1 etc.
#6: If-Else / If /Else-If / Else used appropriately
#7: Loops / Uses a 2d-loop to navigate the game status array to draw the current frame.
#9: Arrays / Data for the game is stored in memory in an array
#10: Methods / When performing a similar action, common functionality is moved into a Private Sub instead of Copy/Paste
#11: Graphics / Graphics are drawn on a Panel.
If necessary, panel is double buffered to reduce flickering. (An occassional flicker is fine, but it should not be distracting).
#12: Events / GBTV: Character causes the game to advance to the next level
IR: Timer advances character to next level automatically; a new level is added automatically
#13: Inputs / Character is controlled using the mouse cursor / keyboard events instead of buttons

Programming 11– Grid Game ProposalName:______Score:_____/10

Game’s Name:______


Style: ______

3-sentence synopsis:______





Item / Event / Points Earned

InterfaceGame Play Sketches