University Engineering Division, Opp. Fire Brigade

Saraswathipuram, Mysore – 9.

No. UED/DB-1/NIT-10/1016-25/09-10 Dated: 18.07.2009


Sealed item rate tender / quotation for the work of preparing a comprehensive development plan to under take restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake at Mysore is invited. In this regard the University of Mysore intents have a master plan for the overall development of the Kukkarahalli Lake at Mysore and to have a technical consultancy service for preparing technical proposal along with detail project report (DPR), master plan and offer technical services to establish the probable civil / other works in the restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake.

The scope of the proposed technical consultancy services for preparing detailed project report and master plan of the restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake at Mysore shall be as follows;

  1. Surveys to be conducted to assess the environmental condition of tanks, its physical structures, soil characteristics etc., to assess the needs of restoration of the tanks: Reconnaissance Survey, Extent of the boundary of lake, Physio-chemical test and studies, Soil tests, Rain fall and quantum of water, flora and Fauna studies and other necessary details.
  1. It is proposed to establish required capacity sewage treatment plant / waste water treatment plant at the northern side of the lake to treat the waste water entering the lake from the Paduvarahalli village side and allow the treated water to the lake.(Separate consultancy services are being commissioned, hence detail report about this component is not required)
  1. It is proposed to establish a bio-diversity park at the northern side of the lake.
  1. It is proposed to construct compound at the northern side of the lake adjoining to Mysore-Hunsur Road to demark the boundary of lake and also proposed erect chain link fencing on the boundary of the lake where it is necessary.
  1. It is proposed to improve existing inlets of the lake at present the lake has 07 nos. of inlets out of this 03 are major contributory drains to the lake from its catchment areas. The soil, silt collected in the incoming drains should be cleared off so as to improve the natural run off from their respective catchment area during rainy season.
  1. It is proposed to augment water at the lake from Cauvery untreated water during rainy season using existing waste water pipe line, which is laid by corporation.
  1. It is proposed to widen the existing bund at northern side, eastern side and western side of the lake and also providing sitting benches made up of synthetic / fibre / concrete benches along the bund so as to facilitate the walkers and visitors of the lake. Providing rough stone revetment to the inside slope of the bunds.
  1. Horticulture park in each corner of the lake, Kuvempu Vana to be improved: It is proposed to improve the existing parks at the lake by providing playing articles / items, sand pond so as to facilitate children and families visiting the lake, creation of recreation facility for children and jogger
  1. Facilities for meditation, Yoga and exercise : It is proposed to construct a mini sitting hall with AC sheet/ Light weight sheet roofing with suitable flooring so as to facilitate mediators, and others. And also Creation / construction of pergolas etc, with the help of GI pipes (eco-friendly) and light weight sheet roofing.
  1. Cutting / Uprooting eucalyptus trees / stumps and planting of medicinal and local species: It is proposed to remove all the eucalyptus trees and to have plantation of medicinal and available local species all around the lake
  1. Re-improvement of boating stand: It is proposed to improve the existing boating jetties at the southern, western and eastern bunds with suitable arrangements for parking the boats store room etc., so as to provide the boating facility to the visitors of the lake
  1. Introducing peddling boats: It is proposed to improve the boating facility by instituting peddling boats at the lake premises to attract visitors and public without causing any disturbance to aqifauna
  1. Establishment of Parking area: It is proposed to develop suitable parking area for both two wheelers and four wheelers of the visitors of the lake.
  1. Dredging the tank to remove silt and waste: It is proposed to remove the silt and waste collected at the basin of the tank with the suitable dredging operation without disturbing the bunds and eco system of lake.
  1. Improvement / consolidation of the Island : It is proposed to strengthen the existing Island at center of the lake by providing pitching/rough stone revetment all along the sides of the Island and filling gravel so as to facilitate birds sitting
  1. Establishing of Horticulture items Sale counter: It is proposed to establish suitable sale points for the Horticulture produce/products at the vicinity of the lake
  1. Preparation of artificial birds nests : It is proposed to place artificial bird nests with suitable nylon netting covering / other wire mesh cover as in other lakes
  1. Instruction boards with pictures of birds/plants at different places : It is proposed to erect suitable sign boards at various points in the premises of the lake displaying information about birds, plants spices and birds spices etc.,
  1. Treatment of watershed area / water harvesting : It is proposed to construct/erect suitable aerators with pump and motor arrangement so as to improve the quality of the water of the lake: It is proposed harvest rain water in the vicinity of the catchment area and to improve lead canals of the lake.
  1. Establishment of Science park : It is proposed to establish Science park at the premises of the lake at suitable location with necessary infrastructure
  1. Creation of pond on the northern side of lake : It is proposed to construct a pond at the northern portion of the lake so as to collect the storm water/percolated water at the northern portion of the lake to avoid slushy formation
  1. Any other key issues/improvement/developments etc., as suggested by the concerned authorities to be taken up.
  1. The proposal for the above work should be made using Remote Sensing / G.I.S. and bidder should submit this database along with the DPR (Mater Plan)
  1. Consultant should prepare tender document with detailed BOQ, Estimates, Architectural and engineering drawings for Physical infrastructure development.
  1. Mode of payment :

