Language – some basics
-5,000 different languages
-Problem of discerning languages and dialects
- Could be political issues (Czech x Slovak)
-dialect continuant
- natural (used)
- artificial (something created – mathematics, computer languages)
-all humans can learn language
-language is a system
- language is in a certain balance
- language is open (this can destroy the aforementioned balance)
- e.g. influx of foreign words
- system can re-establish itself
-[ χ ] [ ø ]
- enough [f]
- laugh [f]
- eight [ ø ]
Medium of language
- allows distance
Language is not continuous
-made of discreet units
Non-verbal communication
- body language
- paralinguistics
- bodily gestures, facial expressions
-e.g. / quality if voice
-complementing language
-learned gestures
- culture based
- e.g. giving the ‘finger’
-instinctive gestures
- involuntary
- voluntary
- e.g. smiling, blushing
Origins of language
- Divinity – g/God-given
- experiments – children growing in isolation
- Natural source
- ‘Natural sounds’ theory
- onomatopoeic words
- “bow-wow theory”
- natural cries of emotion
- yo-heave-ho theory
- physical collective activities
- Oral-gesture source
- Physiological adaptation
- certain physical features of human beings not shared by other animals
- even upper teeth
- flexible rounded lips
- flexible moveable top of mouth
- changing shape
- pharynx
- brain
- specialized functions of the lobes
Human vs. animal communication
Types of signals
-unique property of human language
- displacement
- language makes it possible to talk about past & future
- > ability to lie
- > ability to develop history & mythology
- arbitrariness (property of the linguistic sign)
- there is no direct link between the sign – the sound image & its meaning
- > it’s conventional
- sound symbolism
- certain sounds accompany certain concepts
- [ i ] [ i:]
- connected to smal things
- [ æ ]
- sudden event, with sound
- productivity / creativity
- creating new expressions
- number of utterances is unlimited
- cultural transmission
- language is learned from culture
- discreetness
- duality (double articulation)
- 2 levels
- level of individual sound
- p, i, tphonemes
- level of words
- pit
Other properties
-vocal-auditory channel
- speaker and hearer can change roles
- linguistic sounds only for communication
-rapid fade
- one sound follows another, not together
-prevarication = lying
The act of communication
-communicative frame
- channel (medium)
- situation (context)
- contact
- function of communication
- message
- code
somebody communicates something to somebody else using something in some code
Encoding and decoding
Speakerencodes content C1
Hearerdecodes content C2
C1?=? C2 C1 ≠ C2
Limiting factors in communication
-knowledge of the code
-level of speaker’s / hearer’s knowledge
- social conventions
- if not observed, the channel may be closed
- semantic
- mechanical
- environmental
Bühler (1934)
Speaker > Message > Hearer
-functions of communication
- expressive
- Ausdruck
- focus on speaker
- conative
- Appell
- focus on hearer
- referential
- Darstellung
- focus on message
Jacobson (1960)
content referential functionmessage poetic function
addressor emotive function / Addressee conative function
contact phatic function
code metalinguistic function
Referential function
Emotive function
~ expressive function
-traced on
- phonic (phonological),
- emphatic prolongation
- lexical,
- and grammatical levels
Conative function
Phatic function
-communication for the sake of communication
-assuring that the channel is still open
-ritualized formulas
Metalingual / Metalinguistic function
-related to the language itself
-equational sentences
-language learning
Poetic function
-focus on the message for the sake of itself
-most dominant (sic!) in poetry
-puns, plays on words
- part of linguistics concerning the poetic function and its relationships to the other functions of language
-in poetry + outside poetry
- Ideational function
- language as content (referential)
- Interpersonal function
- language as interaction (conative, expressive)
- Textual function
- language as text
Word Formation (Štekauer Ch. 3)
Position of word formation
-placed within:
- morphology (derivational)
- lexicology
Scope of word formation
- composites
- e.g. ‘reference library’
- determinans (reference) + determinatus (library) (the head)
defining element,identifies the object
identifier, typical
features of determinatus
- complex words
- e.g. speak-er, re-work, lamp-post = WF
- simple words
- e.g. work, lamp, post = lexicology
WF & its limits
-words formed as grammatical syntagmas (=combinations of full linguistic signs)
-complex words not made up of full linguistic signs (blending, clipping)
- e.g. conceive, receive, Tuesday, cranberry
WF processes
- compound x collocation x syntactic group
- (adverse claim x sexual assault x assault claim)
- orthography
- uninflected word base (but sales-oriented)
- stress
Types of Compounds
-primary vs. synthetic (no verbal element [shop lamp] vs. verbal element {-er, -ing, -ed} [brown-eyed])
-neoclassical (elements of Greek or Latin origin) (subject to other WF processes [clipping – kilogram > kilo]) vs. classical (still follow original [Greek of Latin] grammar [agriculture (not agerculture)])
-endocentric vs. exocentric
- endo- - the meaning of the compound is inward-looking, contained in determinatum (table tennis is a kind of tennis)
