


This policy was ratified
by the
Board of Management
Date: 24th August 2015

This policy is being published by the Board of Management and is the official Admissions and Participation Policy of Presentation Secondary School Listowel.

It has the approval of CEIST Trustees.

Copies of the policy are available at all times in the school and a copy is furnished to each person who applies to be admitted.


School Name:Presentation Secondary School

Address:Greenville, Listowel, Co. Kerry

School Roll Number:6138 OH

Type of School: Voluntary Catholic All Girls School

Contact Details:

Telephone: 068-21452

Fax 068-23527 (9-5 p.m.)

Fax 068-22103 (Principal)




Principal:Eileen Kennelly

Deputy Principal: Margaret Walsh

Chaplain:Sr. Eilis Daly

Guidance Counsellor:Aisling O’ Hanlon

Assistant Principal Posts

Gerard Tarrant

Special Duties Posts

Elaine Keane

Bridget O’Connor

Kay Kennedy

Ann Foley

Eileen Keane

Margaret Daly

Jacqueline Normile


Special Needs Coordinator:Muireann O’Sullivan

LCVP Coordinator Teresa Culhane

LCA CoordinatorMarguetite McSweeney

TY CoordinatorBrian Coffey


The school follows the Curricular Programmes set down by the Department of Education & Science, which may be amended from time to time, in accordance with the Education Act 1998 Sections 9 & 30.

The Courses offered are

 Junior Certificate

 Transition Year

 Leaving Certificate



Please see under Curriculum for full details on programmes and subjects.


Presentation Secondary School Listowel is a voluntary Catholic Secondary School for girls only, operating under the Trusteeship of CEIST. Presentation Secondary School supports the religious and educational philosophy of Nano Nagle, foundress of the Presentation Sisters, who responded to the needs of her time and developed an educational curriculum suitable for her students with special concern for the disadvantaged.

The school aims, with the resources available to provide the best possible environment in order to cater for the cultural, educational, moral, religious, social, linguistic and spiritual values and traditions of all its students.

The Pastoral Care Programme ensures that the uniqueness of each person is respected. There is a regular review of subjects on offer.

The school is managed by a Board of Management, is funded by the Department of Education and Science and operates within the regulations and guidelines set down from time to time by that Department. The Board of Management in managing the school for the Trustees is obliged to promote the ethos of the school by

(a) entering into dialogue with all the educational partners

(b) ensuring that the Mission Statement is reflected in the policies, plans and structures of the school and is part of the lived culture.

The school is a faith community, inspired by Gospel values, in which the dignity of each student, staff member and parent is honoured.

The Principal and Staff are committed to implementing the philosophy and ethos of Presentation education in providing educational excellence with accountability for high standards of teaching and learning in a caring environment where the needs of the learner, rather than academic achievement alone, is a priority.

Students are challenged to work to the best of their ability in order to reach their full potential in mind body and spirit. They are encouraged to live a life in harmony with the whole of creation and nurture in themselves a respect for life in all its dimensions. They are invited to accept leadership roles within the school community.

Parents are encouraged to share in a participative and collaborative role with the school in the development of policy, procedures and structures; to become actively involved in their child’s personal welfare by monitoring general progress and behaviour


Ours is a Presentation Secondary School, inspired by the vision of Nano Nagle, and in response to her we welcome and cherish girls irrespective of ability or background.

We aim to develop a vibrant community of Pupils, Staff, Parents,Management, based on Gospel values such as justice, truth and honesty, in accordance with the ethos of the school and our agreed Code of Discipline and conduct.

We aim to assist in the development of the full potential of each girl in a pleasant and safe environment, where the dignity of each member of the School community is recognised, affirmed and valued.

We aim to awaken our girls to their true dignity and role as women in present day society. Inspired by these values we dedicate ourselves to the continual development of our Presentation School.

We aim to ensure that the day- to-day running of the school is conducted in the light of the Presentation ethos, the school’s mission statement and Catholic teaching.


Our school is essentially Catholic in nature. However, we welcome students from other faith communities and religions. The Liturgical Calendar of the Catholic Church is highlighted during the school year.

Religious, especially Catholic iconography are displayed within the school.

The Blessed Sacrament is kept in the Prayer Room. Days of reflection are organised for classes.

Students of religions other than Catholic may with prior written permission from parents absent themselves from any religious services which are distinctly Catholic in nature.


Pastoral Care of the student is an integral part of the school’s approach to teaching and learning.

