“The Right Way To Start”
Acts 8:26-39 – Text Vs. 35
INTRO: Philip is in Samaria preaching the Lord Jesus Christ where many people were being saved. The angel of the Lord spoke to Phillip (Vs. 26) instructing him to arise and go toward the south unto Gaza which is desert. Some people would ask: why would God tell someone to leave where great things are happening and go to a place in the desert? The truth is that some just don’t understand. Philip without questioning showed immediate obedience unto this request. Leaving the success in Samaria and traveling to the desert would be lonely and perhaps difficult, but the harvest that he would reap would be great. Great crowds do not always mean success. The privilege of preaching to thousands is inspiring to a minister, but it is also honorable in the sight of God to preach to one individual. In this text we see the results of doing things the right way. The right way meaning here is “obedience in yielding ourselves unto God.” Let’s see what was right about Philip as he obeyed God in going to Gaza and the conversion of Ethiopian eunuch.
I. He Had The Right Ministry – (Matthew 10; Acts 8)
A) He had a Heavenly call – Matthew 10:1; Acts 8:26
B) He had a Heavenly commission – Matthew 10:5-15
C) He has a Heavenly cause – Matthew 10:7
II. He Had The Right Man – (Acts 8:27-28) (The eunuch)
A) He was wealthy but empty – Vs. 27
B) He was wise but unlearned – Vs. 28
C) He was worshipping a religion but had nothing real – Vs.28
III. He Had The Right Motive – (Acts 8:29-30)
A) He was Spirit led – Vs. 29
B) He was a soul winner – Vs. 30
C) He was saturated in the Scriptures – Vs. 30
IV. He Had The Right Message – (Acts 8:31-33)
A) The Saviour who was sinless – Vs.32
B) The Saviour who suffered – Vs. 32
C) The Saviour who satisfied His Father – Vs. 33
V. He Had The Right Method – (Acts 8:34-35)
A) He preached with an uncompromised message – Vs. 34
B) He preached with a convicting message – Vs. 34
C) He preached with a compassionate message – Vs. 34
D) He preached with a concerning message – Vs. 35