CTD bid document for Rate Contract for CMS -TS
Confidential & Proprietary
Government of Telangana State
Commercial Taxes Department
Telangana State, Hyderabad
Open Competitive Bid (OCB)
Rate Contract for Supply of
Computer Consumable, Media and Stationary Items (CMS) to
CTD offices located across the State of Telangana State for One Year
August 2017
Commissioner of
Commercial Taxes Department, Government of Telangana State
M.J. Road, Nampally,
Telangana., Hyderabad
Contents of Bid Document
Description / Page No.News Paper advertisement / 3
Tender call notice / 4
Pre Qualification criterion / 6
Statement of important limits and values of bid / 7
Technical specification / 8
Bidding procedure / 9
Bid evaluation procedure / 10
General instructions to bidders / 11
Standard procedure for opening and evaluation of bids / 15
General conditions of proposed contract / 19
Special conditions / 25
Bid letter form / 26
Contract form / 27
EMD Format / 29
Performance Security Format / 30
Bid Forms / 31
Financial Bid / 35
List of Locations / 38
News Paper advertisement
Government of Telangana State
Commercial Taxes Department, Hyderabad
Tender call for
Rate Contract for Supply of
Computer Consumable, Media and Stationary Items (CMS) to
CTD offices located across the State of Telangana State for One year
Time schedule of various tender related events:
Sl.No. / Subject / Details1 / Department / Central Computer Wing, O/o. Commissioner (C.T), Telangana State.
2 / Tender Subject / Supply of consumable, Media and Stationary Items (CMS) in CTD offices spread across the State of Telangana State for One Year
3 / Bid Document Fee / Rs. 10,000/- (Non- Refundable)
4 / Bid calling date / 30-08-2017
5 / Issue of Bid Document / From 30-08-2017 to 06-09-2017
6 / Last date for seeking clarification on Bid document (Pre-Bid Clarification) / 11-09-2017 at 11.00 A.M
7 / Bid closing Date/Time / 15-09-2017 at 3-00 P.M
8 / Bid Opening Date/Time / 15-09-2017 at 4-00 P.M
9 / CTD Contact person / Joint Commissioner (CT), Central Computer Wing, O/o. CCT, C. T. Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad.
10 / File Number / CS(1)/01/2015
11 / Email /
If your firm is interested in participation, please ask the contact person for details or visit our website at http://www.tgct.gov.in View under Tender. The bid document fee is payable only when you indent full copy of the bid document from contact person. The payment i.e., Demand Draft should be made in the name of Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Telangana State
Commissioner (CT)
O/o Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
C.T. Complex, MJ Road, Nampally,
Telangana State
Hyderabad- 500 001.
Section A
Government of Telangana State
TS Commercial Taxes Department, Hyderabad
Tender call for
Rate Contract for Supply of
Computer Consumable, Media and Stationary Items (CMS) to
CTD offices located across the State of Telangana State for One year
Time schedule of various tender related events:
Sl.No. / Subject / Details1 / Department / Central Computer Wing, O/o. Commissioner (C.T), Telangana State.
2 / Tender Subject / Supply of consumable, Media and Stationary Items (CMS) in CTD offices spread across the State of Telangana State for One year
3 / Bid Document Fee / Rs. 10,000/-
4 / Bid calling date / 30-08-2017
5 / Issue of Bid Document / From 30-08-2017 to 06-09-2017
6 / Last date for seeking clarification on Bid document / 11-09-2017 at 11.00 A.M
7 / Bid closing Date/Time / 15-09-2017 at 3-00 P.M
8 / Bid Opening Date/Time / 15-09-2017 at 4-00 P.M
9 / CTD Contact person / Joint Commissioner (CT), Central Computer Wing, O/o. CCT, C. T. Complex, Nampally, Hyderabad.
10 / File Number / CS(1)/01/2015
11 / Email /
If your firm is interested in participation, please ask the contact person for details or visit our website at http://www.tgct.gov.in View under Tender. The bid document fee is payable only when you indent full copy of the bid document from contact person (Details are mentioned at E1-E2 in the Tender Document.
Commissioner (CT)
O/o Commissioner of Commercial Taxes
C.T. Complex, MJ Road, Nampally, Telangana State ,Hyderabad, 500 001.