- exo- - have so-called zero determinatum (redskin is not a kind of skin, but a kind of person), the meaning looks externally (blackshirt, pickpocket, cutthroat), description of people, animals, plants (heal-all)
- bahuvrihi (specifically referring to people)
-w/o a connecting element vs. with a connecting element (an interfix)
- can be specific vowel (agriculture)
- can be meaningful (editor-in-chief, Rent-a-Car)
-syntactic vs. asyntactic
- syntactic – follow syntactic rules (pickpocket – someone, who picks pockets)
- asyntactic – does not follow syntactic rules (frostbitten – bitten by frost)
-Germanic-type vs. French-type
- Germanic – determinans + determinatum
- French – determinatum + determinans (attorney general – kind of attorney, not a kind of general)
-coordinative (copulative/dvandva) vs. subordinate
- coordinative – both elements are equally important (actor-manager, bittersweet, left-right arguments, mother-daughter relationship, Austria-Hungary)
- subordinate – one of the element is more important (‘a kind of’)
-affix morpheme added to WF base
- expansion X class-changing affixes
- declutch, enthrone, behead (de-, en-, be-)
- speak-er (base form + suffix) (verb > noun)
- suffix cannot stand on its own
- changes word classes
-typical of English
-also zero derivation
-to pocket the money, to finger one’s face
-based on the economy of expression
-very expansive verbs
- not a WF process, use of word in syntactic function not typical for its word class
- zero derivation (zero suffix)
- down, like, round – acquire word class in the process of sentence-generation
- based on conceptual recategorization
-total vs. partial conversion
- partial conversion
- can be used only in limited forms of the converted class
- thethen president – not predicative, *very then, etc.
-“There is no noun that can’t be verbed.” (McArthur)
-where to find
- journalism (esp. American – to interview sb), Shakespeare
-limits to conversion
- if a verb has a specific verbal ending (modify), not likely to change into noun
Back formation
-lazylaze (= craze crazy)
-based on analogy
-difficulty ( < difficulté[Fr]) > difficult
-cherries, peas (< pisum [La]) > cherry, pea
-synchronically – suffixation
-historically – reanalysis
-‘portmanteau words’/blends
-smog (smoke + foke), Oxbridge (Oxford + Cambridge), brunch (breakfast + lunch), electrocute
Shortening of complex words
-does not make new words
- taking away something
- back clipping ad advertisement, lab, pro, brandy, high-tech, Will
- fore clipping burger < hamburger, gator, Becky, Ginny < Virginia
- fore and aft clipping flu < influenza, tec < detective, Lex < Alexander, Liz < Elisabeth
- Aus + NZ E – adding suffixes (+ Willie)
- letter acronyms – NATO
- syllabic acronyms – ASDA
- radar, laser, scuba
- MADD – Mothers Against Drink Driving
- DAMM – Drivers Against Mad Mothers
- byob – bring your own bottle
- INRI – IesusNazarenus Rex Iudaeorum
- ARC – AIDS (Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome) Related Complex
- WASP – White Anglo-Saxon Protestant
-combination of two similar or same elements
-by mere repetition
- girly-girly, no-no
-ablaut combinations
- chit-chat, ping-pong, tip-top, criss-cross, hocus-pocus
-rhyme combinations
- walkie-talkie, willy-nilly [volky-nevolky]
-acceptation of a new word by speakers
- nonce formation (creating the word for specific needs based on situation)
- institutionalization (accepting the word)
- lexicalization proper (losing its former syntactic base)
Lexical Semantics
Extralinguistic reality
-amorphous vs. discrete
- amorphous
- there is a continuant, there are no limits
-different distinctions in different languages
- stream vs. river, hill vs. mountain, plant vs. weed
-also in different groups (children/adults, illiterate/educated, philosophers…)
-there is no direct relation between the sign and the meaning (de Saussure – signifiant and signifié)
-different cultures may not feel the need to distinguish, or distinguish on different levels
-colour spectrum
- different cultures distinguish different basic colours
- e.g. dark/light; dark/light/red; …
-sequence of sounds (phonological word)
-word ends with spaces around it (orthographical word)
-contains no smaller unit able to stand on its own
- you can’t change the sequence of units in word and preserve the meaning
-in analytical languages words are not so strictly connected to word classes (as opposed to synthetic languages)
Lexemes/lexical units
-abstractions (in CAPITALS)
- TABLE – table x tables
- morphological changes not important to lexicology
-may be a phrase
Meaning: notional core + periphery (denotation + connotations)
-denotation – the meaning of the word itself outside of context
-connotations – other senses of the word
Central (focal) vs. metaphorical
-central – what comes to mind first
- table, head
-metaphorical – based on the central
- head – person representing some constitution
-denotations are quite similar in different languages, but connotations are very different
Components of meaning
-denotation (signification)
- CAT- a feral animal
- stylistic layer (territorial, social, stylistic, temporal)
- a black cat…
- idiosyncratic, personal
- feeling about cats (e.g. love/hate)
-relational features (converseness)
- relationships to other words
- e.g. buy – sell (when somebody buys, somebody else sells)
- cat – CAT – cat, leopard, lion…
- pussycat – tomcat
-inferential meaning
- kiss a mouth
meaning vs. sense
- more precise
//polysemous words – words with many meanings
-what the word means
-what it relates to
What does it take to know a word?
