Social Studies

Study Guide-The First Americans

Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate sheet of paper.

1. Which groups built villages from adobe?

2. How do American Indians hand down their customs and folklore?

3. Give 3 examples of American Indian government.

4. The groups in the Pacific Northwest used their resources for what purpose?

5. What did the groups in the Desert Southwest use their resources for?

6. What is agriculture?

7. Why was it important for American Indians to live near a water source?

8. Why did some American Indians of the Great Plains travel?

9. Give 3 reasons for an American Indian group to have a celebration or ceremony.

10. What was the benefit of American Indians interacting with other groups?

11. What technology did the American Indians use to survive?

12. What was special about the homes of the Great Plains groups?

13. What did the American Indians of the Pacific Northwest and the Eastern Woodlands have in common?

14. Compare and contrast the homes of the American Indians of the Eastern Woodlands and Great Plains.

15. Describe how one of the American Indian groups used resources for obtaining utensils or clothing.

16. Compare how men and women of the Eastern Woodlands used natural resources.

17. What was the purpose of a potlatch in the Pacific Northwest?

18. What role did nature have in the celebrations of the Iroquois?

19. How did the economies of many American Indian groups develop?

20. What issues did the Iroquois Confederacy discuss?