Southern Colony Notes 12/4/13

·  Jamestown is the first permanent colony/settlement of England in the new world.

·  Proprietor: a business man who found a colony to make money.

·  Some men that came to Jamestown had no experience with farming. Two-thirds end up dying in the winter from not planning correctly.

·  Diseases were a problem due to marshland.

·  Pocahontas’s dad was the leader of the Powhatan.

·  The colonists survive the winter because of the Native Americans.

·  In 1609, the population of Jamestown grew.

·  Famine: extreme hunger.

·  By 1610, only 60 colonists had survived.

·  John Rolfe introduced the tobacco, a cash crop.

·  Pocahontas was the bridge between the two cultures.

·  1622, the colonists had killed the Native leader.

·  John Smith was the English captain, and rewarded work with food.

·  The Powhatan attacked the colonists for years to come

·  Virginia became a royal colony, which is ruled by a king

·  Plantation: a large farm that grows crops.

·  Plantations were an important part of the southern economy

·  The colonists were angry about taxes.

·  Bacon’s Rebellion was a group of men that attacked Jamestown because they disagreed with taxes, and they were afraid of the security of the colony against Indian attack

·  Bacon dies and the Rebellion soon ended.

·  Toleration Act of 1649 was the Maryland Law that made restricting the religious rights of Christians a crime. It was the first law guaranteeing religious freedom to pass in America

·  Maryland had a diverse population

·  The southern colonies were made up of plantations.

·  An indentured servant was someone who signed a contract to work for a couple of years to pay off debt.

·  A Dutch ship brought Africans to Virginia in 1669.

Some were enslaved and some were servants.

·  The economy was raising taxes.

·  The thing that started the war was no taxation without representation .

·  England taxed them all the time.

·  In 1676 a former group of indentured servants attacked native Americans this was Bacon’s rebellions.

Economies of the south

·  The colonists exported materials like wood and tar

·  Traded with Native Americans for deer skins to sell

·  Large plantations 1700s Africans main source of slave labor

·  Slave code- laws to control slaves