-inner structure
-paradigmatic relations
-paratactic classification (taxonomy)
- classifying the word into certain semantic category
-distribution and frequency
Motivation and arbitrariness
-Ogden and Richard: semiotic triangle
- concerning the signs
/ \
sign (word) form ------> object [extralinguistic world] (referent)
-linguistic sign
- signifiant + signifié (physical form + referent)
- icon X index X symbol
- icon
- direct similarity (photograph)
- index
- one things implies another (fire + smoke)
- symbol
- no relation between signifiant and signifié
- transparency X opaqueness
- getable vs. accessible
Semasiology vs. Onomasiology
-start from form and end with meaning vs. start from meaning and end with form
-semasiology(form meaning)
- polysemy
- use of antonymy to find out whether the word is polysemous or not
- manvs 1. woman 2. child 3. animal
- economy of language
- homonymy
- several meanings, unrelated words
- real homonyms
- bar – 1. (<barrer, Fr. – obstacle) something which prevents enter 2. a unit of pressure (baros, Gr.)
- bank – 1. place where you put your money 2. place by river
- homophones
- same sound, but different spelling
- course vs. coarse, manor vs. manner, threw vs. through
- homographs
- same spelling, different sound
- wind [wind] vs. wind [waind]
- interlanguage homonyms (faux amis)
- similar form, but different meanings
- //J. Hladký – Zrádnáslova v angličtině//
-onomasiology (meaning form)
- synonymy
- same or nearly the same meaning
- laughter – laugh, father – dad (only in denotations, father [priest]≠dad)
- absolute synonyms
- sciences
- common nouns for plants vs. botanic names
- usually difference in at least one seme (meaning)
- jump vs. leap (leap incorporates “change vertical position”)
- may have stylistic, emotional connotations (break vs. smash – smash is marked, includes violence)
- antonymy
- oppositeness of meaning
- contradictory antonyms
- binary relationships
- above vs. below, left vs. right, death vs. life
- hyponymy, hyperonymy
Componential analysis
-finding out semes included in the word
-based on binary questions
- + MALE
-potential semes
- present only in some meanings of the word
Centre vs. periphery
-centre – currently used expressions
-periphery – new words, dated words
- couch potato
- spin doctor (P.R. person, sending messages to the media in order to win the public opinion)
- yuppie (young urban professional)
-shift of meaning
- loan words
- keeping its original form
- lain words
- changing its form to match the English (plural, etc.)
- school (<schola, L.)
-calque translation
- word by word translation (Superman < Übermensch)
//asset-stripping – tunelování//
//bren gun – Brno Enfield//
-coinage / root creation
- sometimes names of products (Codac, Google, Hobbit)
Language variations
-the fiction of homogeneity
- synchronic
- diachronic
- e.g. British and American English
- formal – informal, slang
-common core
- things common for all of the varieties
- e.g. children (vs. offspring [only in particular style] or kids)
-user-related (dialects)
- associated with particular people
- geographical, temporal, social, gender, age
-use-related (usage / styles / registers)
- associated with functions, used in particular context
- legal
- geographical
- Cockney (also social)
- Cumbria
- Estuary
- Lancashire
- Geordie (NE of England)
- Scouse
- Yorkshire
- the U.S.A.
- North
- Coastal South
- Midland
- West
- temporal
- diachronic
- language spoken at different times
- Shakespearean English vs. modern English
- social
- social classes
- ethnicity
- African-American English, Chicano English, RP
- Kachru
- Indian linguistic
- English as three concentric circles
- inner circle
- English as native language
- second circle
- English as native language, but also other native language
- third circle
- speakers who use English as second language
- standard or non-standard
- standard
- 'supranational'
- not considered regional
- idiolectal
- manner of speech specific to individual
- age
- e.g. different diction
- sex / gender
- 'powerful' vs. 'powerless'
- 1476 William Caxton
- printing press
- unification of spelling
- originally a regional dialect
- considered English standard
- ca 3-5% speakers in England
- situations
- religious
- journalism
- at work
- …
- adoption of different styles
- field/domain
- subject matter of the situation
- e.g. science, advertising, law etc.
