Durand Eastman Golf Club, Inc.

New member application – 2015 Season

Applicant name (First, MI, Last):

Applicant address (Street, City, State, Zip):

Applicant phone no: Home: ()-

Work (Optional): ()-

Applicant date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY):

(Used to determine future life-member eligibility)

Applicant email (if any):

(DEGC encourages the use of email communication)

Applicant 7-digit GHIN# (if any):

Note: If you do not currently have a GHIN handicap index, please either provide an estimated handicap, or indicate what you typically score for an 18-hole round on a course of average difficulty:

Applicant previous club (if any):

Sponsoring member's name*:

*Note: If an applicant does not have a sponsor, we will make every effort to provide a sponsor for him. The purpose of a sponsor is to introduce a new member to the Club and its activities. If you do not have a sponsor at this time, enter “Needed” for the sponsor name.

Send your completed application form to the DEGC Club Secretary, Brian Webster at:


- or -

US Mail: DEGC, Inc.

C/O Brian Webster – Club Secretary

5716 Lincoln Road

Ontario NY 14519

Membership fees for the upcoming season are determined by the DEGC, Inc board of directors after January of the new year. If your application for membership is accepted, your new member introduction letter will contain complete information including the amount of the initiation fee and membership dues.

DEGC Application, Rev 1.07, 1/8/2015