Social, Personal and Health Education is part of the Core Curriculum set out by the DES.

Specific classes in Relationships and Sexuality Education are covered with prior notification to Parents.

Each First Year, Second Year and Third Year class has a teacher of SPHE. Students are provided with social, personal and health education as well as individual support. Teachers who work in this area have undergone special training.


Parents whose children are on regular medication must inform the school of this at enrolment . All parents are requested to complete the necessary permission forms for administering medication and giving permission to the school to seek medical intervention in the case of serious illness or accident. Every effort will be made to contact Parent(s)/Guardian(s) in case of emergency.

The school ensures that storage of this information is in accordance with the Data Protection Act 1988 and subsequent amendments and when computerised, the information is password protected.


The Board of Management is aware of its obligation to ensure that the school operates as directed by the Education Act 1998 Section15 2(d).

“ that policy principles of equality and the right of parents to send their children to a school of the parents’ choice are respected ……having regard to the characteristic spirit of the school

In keeping regulations and programmes of the Department of Education and Science, the Equal Status Act 2000, the rights of the Trustees as set out in the Education Act 1998 Section 15 (1), (2) and with the funding and resources available, the school supports the principles of:

 providing students with the highest possible standard of care in order to promote their well being and protect them from harm( 2004 Child Protection Guidelines and Procedures for Post Primary Schools 3.1.1)

 Inclusiveness as outlined in Section 2 (b) of Education for Persons With Special Educational Needs Act 2004 i.e. the educational needs of students of all abilities.

 Equality of access and participation in the school.

 Parental choice in relation to choice of school.

 Respect for the diversity of traditions, values, beliefs, languages, and ways of life in society.


The financial and teaching resources of the school, are provided by a combination of: voluntary contributions, fund-raising, DES grants and teacher allocations.

Implementation of the school planning and policies will have due regard to the efficient use of resources and funding available. The Board of Management may not incur any debt without the permission of the Trustees.

The school operates within the regulations laid down, by the DES.

The school follows the curricular programmes prescribed by the DES which may be amended from time to time in accordance with Section 9 and 30 of the Education Act


Due to rising costs, school grants are not sufficient to meet all school expenses. To help the school meet its annual expenditure parents are requested to make a contribution towards the following:




Art Materials

An annual expenses sheet is given to parents/guardians in June. Due consideration is given to students of families, who due to financial constraints, are unable to make this contribution. There is a payment Plan Structure in place.


The calendar for each school year will be set in accordance with directives from DES and will be made available to parents at the commencement of each school year.

Class times may be subject to minor adjustments. While the building is open from 8.00 a.m. Those who participate in After School Study are supervised until 6.15 p.m.

To keep Parents/Guardians informed of school activities The School website is updated on a regular basis.

Students are kept informed of School events by

  • Notices on Monitor in Social Area
  • Notices on Notice Boards
  • Announcements over the Intercom System
  • Class Teachers & Year Heads


Parent/Teacher meetings are held once a year for each year group. The time of these meetings is set in accordance with directives from DES. Parents/Guardians are notified by post of the dates and times of these meetings and are strongly urged to attend.

Parents/Guardians will be notified well in advance of other meetings and functions which are are usually held at night.

Parents who may wish to meet with the Principal, Deputy Principal or any staff member outside of these times must phone the school to arrange an appointment.


The Board of Management consists of four representatives of the Trustees, two representatives of the Teaching Staff and two representatives of Parents. The Principal is Secretary to the Board of Management. All correspondence to the Board of Management shall be made through the Secretary.

The dates of meetings are available from the school office.


The Parents’ Council works in conjunction with the management and staff to provide the best educational opportunities for the students. Regular meetings of the council are held throughout the year. Two delegates from the council attend regional council meetings to bring relevant information on all aspects of education to the attention of the council. Occasionally the council assists with fund-raising in the school.


The Student Council promotes the interests of the school and the involvement of students in the affairs of the school, in co-operation with the Board of Management, Parents and Teachers. It functions in accordance with the Education Act 1998, Section 27. A Head Girl and Deputy Head Girl are responsible for the running of the Student Council


In accordance with the Education Act 1998,Section 9f the school encourages the promotion and the development of the Irish language and traditions, Irish literature, the Arts and other cultural matters.