- tenor
- relation between the speaker and hearer
- e.g. friend to friend, etc.
- mode
- textual organization of the message
- e.g. choice between written or spoken medium
- thematic organization
- sociolinguistics
- diachronic linguistics
- dialectology
- 1876 Georg Wenker
- no clear distinction between Low and High German
- lots of transitional areas
- natural barriers may result in creation of dialects
- 1903-10 Jules Gilliéron
- linguistic atlas
Dialectology - basic concepts
- dialect continuum
- dialect levelling
- due to standard, media, greater movement of people…
- greater uniformity
- isogloss
- imaginary line on a map separating two distinct occurrences of language
- wave theory of language change
- centre & periphery
- features emanate from centre to periphery
- diglossia - sociolinguistics
- state when speakers have two different language varieties
- L
- low variety
- vernacular
- H
- high variety
- used in formal context
- language contact
- Pidgin
- auxiliary languages
- enabling communication between people with different language background
- business,
- Creole
- Pidgin becoming mother tongue
Standard English
- past: King's/Queen's English
- prestigious variety
- print standards
- educational & standard English
- standard Englishes
- British models
- RP - conservative, general (BBC), advanced
- now called BBC English (+= no social class implied)
- BBC English
- RP accent
- BBC - 1922
- Advisory Committee on Spoken Language - 1926
- recommend policy on words disputed in the society
- based on the public school pronunciation
- BBC Pronunciation Unit - 1940s
- after war - non RP accents
- 1989 - regional variations in World Service
- anybody born within the sound of St. Mary-le-Bow Church bells
- pronunciation
- th > f
- th > v
- h > 0
- at the beginning of words h in front of initial vowels to emphasise
- diphthongization
- eiai
- aioi
- glottal stop (ráz)
- t, k in the middle and at the end of words butter > bu'er
- linking r
- syllabic final l > vocalization [u]
- syntax
- double negatives
- question tags to invite agreement
- dropping of prepositions to, at
- vocabulary
- Cockney rhyming slang
- slang
- words originating in e.g. Yiddish
- minced oaths and euphemisms
- Blimey! < God blind me!
- sometimes -o endings
- backslang (yob < boy)
- 1984
- common among young people in London and around London
- something between RP and Cockney
- accent
- [l] > [w]
- sometimes disappears completely
- glottal stop
- [i:] in word final position (citee instead of city)
Pidgins and creoles
- contact languages between language of colonizators and the original inhabitants
- pidginization
- simplifying of languages > creation of pidgin
- creolization
- creating greater complexity in pidgin, creating creole
- reduced distinct phonemes [s] for [sh], [p] for [f] (no distinction between e.g. ship and sip)
- no [r]
- voiced > unvoiced
- grammar
- no plural (plural marker - prepositioning 'ol')
- no tense markers (use of adverbials to indicate tense)
- universal pronoun 'em'
- dual, trial number
- adjectives created by -pela (<fellow)
- transitive verbs -im (<him)
- 'a wastebasket of linguistics'
- C. W. Morris
- syntax
- relationship of signs to other signs
- semantics
- relationship of signs to the objects
- pragmatics
- relationship of signs to their interpreters (users)
philosophy of language --> 2 theories
- speech act theory
- conversational implicature (logic of conversation / co-operative principle)
- the study of speaker meaning
- the study of contextual meaning
- the study of how more gets communicated than is said
- the study of solidarity and distance
- universal pragmatics
- language-specific pragmatic
- (E: frequency of discourse markers; Jap: honorifics)
- contrastive pragmatics
- cross-cultural pragmatics
- inter-language pragmatics
- 2nd language learners - 'getting our pragmatics wrong' and revealing the social outsider in us
Basic concepts
- speaker meaning
- utterance
- context
- not only immediately relevant 'co-text'
- also e.g. situational context
- and cultural context
- speech act
- speech event
- presupposition
- something the initiator of communication assumes to be the case prior to making utterances
- I've spoken to John on the underground.
- entailment (logical implicature)
- logically follows from what is stated in the utterance
- I've never been to Liverpool. (>can entail: I'd like to go, I don't know much about Liverpool…)
- implicature
- speaker-oriented (S communicates meaning via implicature)
- inference
- listener recognises the meaning (decodes the implicit meaning)
speakerimplicature > utterance < inference < listener