A. The goods, service or material required:
A.1. Rate Contract for Supply of CMS for CTD offices spread across the State of Telangana State for a period of 2 Years from the date of signing contract.
A.2. Schedule of Quantity: Given in Financial Bid Format. Actual requirement could be more or less. Bidders may note that the order will not be placed for full quantity in a single order. Rather, order will be placed based on the ACTUAL requirement from time to time during Rate Contract Period. The successful bidder is bound to supply the CMS as and when indented by the Commercial Taxes Department at the Rate Contract approved
A.3. Delivery Period:
Bidder shall deliver CMS as per Purchase order issued from time to time within 30 days of the receipt of each order by the bidder. Delay in the supply shall make the bidder liable for penalty as per bid document.
A.4. Bid Document Fee:
The bid document fee is payable only when you indent copy of the bid document from contact person. For filling bid, Bid document must be obtained from Contact person by paying Bid document fee.
A.5. Delivery locations: CMS shall be delivered at the locations as indicated in Annexure.
Section B
B.1 Pre-Qualification criteria:
1. The bidder should have minimum annual turnover in supply of CMS in the State of Telangana State before bifurcation. The details is as follows:
Item Name / Annual TurnoverConsumables, Media and Stationery / Pre-qualification turnover Rs.2 crores annual total turnover in the previous years or Rs.1.8 crores annual total turnover in the previous three years.
2. The bidder should furnish the information (Purchase Orders) on the major past supplies under the relevant products during 2014-15, 2015-16 and 2016-17 and previous years if any, in support of above Turn Over.
3. The Bidders must have valid GSTN Registration in the State of Telangana.
4. The must have PAN Card
5. Bidder should not be in default of VAT Tax, Professional Tax Payment, Blacklisted by any State or Central Government, Public Enterprises and APTSL.
Note: Relevant documents in support of above should be furnished.
Section C
C1. Statement of important limits/values related to bid
Item / DescriptionEMD / Rs. 10,00,000/-. Demand Draft or Bank guarantee in the enclosed proforma at Annexure-I in favour of Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Telangana State
Bid Validity Period / Valid up to finalization of Tender process or some more time
EMD validity Period / Valid up to finalization of Tender process or some more time
Variation in quantities / Order will be placed as per actual requirement from time to time during contract period
Period for furnishing performance security / Within 15 days from date of receipt of notification of award
Peformance security value / Rs. 20,00,000/- Lakhs
Performance security validity period / 30 days beyond contract period
Period for signing contract / Within 30 days from date of receipt of notification of award
Payment terms / Cumulative payment
On delivery and acceptance by respective offices / 100% of Purchase Order value
Warranty / Where ever applicable for the goods as per manufacturer’s scheme
Penalty for late deliveries / 2 % of value of late delivery goods per week or part thereof.
Section D
D-Technical specification:
Technical speciation given in the Financial Bid Format
Project Evaluation Committee (PEC)(i.e CTD) will evaluate the Technical Proposals of the Pre-Qualified bidders as per the following criteria:
Sl.No / Technical Evaluation Parameters / Description / Maximum Marks1 / Methodology & Proposed Work Plan / Rate Contract for supply of Computer Consumable, Media and Stationary Items (CMS) / 30
i. Methodology for the proposed service -10 Marks
ii. Proposed work Plan - 10 Marks / 20
2. / Past experience of Similar projects in State / Central /PSU / No of similar Maintenance projects handled by the bidder along with the features mentioned in the OCB in the last three years i.e., 2014-15, 2015-16 & 2016-17.
· <=2 Projects – 10 Marks
· 3 Projects – 15 Marks
· >3 Projects – 25 Marks
Supporting documents including Purchase Orders / work orders & Completion Certificate should be submitted. / 50
Total Marks / 100
Section E
E. Bidding procedure:
Offers should be made in Two parts namely, “Technical bid” and “Financial bid” and in the format given in bid document. Each offer should be placed in a separate envelope super scribed “Technical bid” and “Financial bid”, as the case may be, followed by the title mentioned above against “tender call:”
1. EMD should be enclosed in the “Technical Bid Cover”
2. Name of the vender and contact address should also be written on the envelope
3. Tenders will be accepted only from those who have obtained bid document from the Department by paying Bid document fee.
