Miss Caroff Mrs. Salansky Mrs. Quinter
Phone:215-529-2145 Phone:215-529-2145 Email:
Email: Email:
Hello! Welcome to D.0 201! I am currently filling in for Mrs. Salansky until she returns from her maternity leave November 9th. This past May I graduated from DeSales University with a degree in History and Secondary Education. I also graduated from Quakertown Community High School, so I am really excited to be back working in the district. Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns!
QuakertownCommunityHigh School will provide an environment to support a community of learners who work together to maximize their potential: develop personal skills to become life-long learners and effective citizens; and who model integrity, responsibility, and civility.
Each marking period will be: 90 % Summative Assignments + 10% Homework. Individual assignments will be assigned a certain number of points based on quantity of work and difficulty of assessment. Most homework assignments will be worth 2 points; if they are not completed by the due date, they will be zeros. There will be assignments that need to be finished at home such as essays and projects that will have differing point values.
Types of Assessment and Evidence
Test QuizzesHomeworkProjects Cooperative Learning Activities Writing Assignments
Individualized Learning Activities Warm-up Activities Article of the Week Activities
Providing a safe and respectful environment is essential to all classrooms. In order to ensure that everyone, including the teacher, can enjoy our learning experience in US HISTORY III I have to set some guidelines that MUST be followed.
When examining my expectations, some rules fall into the area of no tolerance offenses, and no tolerance offenses are just that they will not be tolerated under any circumstances. Maximum consequences will be sought for students who commit a no tolerance offense. No tolerance offenses include: harassment of any sort (students or faculty), fighting (physical), verbal-confrontation, cheating, saying disrespectful comments regarding anyone in the class or addressing a particular group in society and all other offenses outlined in your student handbook. Behaviors that will be looked at to determine positive conduct are as follows:
1) Always remain positive (keep negative comments to yourself) Be respectful of your classmates and teachers and if you have an issue with a classmate or an activity. Refrain from yelling out to the class how you feel; rather come to see one of us privately to discuss the issue in an adult manner.
2) Remain quietPlease no side-talk while learning materials are being presented this includes when notes are given, students are asking questions, during video’s, etc.
3) Work cooperatively and fairlyin the completion of group work. Do not leave it up to one person in a group to complete all of the work!!! Share your answers verbally as well as in written form. The idea of working in a group is for you to help each other learn.
4) Use appropriate language (No cursing, sexually inappropriate language or culturally insensitive language) If you are cursing loud enough for us to hear then you want to be heard! All things that need to be said can and should be done without using curse words, sexually inappropriate language, or language that is disrespectful of other cultures or lifestyles.
5) Keep the classroom clean and safe (Throwing pencils, paper, and/or any other objects inside or outside of the classroom is unacceptable). If you have trash, you may get up quietly and respectfully and throw it away. You are allowed to have something to drink in class, but you are not to bring food into the classroom. There may be a special occasion where we will have food, but on a typical day, please assume that you are not permitted to bring food into the classroom. This is our classroom, respect it!! It is a psychological fact that students work less productively, learn less, and feel worse about themselves in a classroom that is messy or consists of broken items.
6) Wait until the very end of class to pack up for the day. Take advantage of any additional class time to complete unfinished class work, homework, late work, and/or make revisions to previously completed work. Wewill give you a prompt approximately two minutes before the end of class so that you may pack up your belongings and leave the room at the sound of the bell. Packing up before this time is demonstrating a lack of commitment to this course and if instruction is going on at the time it is disrespectful to the teacher in front of the class.
7) Remain attentive at all times (No sleeping) On every given day we expect that you are here because you want to pass the course and graduate some day and you must demonstrate that by being alert and ready to learn. If you do not remain attentive in class and would like to receive remediation due to the fact you were not paying attention, most likely you will be told to find a student to help you or learn the information independently. We realize that everyone has bad days, however on those days you must communicate this to us and as a result we can usually come to agreement/plan that will work for everyone.
8) Follow all school rules in the classroom such as no backpacks, hats or inappropriate clothing.
9) Cell Phone/iPod Policy The school rule is that you may use cell phones in the hallways between classes and during lunch to TEXT ONLY. Once you enter our classroom, the rule is that all cell phones/iPods/other devices are put away in a purse or pocket. There will be times in the classroom when it is appropriate to use these devices and we will let you know when those times are. Otherwise, you should assume that your electronic devices are to be put away for the class period. Computers and chargers should also be brought to class every day.
10) Policy for tardiness If you are late to class, it will be recorded in PowerSchool and added to your attendance record for both your parents and administration to see. After 3 lates, you will be written up and your parents will be contacted, and you will have an after school detention with me.
11) Remediation Policy: Refer to the Assessment and Learning Fact Sheet.
Many students will require time outside of the 50 minutes provided on a daily basis for either remediation or to complete missing work.Weencourage all students to seek out extra help when struggling to learn the material and be successful in the class. Please schedule time in advance to work with one of usafter school OR during PRIDE.
Please sign in the space provided to acknowledge that you reviewed and understand the classroom expectations and grading policy. If you have any questions please feel free to email, call or schedule a meeting.
Student Signature:
Parent Signature:
Print name: ______
Parent email: ______(please write clearly)
Parent Survey
Please fill out this survey and return it to us as soon as possible. Our goal for this survey is to understand how we can collaborate as much as possible on behalf of your son or daughter. We thank you for taking the time to complete it. We look forward to an exciting and successful year for all of us, especially the students!
Thank you,
Miss Caroff, Mrs. Salansky and Mrs. Quinter
What is the best way to communicate with you? (Please Check One)
Email ______(please include preferred email address)
Over the phone ______(please write best # to reach you at)
What time is best to call? ______A.M.; ______P.M. (Please Check One)
Is there anyone home at night to help your son or daughter with their homework?
Are you able to check their agenda books every night to see if they have homework?
Do you have access to the internet on a regular basis?
If a discipline problem occurs, would you like to: (Please Circle One)
Know immediately
If it continues more than once, receive a call
If your child has to stay after school for any reason (extra help, make up work, or teacher-assigned detention), would someone be able to provide transportation or would the late bus be needed?