St. Mary of the Lake Catholic School Council Meeting
Meeting Minutes
Monday, November 14, 2005
In Attendance: Paula Geddis, Lana Daniels, Linda Miller, Loraine Auger, Lorea Gabriel, Glenn Mitchell, Iain Johnston, Tanis Blocka, Lisa Meyer and Leigh-anne Sheldon Houle
1) Call to order: 7:00 p.m.
2) Lords Prayer
3) Welcome, Introductions
4) Agenda additions/deletions: 9a)Band aide grant app., 9b) Shelly’s Lebig’s comment on FI program, 9c) internet awareness 9d) Slave Lake Cable advertising 9e)WOW Letter, 6b) Jewel Astric 6c) Letter from the official opposition
5) Review minutes from Oct 24, 2005 regular Meeting. –Lorraine motions to accept, Iain seconds the motion, all in favor therefore motion carried
6) Correspondence/Announcements
a) M.S. Read-a-thon- Lisa received correspondence in regards to the M.S read-a-thon, would we like to participate. Discussed put to next
b) Jules Astric sent a note to PC about collecting change at the tills of local businesses as a fundraising effort for SMOTL. Discussed
c) Lisa received a letter from the Alberta Govt. official opposition in regards to having the current govt. eliminate school fees, discussed and decided that we needed more information to decide whether or not to sign the petition.
7) Business arising from the minutes
a) Video rating policy review date/confirmation of parent input.-Glenn informed us that the committee has only met twice, Lisa would like to request that the video policy be brought to the forefront of the review committee. Put to next
b) Infrastructure update- Education Minister received our letter, has met with our board etc. but no announcement as of yet. Carol Lemay mentioned today that they have finally appointed a new head of infrastructure. Linda spoke to the Minister during the St. Albert reception and was told that there would be more announcements in the next quarter. Discussed
c) Treasurer position-no treasurer as of yet, Glenn will have Bernie include an advertisement for a treasurer in the next newsletter.
d) Reading program spending/kick-off- Leigh-anne has looked into as per the Oct.24 meeting were there was a discussion as to where we spent the money from last years reading program from classroom adoption and donations, discussed the negative feedback that Leigh-anne has been receiving, the possibility of tying into house league, sending a letter home about this years reading program, this years theme is Egypt and the resources and level readers being used daily.
8) Reports
a) PAC Report
§ Financial Report-none available (no treasurer), Lisa will speak to Angel and see where we are at. To next
§ Fundraising report
Playground- Nash will donate all fill for the playground. Thank-you! Tanis has sent out the local donation letters and will write Thanks letters in the spring, discussed the children writing the letters. Tanis looked into the cost of the rubber bracelets for the kids to sell in participation but the cost is too high. Discussion.
Poinsettias- Paula looked into, we could get them for $7.50 each for a six inch pot but they must be ordered ASAP and pre-paid therefore there is not enough time left this year, must also order by case lots of 12 and the price is for over 100 plants. Perhaps we can look into this early next year.
Christmas Cards(Norcard)- Just waiting for the cards to come in, we made about $1100.00 on this fundraiser, they also have a spring campaign as well, Paula will be kept informed from Norcard. To next
Bookfair- Everything is set, just need to send home info to families and organize volunteers. Discussed. Lana volunteered to deliver the flyers to the classrooms. To next
b) Teachers Report –Loraine presented, Nov.28 will be the lighting of the Advent, Dec.21 elementary Christmas concert, FI Dec. 22& 23, Jr.Sr. band will be the week before. There will be a Spirit week which will include a Student Union Toy Drive, discussed the shoebox program, the food bank donations tying into house league and letting the paper know how many pounds of food collected for the food bank.
c) Native Ed report-none
d) Outreach Principal’s report-none
e) Principal’s Report-Glenn presented – the portables are complete, wait on the Sr. Lockers, demolition to begin Nov.21 (the area will first be fenced off)- Annual Plan for Learning will be presented next month- Discussed Halloween activities, the conference on bullying at the Gathering Place, D.A.R.E is happening, PTI on Nov.29 from 5-8 p.m., no school Dec.2, elementary assemblyDec.5, Native fashion show tentatively Dec.10.
9) New Business
a) Band Aide Grant- put to Jan. meeting
b) Shelly Lebig- spoke to Leigh-anne and told her that her child’s marks have dropped 15% upon enrolling in a Ft. Saskatchewan FI program. Discussed many reasons for this, the curriculum differences (none) and that some kids have increased marks when transferring to new schools from ours.
c) Internet Awareness- Allen Menduk would like to hold an Internet Awareness evening, 30-90 min. in length, it will discuss risks for both parents and children, phising, viruses, spy ware etc.- discussed the possibility of when and positive response. To Next
d) Slave Lake Cable- Paula thinks that Rick from Slave Lake cable is covering the cost of the school adds himself this year, will look into. To next
e) WOW letter- Lisa brought in a copy of the WOW letter from Roland and discussed the positive attributes for a letter such as this. Discussed
f) Slave Lake Regional Council is funding directly to the parents and not to the school, EG. And CJ. Have the funds directed directly to their schools administration. Discussed this and the potential of PUFF home visit. Glenn will look into
10) Date for next Meeting December 12/05 @7:00p.m.
11) Adjournment; 9:00 p.m.