Compulsory Non-Exam Subjects
Compulsory Non-Exam Subjects
Religious Education
Physical Education
Physical Education
Information Technology
Career Guidance
Key Board Skills
Information Technology

Compulsory Exam. Subjects


Compulsory Exam. Subjects



Irish (except students with official exemption from the DES)

Irish (except students with official exemption from the DES











/ /

Strongly Recommended


Religious Education


Optional Examination Subjects


Religious Education

Optional Examination Subjects



Home Economics



Business Studies



Art & Crafts














Technical Graphics





/ /





Home Economics


Design & Communication Graphics


All First Year Classes are mixed ability.

The Principal allocates students to classes. Subject to sufficient demand and resources, the Board of Management reserves the right to determine on an annual basis the range and level of subjects.

Students who do not sit internal examinations may be required to sit such examinations at an alternative time before proceeding with their course


Full details on Senior Cycle Programmes are in the Senior Cycle Programmes Booklet.



Subject to demand and resources the school may offer this programme

Transition Year is a one year programme open to all students who have completed their Junior Certificate examination. The general aim of Transition Year is to promote the personal, social, educational and vocational development of students and to prepare them as independent and responsible members of society.


The Leaving Certificate is a two- year academic-based programme in preparation for further education or the world of work. The curriculum consists of core subjects, optional subjects and non -exam subjects

Cf. Senior Cycle subjects.


Subject to demand and resources the school may offer this programme.

The Leaving Certificate Programme (LCVP) can be described as a Leaving Certificate with a strong vocational dimension. It provides students with the opportunity to realise their potential for self directed learning for innovation and for enterprise. The programme balances the virtues of the traditional Leaving Certificate with the development of skills and qualities which will prove relevant to the lives of students on leaving school for further education, the world of work or the business of making a living.


Subject to demand and resources the school may offer this programme.

The Leaving Certificate Applied (LCA) is a distinct and self-contained two year programme available to students who wish to follow a programme with a practical and vocational dimension.


In Accordance with the guidelines from the DES, students may in certain exceptional circumstances repeat a year. Specific approval from the DES must be granted. The following are the grounds on which the consideration of requests for individual students will be based:

  • Prolonged absence due to all-health
  • Serious Illness
  • Serious Family trauma
  • Very poor academic record
  • Change of School


Students who wish to repeat their Leaving Certificate are welcome to do so. An application in writing must be forwarded to the Principal as soon as possible after the publication of the Leaving Certificate results and no later than 31st August.

As the combination of optional subjects is determined by student choice from year to year the school cannot guarantee classes in all options to repeat students. However the school will endeavour to accommodate students, subject to available resources.


In consultation with parents, small group support is offered to students who have learning difficulties. For Special Needs Education cf. Page 12 and the School’s Special Needs Policy.


The school follows the directives from DES with regard to exemption from Irish.

Students who are exempt from Irish and require learning support may receive it during Irish class time.

Other Junior students exempt from Irish have supervised study in the Library.

Senior students, not studying Irish, may be offered an alternative subject at this time, subject to demand and resources.


To consolidate work done in class homework is essential. Parents are expected. to provide an atmosphere free from distraction for the purposes of study and homework.

Guidance in study skills is given to each class during the first term. A full guide to homework is given in the school’s homework policy.


Subject to demand and resources the school may offer this

The school provides facilities for a study period each day between 4.15 p.m. and 6.15 p.m.(Wed/Thur/Fri 3:45 6:15 p.m.) Teachers supervise and the fee, which is paid before the commencement of each term, is decided annually and is communicated in writing to parents during the summer holidays.

A monthly attendance and behaviour report is posted to parents.

Subject to demand supervised study may be offered to Examination students for 3-4 days during the Christmas holidays, Easter holidays and Mid-term break (second term).

The choice of days at Christmas and Easter is governed by the Catholic Liturgical Calendar.

The cost is decided and notified to parents well in advance.


In accordance with directives from the DES the school guidance programme offers a range of interventions and activities on a developmental basis. These are designed to assist students make decisions of an educational, career and personal /social nature.

Student Contact is covered as follows:

  • In class groups
  • One to One
  • Out of School Activities

Contact with Parents is established by

  • Individual Appointments
  • Parent/Teacher Meetings
  • Information Meetings


With the consent of parents, the Guidance Counsellor refers students who need further assessment and support to outside agencies such as NEPS (National Educational Psychological Service) and The Kerry Counselling Centre


The school provides a well -stocked up to date Careers Library. The use of Computers with specialised software for career and course research is available.

Parents are welcome to contact the Guidance Counsellor directly for appointments.


A lending Scheme for school - books is run in the school thus helping to reduce expenses for parents. Full details are available from the Office