Friday, May 17, 2013

1:00 – 3:00 pm

Joan Stout Hall 115

Members Present Representing

Nick Edgar, Committee Chair Timberline Product Design

Susan Mangin, Vice Chair Evergreen School District

Thomas Johansen Johansen Architects

John Parkin Parkin Engineering, Inc.

Tom Syfrett Parsons Brinckerhoff

Rich Schoof Christensen Shipyards

Members Not Present

Eric Fivecoats Pro-Tech Industries

Pattie Wenholz Express Fire Systems

Ron Lermo Meister Clonsulting LLC

Doug Pruitt Architects Barrentine Bates Lee

Eric Ramme MacKay Sposito

Tony Graham SEH America, Inc.

Clark College

Tina Barsotti Professor, Engineering

Peter Williams Dean, Science Technology & Engineering &


Dedra Daehn Director of Academic Services

Andreana DiGiorgio Secretary Sr., Advisory Committees

Meeting was called to order at 1:16 pm by Committee Chair Nick Edgar, with introductions.

Review of the Minutes of the Previous Meeting:

A motion was made to approve the May 18, 2012 minutes with the correction of Thomas Johansen’s last name. The motion was seconded and unanimously approved by the committee.

Office of Instruction/Advisory Committee Business:

Dedra Deahn, Director of Academic Services reminded the committee of the Advisory Committee Recognition Reception being held on Thursday, June 6, 2013 at 5:30 pm. She asked the members if they planned to attend but hadn’t yet RSVP’d to please do so with Andreana.

Division Chair Report:

Engineering Professor Tina Barsotti reported on the AST-2 major ready pathway to technology. It was approved, and is being taught at Clark but after looking at it they found it does not match with the CADD program. Tina said that on the state level there is a group of people from various engineering schools, specifically Central Washington and Western Washington Universities, who will look at it and help make it more applicable. Tina said she hopes someone from Western looks at it because eventually the AST-2 degree could be made into a transfer degree to Western. For now, it does not articulate because Western teaches CADD in the junior and senior years and Clark teaches CADD in the freshman and sophomore years. Nick said that he would like to see this program move forward and says he sees value in the certificate and the stand alone associate’s degree but also feels that Clark has a responsibility to the community of students to support their efforts to go forward towards a four year degree.

Director of Academic Services Dedra Deahn mentioned that financial aid does not support the CADD certificate but is a good match for the worker retraining student.


Nick reported that the remodeled room was not quite ready for classes and was tough to teach there. The room didn’t have a screen and the screen that was eventually put in is too small. Susan Mangin agreed that the screen is too small for the room and is next to a window which gives the screen a lot of glare. She also mentioned that the computers are not arranged well. The computers are all facing the wall and students have to turn completely around to see the instructor and screen. They both said the room is fine for advanced students but not so good for beginning students.

Susan is teaching the hybrid class, Engineering 140. She had a little trouble because she was not familiar with Moodle, but she said that all in all, it went well.

Vision 2020:

Dean Peter Williams explained Vision 2020 to the members. He asked that they think about this the same way they would a five-year strategic plan. This will parallel the college’s 2015-20 strategic plan. Vision 2020 will be put on the next meeting agenda.

Work Plan:

Review of existing and new software should be put on the 2013-14 Work Plan.

New Business:

Tina reported on SolidWorks. She found someone to proctor and grade the students; however, Hockinson just called and said the students were not ready. She announced that Glenwood High School has created a SolidWorks course and would like to articulate with Clark College the same way that Hockinson is. This is an advisory committee decision. She handed out an outline of the Glenwood course and asked the committee for feedback.

Tina agreed to contact Keith Stansbury to attend the June meeting.

There was some discussion of committee members; who has attended and who has not. It was agreed that Tony Graham and Doug Pruitt would be contacted to find out their plans for membership. Nick Edgar and Keith Stansbury will be cc’d on the email.

Tina mentioned that the Clark College Women in Science & Engineering is offering a mentoring tea on Wednesday, June 12 from 4:00 – 6:00 pm at Torque Coffee Roaster. If anyone wants to join in they can let her know.

Nick summarized the meeting. On the next meeting agenda the committee will review student work and a new chair and vice chair will be elected to a two-year reign.

Next Meeting Date:

The next meeting date is Friday, June 21, 2013. After some discussion about the time of the meeting it was agreed by the members that 1:00 pm would be best for all.

The meeting was adjourned by Nick at 2:15 pm.

Prepared and submitted by Andreana DiGiorgio