Train Yourself to Be Godly

Pt 8 – The Sabbath Rest

Exodus 20:1-11

Today we are finishing up our journey through the Spiritual Disciplines. Paul writes to Timothy – Train yourself (discipline yourself) for godliness. Our journey has taken us through contemplative disciplines like bible study and prayer – through active disciplines like worship and service – through countercultural disciplines like solitude and fasting – today it leads us to perhaps the most divisive of disciplines The Sabbath Rest. Sabbath comes from the Hebrew root word Shabbath – means to repose, to rest, to cease from labor with the purpose of focusing on God. Exodus 20:1-11.

As with each discipline we are asking 3 questions: Why When How.

1) Why should I begin to honor the Sabbath Rest? Isn’t that an old testament thing?

o It’s the rhythm of life – As we are given the ten commandments God establishes a rhythm of life that is healthy and important. That rhythm is work 6 days and rest for 1. The human body is designed to work within a rhythm of rest and work a balance of exertion and recovery. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually the body cannot survive indefinite exertion. The God who created us, who wrote the owners manual for these bodies gives us the maintenance schedule to keep us running. Let me ask you do you think it had to take God 6 days to create the world?

o It points us to the creator – Observing the Sabbath points us to a Sovereign God who created us and knows what is best for us. It points us to the God of creation who sewed our DNA together and wrote the book on how to take care of these bodies that have been loaned to us.

o It is simple obedience – God says so. This helps to establish in us a response to God’s commands.

2) When? This is a great opportunity to clear up some common errors.

o The Sabbath is not necessarily Sunday. The Jews celebrated from sundown Friday night to sundown on Saturday. The early church changed their celebration to Sunday the first day of the week when Jesus rose from the grave. Truth is that Scripture does not define A day. It simply says 6 days of work 1 day of Sabbath. The Sabbath can be any day – if not I would be breaking the commandments of God every week with your blessing. I work all day on Sunday.

o We are not called to be God’s Gestapo. It’s funny that we would never think to go around scolding people for not praying enough, measuring peoples weight to see if they are fasting or following them around to make sure they were getting alone enough but we think we need to police the worlds Sabbath activities. Look these disciplines are personal and forced Sabbaths are no more good that forced prayers. We are called to inspire not enforce.

3) How? How do I do I begin?

o Reorder your life – Like all the other things they are called disciplines for a reason. They take thought, energy, practice, and commitment. Learn to reorder your work life around 6 days. Delegate, prioritize, plan – whatever you need to do to work your schedule around this day of rest.

o Disconnect – turn off what you need to turn off – leave behind what you need to leave behind so that this day can be disengaged from the demands pressures and labor of the rest of the week.

o Worship – Use this day to reconnect with the God of the Universe. Use this day to focus on the God who made you and calls you to Himself. Get quiet for a time and find in Him rest.

o Reconnect – with family and friends. Share life together. Do something good for someone or with someone.

o Rest – rest your mind, body, and spirit. God designed you to have a time to turn off the switch and let the mind and body cool down while the spirit recharges.