General Biology
Grading and Class Policy

Voice Mail: (317) 846-7721 ext 7640
Web page:

Materials Required:

1. textbook
2. #2 pencils + white, lined note paper
3. three ring binder
4. set of 12 colored pencils


Grades are based on points earned in the following categories which are weighted
as the indicated percentage of the term grade:

home or class work10%
lab activities20%

The PowerTeacher grading program will calculate the grade percentage when points
are entered. Letter grades are assigned according to the following scale and are not
rounded or “curved”:

A = 92.500 - 100C = 72.500 - 76.499
A- = 89.500 - 92.499C- = 69.500 - 72.499
B+ = 86.500 - 889.499D+ = 66.500 - 69.499
B = 82.500 - 86.499D = 62.500 - 66.499
B- = 79.500 - 82.499D- = 59.500 - 62.499
C+ = 76.500 - 79.499F = 00.000 - 59.499

Progress reports will be printed after each test, to be signed by a parent/guardian and
kept in the three ring binder along with all graded papers in the following tabbed



A semester final exam will cover each semesters work and count as 20% of the final
semester grade. At the end of the year, there will be a state mandated test that will
coverall of the state biology standards for the entire year.

Graded Work:

Home or class work is graded for neatness, completion and effort
Lab work is graded for neatness, correct answers and team contribution
Quizzes and Tests are graded for correct answers
3-ring binders are assessed once per grading period in the quiz category
Late work is the obtained grade divided by 2 for each day late

There is NO extra credit of any kind so do not even ask !

Make-up Work:

Students will be expected to make up any work missed due to excused absence from class.
It is the responsibility of the student to determine what was missed and to complete the
work within a specified time. Missing a due date is a 50% grade reduction per day.
Missed lab work will be made up using provided data. Missed quizzes and tests will be
made up in class on the day of return to class or in SRT if more than one day is missed.
Being absent the class before the test day is not an excuse for postponing the test. Make-up
tests may be different from the original.

Test Retakes:

Any student scoring less than 76% on a chapter test has the option of retaking the test but
may not receive a score higher than 75%. This must be done within 2 class days of the
original test.To qualify, the student must show proof of preparation by outlining the
chapter, defining all vocabulary terms, answering all questions at the end of the chapter,
completing all worksheets and having parents sign a form attesting to at least 2 hours
spent studying the chapter and notes.


Work missed due to an unexcused absence must be made up in a specified time.
ISS (in-school suspension) or OCS (out-of-class suspension) is not unexcused and work is
due as usual. Being unexcused for a test or quiz will result in a detention.



Prearranged absences such as field trips, appointments, family vacations, etc. are
absences known in advance. Work must be picked up ahead of time and is due upon
return. Any test being given during a prearranged absence must be taken before the
absence. Prearranged absences are not allowed during finals.


Not doing your own work when expected is considered cheating. This includes
talking or making a disturbance before everyone is finished with the assignment.
Parents will be notified, detention will be served and an alternative assessment will
be provided.


Students will demonstrate their understanding of scientific terminology through
written work in which incorrect spelling, improper punctuation, poor hand-writing
and incomplete sentences will result in a lower grade.

Students will develop critical and creative thinking skills by identifying relationships
relating cause and effect, making inferences, predictions, etc. as demonstrated by
written work and participation in class.

Students will apply the scientific method when investigating real or simulated
biological problems and will develop a minimum level of competency in lab work
where a lack of serious effort will result in a significantly lower grade!

Advice for Successful Reading or Following Directions

Read from the beginning; do not skip around; be sequential.

Do not go directly to questions or try to fill in blanks without reading; read first!

If there are unknown words, look up definitions; don’t guess meanings.

After reading, answer questions; if confused, read again; still unsure? ASK!

Look at all charts and diagrams and any writing next to them; read and think.

The direction to “review” means to read again, remember and think.