a) After submission of the finalized DPR and other necessary technical details required for

the approval of the concerned authorities :40% of the total amount of the consultancy


b)After the approval of the finalized DPR from the concerned authorities 40% of the total amount of the consultancy charges.

c) After providing consultancy services and submission of all drawings including site visits during the progress of work as and when required by the engineering division for the said work and After completion of work and as per the discretion of executive engineer and concerned authority: 20% of the total amount of the consultancy charges.

It is expected that every individual visiting the lake should have all the existing facilities present in the lake.

The agencies interested in undertaking the above consultancy project shall visit the lake and conduct a detail analysis/survey of the requirements at the user end to ascertain the required facilities and solutions. And it is also expected that the agencies should get a clear picture of the scope of the proposed works through a detailed study carried out. Based on the study the agency should prepare the required master plan and DPR for the propose of restoration and development of the lake in a comprehensive manner and the finalized DPR shall be got approved by the concerned authorities.

Interested agencies may submit tender / quotation in the proforma given in the enclosure in a sealed envelop super-scribing “Offer for the work of providing technical consultancy service for preparing technical proposal along with Detail Project Report (DPR), master plan and offer technical services to establish the probable civil / other works in the restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake” at Mysore to the Executive Engineer, University Engineering Division, University of Mysore, Mysore on or before 01.08.2009, 4.00PM. The tender / quotation should accompany an amount of Rs.20,000=00 towards EMD in the form of D.D drawn in favour of the Executive Engineer, University Engineering Division, University of Mysore, Mysore.

General Conditions

a)Bid shall be submitted in sealed cover and duly supercribing the name of the work as detailed above and shall be addressed to the undersigned with name and full postal address of the bidder.

b)The bidder should have enough proof for having possessed proven capability, expertise and experience in Lake Rejuvenation & Improvements assignments and are only eligible to apply for the consultancy services of the above work.

c)Any conditional tenders are liable for rejection without assigning any reason.

d)The tenderer should produce attested copy of the original registration certificate, latest IT clearance certificate and their relevant certificates along with tender/quotation document for the above work


e)The University reserves the absolute rights to accept/reject any tender without assigning any reason at any stage of processing.

f)If considered necessary, the University may call the eligible firms for making presentation at short notice.

g)The successful bidder should submit the proposal for the above work along with DPR, Master Plan and other required technical details to this office on or before 15-09-2009.

Any other information and terms and conditions can be obtained from the office of the Executive Engineer, University Engineering Division, University of Mysore, Mysore during the office hours or may be found in the University Website

The filled tender/quotation for the above work shall be submitted as per the format enclosed and shall be sent in sealed envelope superscribing “Offer for the work of providing technical consultancy service for preparing technical proposal along with detail project report (DPR), master plan and offer technical services to establish the probable civil/other works in the restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake” at Mysore to the Executive Engineer, University Engineering Division, University of Mysore, Mysore on or before 01.08.2009, 4.00 PM.


Executive Engineer


FORMAT OF the work of providing technical consultancy service for preparing technical proposal along with detail project report (DPR), master plan and offer technical services to establish the probable civil / other works in the restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake” at Mysore

  1. Name and Address of the agency with contact

Telephone No and e-mail I.D along with the

duly certified copies of the documents meeting

the eligibility criteria. :

  1. Total charges for providing technical consultancy service and for preparing technical

proposal along with detail project report (DPR), master plan and offer technical services

to establish the probable civil / other works in the restoration and development of Kukkarahalli Lake.

(i)Rupees (in figures):

(ii)Rupees (in words):

  1. Terms and conditions;
  1. Applicable Taxes (%)
  1. Any other details

Signature with date and seal of the agency