- Make our sentences longer using connecting words
- Different ways to start our sentences
- Descriptive writing using adjectives and noun phrases
- What are verbs and how to write the correct tense
- Using a range of punctuation
- Writing stories
- Writing information reports
- Understanding different question words (e.g. What? Where? Why? When? How?) and what the questions are asking us to do
- Understanding the characters we are reading about and deduce their feelings and personality
- Learning to join our handwriting and present our work in a neat way
- Know about the basic conditions needed for flowers and insects to survive
- Know about the differences between living things and things that have never been alive
- Know that living things grow and reproduce
- Know that the features of the school environment affect the types of living things found there
- Be able to sort living things into simple groups
- Be able to recognise living things in the school environment
- Understand that different locations support different living things
- Know the names and characteristics of a range of animals
- Know the names of the parts of plants
- Know that seeds grow into plants
- Know that plants need light to grow
- Know that plants need water to grow
- Know about some of the applications of ICT in everyday life
- Know about some of the ways in which the use of ICT affects people’s lives
- Be able to use ICT to organise and classify information
- Be able to use ICT to present information
- Be able to enter, save, retrieve and revise information
- Be able to work with text, tables, images and sound
- Be able to plan and give instructions to make things happen
- Be able to use ICT to explore what happens in real and imaginary situations
- Be able to explain how we solved a problem
- Be able to explain and justify our reasoning
- Addition and Subtraction – mental methods and written methods
- 2x, 5x, 10x tables and corresponding division facts
- Place value and partitioning
- Time – knowing half and quarter past
- Fractions – halves and quarters
- Identifying the properties of 2D and 3D shapes
- Money – identifying coins and making different values
P.S.H.E. & SRE
- To describe how to look after particular parts of the body.
- Explain why it is important to keep clean
- To be able to describe and carry out basic hygiene routines
- To know what they can take responsibility for and know when they need help
- To consider touches we like and ones we do not
- Identify people we can talk to
- Consider good secrets and bad secrets
Our themes for this term are:
The first half term the children will be learning all about the Flowers and Insects.
after half term, our topic is ‘Hooray – Let’s go on Holiday’ / RE
Who influences our lives?
How important the Bible is for
Christians, including:
• Stories about Jesus
• How and when the Bible is used
• Stories that Jesus told about how
to live, e.g. the Good Samaritan
How important the Qur’an is for
Muslims, including:
• that the Qur’an was revealed to the
Prophet Muhammad
• Stories about the life of Prophet
Muhammad e.g. Muhammad and
the black stone
• Stories about the Prophet about
how to live, e.g. Muhammad and
the kittens, Muhammad and the old woman
- In what ways are a church and
Geography 8 History
- Know about the weather and climatic conditions in particular localities and howthey affect the environment
- Know that the world extends beyond their own locality and that the places theystudy exist within a broader geographical context
- Be able to use secondary sources to obtain simple geographical information
- Be able to communicate their knowledge and understanding in a variety of ways
- Know about the main physical and human features of a selection of places that
- they and other children have visited as holiday destinations
- Know about some similarities and differences between different holiday locations and their own
- Know how land and buildings are used by people for holiday activities
- Know through their knowledge of holiday destinations that the world extendsbeyond their own locality
- Begin to know how people on holiday can harm or improve the environment
- Be able to use geographical terms
- Be able to follow directions
- Be able to describe the geographical features of the school site and other
- familiar places
- Be able to use maps at a variety of scales to locate the position and simplegeographical features
- Be able to perform simple activities with control and coordination
- Be able to repeat and develop simple actions
- Be able to apply movements in sequence
- Be able to observe, copy and develop actions performed by others
- Know about some of the forms used by artists in their work
- Be able to use a variety of materials and processes
- Be able to suggest ways of improving their own work
- Be able to comment on works of art
- Understand that the work of artists can be seen in a wide variety of places andsituations
- Know about some of the ways that holidays are represented in art form
- Be able to use a variety of materials and processes
- Be able to suggest ways of improving their own work
- Be able to use and comment on works of art
- Understand that the work of artists can be seen in a wide variety of places andsituations
- Know a number of pieces of music associated with flowers and insects
- Know how a number of musicians – including some from their home countryand the host country – use musical elements to create different effects and fordifferent purposes
- Be able to recognise and explore ways in which sounds can be made, changedand organised
- Be able to play simple rhythms with a steady beat
- Be able to listen carefully to pieces of music and comment on them
- Understand that musical elements can be used to create different effects