Points of View Mrs. Chausse

Short Story Unit 2

All students are responsible for reading all stories by the due dates. Each student will be assigned one of the following paper topics. Papers will only be accepted on the due dates. All papers must be word-processed, submitted to turnitin.com and uploaded to wiki.

“I Stand Here Ironing” by Tillie Olsen Stephen, Maddie, Emily, Lily

Write a well-organized essay in which you discuss how Olsen reveals aspects of Emily’s

character to the reader. Refer to such techniques and devises as imagery, dialogue, point of view, motif, diction and syntax.

“Strong Horse Tea” by Alice Walker (page 461) Patrick , LeLe, Shannon,

In “Strong Horse Tea” Walker contrasts two philosophies of life. In a well-organized essay, identify and discuss these two views. Which of the views is preferred by the narrator? Develop your discussion referring to at least two elements of the writer’s craft such as irony, contrast, narration, dialogue, allusion, and tone.

“First Comfession” by Frank O’Connor Matt, Josh, Gabby, Stacie

In a well-organized essay, discuss how O’Connor reveals the true character of Jackie to the reader. Refer to such techniques and devices as imagery, point of vie, dialogue, diction, syntax.

“The Stone Boy” by Gina Berriault page 383 Shelby, Rory, Madelyn

Write a well-organized essay in which you discuss how Berriault reveals aspects of Arnold’s character to the reader. Refer to such techniques and devises as imagery, point of view, irony, dialogue, diction and syntax.

“The Five-Forty-Eight” by John Cheever (page 368) Fran, Jonathan, Debbie

In a well-organized essay, discuss how John Cheever conveys the meaning of “Five Forty Eight” and how he prepares the reader for the ending of this short story. Consider at least two elements of the writer’s craft such as imagery, symbol, setting, narrative pace, characterization, diction and style