Job description

Retail Administrator

Purpose of post

This post supports the administrative and financial functions of the Shop and Kitchen within Treacy Hall.

Accountability and relationships

The Retail Administrator will be directly responsible tothe Cathedral Curate.

The post is accountable to the Dean for all matters relating to the terms and conditions of employment.

At Wakefield Cathedral, we all need to work together to reflect our strategy and vision; this makes team work vital. Whilst we all have our specific duties related to our skills and expertise, it is important that we all co-operate and collaborate with each other and all departments, undertaking the general duties that we are all able to do.

Principal Duties


  • Lead and encourage volunteers to maintain the public image of the Shop and create a welcoming and attractive retail space
  • Maintain safe, legal and engaging shop displays, with attention to pricing and point of sale
  • Work with volunteer coordinators to ensure rotas are full and the shop opens every day
  • Work with volunteers to ensure opportunities for the shop are not missed
  • Provide training and business updates to shop volunteers at appropriate times
  • Monitor and influence performance against budgets set by the Cathedral Chapter, including sales, purchasing, stock loss and cash loss
  • Coordinate stock taking against a monthly plan
  • Use data provided by the EPOS system to ensure continued success and growth in sales


  • Work with volunteers to keep the information (leaflets, displays etc) in the Tourist Information Point replenished, up-to-date and engaging
  • Maintain and update the EPOS till system for Shop and Kitchen
  • Provide monthly management accounts for Shop and Kitchen to the Cathedral Chapter
  • Attend bi-weekly Cathedral diary meetings
  • Work with Cathedral counters to ensure all moneys from Shop and Kitchen is accounted for
  • Work with the Diocese of Leeds Finance Department to ensure accurate accounting on Shop and Kitchen returns
  • Be the key point of contact with till and EPOS software providers, including EPOSNOW and Paymentsense
  • Such other duties as may be reasonably required

April 2018