4. All correspondence should be with CTD contact person only.
5. A complete set of bidding documents may be obtained by interested bidders from the CTD contact person upon payment of the bid document fee which is non refundable. Payment of bid document fee should be by demand draft in favour of “Commissioner of Commercial Taxes, Telangana State.
1. Turnover details of the product offered in Form P-2
2. List of major customers along with copies of Purchase orders in support of turnover in Form P-3
3. EMD
4. Photo copy of PAN,VAT and GST Professional Tax Registration Certificate
5. Self certification on VAT and GST dues.
E.2. Technical Bid:
It shall include the following information about the firm and/or its proposal.
1. General information of the bidder in Form P-1
2. Turnover details of the product offered in Form P-2
3. List of major customers along copies of Purchase orders in support of turnover in Form P-3
4. EMD
5. Photo copy of PAN and VAT and GST Registration Certificates
6. Self certification on VAT and GST dues.
E.3. Financial bid:
The financial bid should provide cost calculations corresponding to unit price (including all Taxes) of each item of the schedule in the Form F-1.
Section F
F. Bid evaluation procedure:
Bids would be evaluated for entire Schedule. Bidders should offer prices for all the items of Schedule and for the full quantity of all items in a Schedule failing which such bid will not be considered for evaluation. If a vendor has any comment to offer about the procedural aspects of this tender, it should be intimated to CTD well in advance of last date of filing bid. In case the schedule or procedure of tender processing is revised, the same shall be communicated by email, telephone, fax, courier as the case may be to all vendors who have obtained the bid document and revised schedule or procedure shall be binding on all.
F.1. Opening of bids:
Immediately after the closing time, the CTD contact person shall open the "Technical Bid" and list them for further evaluation. The financial bids shall remain in the custody of designated officer for opening after evaluation of technical bids. After evaluation of technical bids, the financial bids of only those bidders, who qualify in technical evaluation, will only be opened. Any participating vendor may depute a representative to witness these processes.
F.2. Technical bid documentation:
The documentation furnished by the vendor shall be examined to see that the bidder is meeting the requirements of technical bid.
F.3. Financial bid:
Financial bids of only those bidders shall be opened and evaluated who are declared qualified in Technical bid evaluation. Finally bidder shall be selected based on Lowest Price for the estimated quantity for the entire contract period.
Section G
General instructions to bidders
G.1. Definitions:
1. Tender call or invitation for bids, means the detailed notification seeking a set of goods.
2. Specification means the functional and technical specifications or statement of work, as the case may be.
3. Firm means a company, authority, co-operative or any other organisation incorporated under appropriate statute as is applicable in the country of incorporation.
4. Bidder means any firm offering the solution(s), service(s) and/or materials required in the tender call. The word vendor when used in the pre award period shall be synonymous with bidder and when used after award of the contract shall mean the successful bidder with whom CTD signs the contract for rendering of goods and services.
5. Technical bid means that part of the offer, that provides information to facilitate assessment by CTD, professional, technical and financial standing of the bidder and conformity to requirements.
6. Financial Bid means that part of the offer that provides price schedule and total costs of goods and services.
7. Two part Bid means the Technical bid and financial bids put in separate covers and their evaluation is sequential.
8. Goods and services mean the solution(s), service(s), materials or a combination of them in the context of the tender call and specifications.
G.2 General Eligibility
1. Subject to Pre Qualification conditions, this invitation for bids is open to all firms who are eligible to do business in India under relevant Indian laws as are in force as on bid calling date.
2. Bidders marked/considered by CTD to be ineligible to participate for non-satisfactory past performance, corrupt, fraudulent or any other unethical business practices shall not be eligible.
3. Breach of general or specific instructions for bidding, general and special conditions of contract with CTD or any of its user organisations may make a firm ineligible to participate in bidding process.
G.3 Bid forms
1. Wherever a specific form is prescribed in the bid document, the bidder shall use the form to provide relevant information. If the form does not provide sufficient space for any required information, space at the end of the form or additional sheets shall be used to convey the said information.
2. For all other cases the bidder shall design a form on its own to hold the required information.
G.4 Cost of bidding
1. The bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation and submission of its bid, and CTD will in no case be responsible for those costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of the bidding process.