Draw a section of bone showing spongy bone in yellow ,compact bone in red and articular cartilage in blue (p.137)
Draw a long bone labeling proximal and distal epiphysis, diaphysis ,articular cartilage epiphyseal line, periosteum, medullary cavity and endosteum:-p.137
Show microscopic structure of compact bone (p. 139)-Labeling osteon,lamellae,osteocyte,lacuna,centralhaversion canal –w/ blood vessels , and volkman’s canal ;
Make a long bone indicating where appositional growth is occurring,periosteum,endosteum,medullary cavity---color code it as if it was for a child or adolescent-making osseus tissue gray and cartilage blue:-p.140
List and describe the 4 events of bone repair for a break---events occurring in the body…..also list the 2 main procedures in treating a fracture : pp.10-11
- List the names and subtotal as well as totals for cranial and facial Bones--example-Frontal=1
Draw the hyoid bone-What makes it unique?---notes p.14
For skull views 1,2,3, and 4(found on separate paper,cut the skulls apart on bold lines .Color-in each view- with the frontal bone yellow,lacrimal light green ,temporal orange,mandiblered,nasal dark blue-or purple ,zygomaticblue,occipitalbrown,parietalgreen,sphenoid pink vomerturqoise or gray …..Now reassemble each and glue onto these pages provided…be sure to label all bones and markings as seen on indicated pages of text or from the notes:
View 4
Draw and label the sinuses as indicated on p.150-
Cut out vertebral view 5 and label section of vertebrae and indicating the #’s.Color cervical blue,Thoracicgreen,lumbarpurple,sacral orange ,and coccyx yellow-
Draw a typical vertebra,labeling all parts as seen in the notes p.19-
Draw an atlas ,athoracic,a lumbar , andlabel as seen on p.22 of notes_
Draw a sacrum and coccyx as seen on p.156-
Cut out and label view 6 of the bony thorax…color costal cartilage blue
Cut out views 7 and 8 and label . Glue them appropriately together-
-Cut out view 9 and attempt to connect to above views 7 and 8---label----also draw and label posterior view as seen on p.160(notes p.27)
--Also,cut out view 10-attempt to connect appropriately and label-
Cut out view 11 and assemble the hand-labeling appropriately---color phalanges,metacarpals,and carpals 3 different colors….Label each of these bones and give the total carpals , total metacarpals ,and total phalanges….then grand total /handcolor the radius and ulna small section a 4th color
Cut out views 12 and 13,labeling and assembling correctly/Draw the view of the tibia and fibula,as seen in notes p.33-attach to views 12 and 13…..
Cut out the foot-view 14 and assemble correctly—Label -Color talus and calcaneus yellow,tarsalsorange,metatarsals red and phalanges green----label all bones-Give the total tarasls,totalmetatarsals,total phalanges and grand total for foot:
FINALLY-- List the types of joints-- first functionally and then Structurally...notes pp.35-37
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