Worshipping GodMaking New DisciplesTransforming Communities

Please complete these Articles of Enquiry and return them by
Wednesday 31st May
The Venerable John Green & The Venerable Morris Rodham,
Coventry Cathedral & Diocesan Offices,
1 Hill Top, Coventry CV1 5AB

Wardens completing the Articles of Enquiry i.e. those serving from 2016-2017.

Tel. No.
Tel. No.

Please feel free to use more space and extend the boxes in your answers if you wish.

Question 1 of 7: General Health and Growth (see for more information on the 8 Essential Qualities, or contact Tim Mitchellby email to ).

What have been the most exciting features of health and growth in your church over the past 12 months?
How many people has your church helped into Christian faith who did not have an active faith this time last year? Please summarise what steps your church has taken to help this process? (Last year we learned from this form that about 246 people came to Christian faith across the diocese! It also helps us in our statistics in relation to grants that we have both received and distributed).
How many of these ‘new disciples’ were in the 18-40 (approx!) age range?
How many ‘New Disciples’ from approx 5 years ago are now in leadership positions in your church, and what sort of leadership positions do they now hold?
In relation to your health as a church, and the 8 Essential Qualities, what steps are you taking to improve your health, and your weakest quality, over this coming year (ensuring that you also improve all the other 7 qualities in the process)?

Question 2 of 7: Hindrances to Health and Growth.
Please summarise below the things that have particularly HINDERED your parishes’ growth over the past 12 months, particularly in relation to the Diocesan Mission Purpose of Worshipping God, Making New Disciples and Transforming Communities and the 8 Essential Qualities of healthy growing churches?

Question 3 of 7: Other Joys/Concerns.
Please indicate below anything else (joys or concerns) that you wish to draw to the attention of either the Archdeacon Pastor or Archdeacon Missioner?

Question 4 of 7: Clergy

Question 5 of 7: Life as a Churchwarden
Please indicate below anything that you think would assist you in your role as churchwarden?

Question 6 of 7: Safeguarding.

Following the discovery of a number of cases of both historic and ongoing abuse of children and vulnerable adults the legal framework within the Church of England has been tightened considerably. Under the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 it is now a legal requirement for the clergy, churchwardens and PCC members of every parish “…have due regard to guidance issued by the House of Bishops on matters relating to the safeguarding of children and vulnerable adults.” Among the requirements is the requirement for a PCC to review its safeguarding policy, processes and practice at least once a year. Also in the report at the Annual Parochial Church Meeting on the PCC and activities generally in the parish there must now “… include a statement as to whether the council has complied with the duty under section 5 of the Safeguarding and Clergy Discipline Measure 2016 (duty to have due regard to House of Bishops' guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults)”.
Please confirm that your PCC has reviewed their Safeguarding policy, procedures and practice as indicated above.
Please confirm that the PCC report at the APCM included a statement on its compliance with House of Bishops’ guidance on safeguarding children and vulnerable adults.
Please also confirm the following:-
That all paid staff and volunteers have been safely recruited in accordance with the Diocesan guidelines Safer Recruitment of Volunteers and Paid Staff.
That all those whose role requires a DBS check have an up to date check in accordance with the Diocesan guidance DBS checks for Volunteers and Paid Staff.
That all those working with children (under 18), adults who are vulnerable or at risk and those in positions of leadership or trust have attended safeguarding training in the last three years.
If there are any matters in your parish which you wish to bring confidentially to the attention of the Safeguarding Officer you can either indicate that here or contact Carol Clarke via email: or telephone 02476 521345 or 07906 627052.

Question 7 of 7: Schools Ministry.

Please indicate what value you place on your church’s relationship with local schools, and how schools form part of your overall strategy for fulfilling the Diocesan Mission Purpose (worshipping God, making new disciples, transforming communities). How could the Diocese support you in these relationships?

Many thanks for taking the time to complete this questionnaire.

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