Chester Area
June 2016 Mailing for Diocesan Festival
N.B. An Organist’s Masterclass, A Plainsong Event and an Instrumental Event are planned for later this year as well and will be covered in further mailings
Chester Area Committee
Chairman Simon Russell – Northern Regional Co-Ordinator
Treasurer Peter Connor
28 Parkfield Drive, Helsby, Cheshire. WA6 0BL
Tel: 01928-724381
Secretary Karen Salisbury
13 Thornlea Court, Wardle Road, Sale, Cheshire. M33 3BP
Tel: 0161-283-8309
Mobile: 0785-417-1308
Cathedral Philip Rushforth
Representative: Director of Music
The Cathedral Office, 12 Abbey Square, Chester. CH1 2HJ
Young Persons Officer Victoria Salisbury
13 Thornlea Court, Wardle Road, Sale, Cheshire. M33 3BP
Tel: 0161-283-8309
Awards Administrator Susan Riddiough
53 Monmouth Road, Wallasey, Wirral. CH44 3EB
Organists’ Training Sylvia Crossley-Jones
Scheme 26 Hallastone Road, Helsby, Cheshire. WA6 0PR
Tel: 01928-723115
Publicity Officer Glyn Môn Hughes
Committee Member(s) John Lewis
52 Neston Road, Thornton Hough, Wirral. CH63 1JF
Tel: 0151-336-4591
Gerald Foster-Clark
29 Bank View, Goostrey, Cheshire. CW4 8PB
Tel: 01477-532186
Graham Ellis
(Registered Charity Number 312828)
Area Workshop on this years Diocesan Festival Music
Wednesday 29th June 2016 Heswall, St Peter (CH60 0DZ)
Led by John Lewis
This workshop will commence at 7.30pm and be finished by 9.30pm at the latest (usually it is about 9.15pm)
There is a £5 charge for this Workshop
(note – there is no charge for under 18’s).
If you intend to come to this event, please return the pro-forma below as soon as possible.
Send to Peter Connor (Treasurer) or John Lewis (Committee Member)
Name of ChoirContact Name
Telephone No:
Email Address
Attendees / Trebles (under 18’s) / Sopranos / Altos / Tenors / Basses
(Registered Charity Number 312828)
(Registered Charity Number 312828)
Saturday 8th October 2016
Director: Philip Rushforth
Director of Music, Chester Cathedral
The Festival Service Book is now available for your purchase from either the Secretary or the Treasurer. This year the cost of the book is £5 and will be celebrating God’s saints in words and music in the context of Evensong.
We have ordered 300 books It is essential that all books are sold as quickly as possible, therefore, early ordering is advisable to avoid disappointment, the books being supplied on a "first-come-first served" basis.
Robed and unrobed choirs are equally welcome.
Please encourage your friends and supporters to share the service with you. The Presentation of Awards will take place during this Service. Choirs should make every effort to attend at least one preliminary Area Rehearsal in September / October. All singers must attend the afternoon rehearsal on the day of the Festival. There will be no seat reserved for you if you are not at this rehearsal. Choirs should assemble in the South Transept by 1.45pm at the latest, in order to be allocated seating for the rehearsal commencing at 2pm please do not attempt to seat yourselves before being directed to do so by members of the Committee. The Service is at 5.30pm.
Please complete the order form overleaf and send it with your remittance to the Treasurer or Secretary.
Cheques should be made payable to RSCM Chester Area.
Please contact the Secretary regarding postage charges, or indicate from whom you would wish to collect the books. If collecting the books, please telephone them to make arrangements.
The music (which is based of the office of Evensong) is as follows:
Introit: Gaudent in Cælis – Tomás Luis da Victoria
Hymn: Rejoice in God’s Saints – Fred Pratt Green - Old 104th
Preces and Responses: Philip Wilbylby
Psalm 119, vv1-8, Responsorial – Peter Moger
Office Hymn: For all the saints who showed your love – John Bell/Graham Maule – O Waly Waly
Magnificat and Nunc Dimittis by Richard Shephard
Anthem: O how glorious – Basil Harwood
Hymn: For all the saints who from their labours rest – William Walsham How – Engelberg
(Registered Charity Number 312828)
Area Festival Rehearsals
Monday 12th September Nantwich, St Mary (CW5 5RQ)
Wednesday 21st September Heswall, St Peter (CH60 0DZ)
Thursday 6th October Sale, St Paul (M33 7YA)
All rehearsals will commence at 7.30pm and be finished by 9.30pm at the latest (usually it is about 9.15pm)
There is a charge for these Rehearsals of £1/participant.
If you intend to come to any of these events, please return the pro-forma below as soon as possible and not later than seven days before the rehearsal you wish to attend.
Send to Peter Connor (Treasurer) or Karen Salisbury (Secretary)
Name of ChoirContact Name
Telephone No:
Email Address
Rehearsal At
Attendees / Trebles (under 18’s) / Sopranos / Altos / Tenors / Basses
Saturday 8th October 2016
Area Rehearsals will take place during September and October any last minute alterations to the arrangements will be notified by email (please supply an email address)
Please print clearly
Name of ChoirContact Name
Telephone No:
Email Address
If you wish to have books posted to you, PLEASE CONTACT the Secretary to enquire about postage rates. We are sorry but it is not possible to show postage rates as they vary so much and books may be supplied in more than one package to endeavour to keep postage costs down as much as possible.
Books may be collected from the following persons, by prior arrangement:
Karen Salisbury (Area Secretary) or Peter Connor (Area Treasurer) or Simon Russell (Chairman)
Please indicate this clearly on the form below in order to ensure that sufficient books are available for you.
I enclose £ ______for ______copies of the Festival Service Book @ £5 each
Plus £______for postage. Total: £______
(Please make cheques payable to RSCM Chester Area).
Delivery method:
c By post (postage charge included in the total amount)
c I wish to collect the books from
Area Use:-
Date Received: / / 2016 Cheque No:
Passed to Treasurer: / / 2016 Banked: / / 2016