Screen Capture Scripts : Overview/General


Updating your Profile

Copy-and-pasting from Microsoft Word

Attaching a Word or PDF document

Creating a Mail list

Overview: Some Key Functions of Curriculum Central

Length: 3.53 Minutes

On Curriculum Central you can do many things. Let’s browse the menu bar at the top of the Curriculum Central opening page to see what some of the most useful functions are. Other key functions are embedded in the proposal and approval process and will not be covered here.

  1. The second tab, My Tasks, opens your Tasks page, where you can see all of the courses you are proposing or modifying (Modify Outline) or that are awaiting your Review or Approval.
  2. The Course tab produces a drop-down menu of many functions. The functions accessible only from this menu are:
  3. Maintenance
  4. Cancel proposed outline allows the proposer to cancel a draft proposal.
  5. Create new outline allows a proposer to begin a new course proposal.
  6. Modify outline allows a proposer to begin a proposal to modify an existing UH Hilo course.
  7. Review
  8. Cancel review request: allows you to withdraw your proposal from the Review; the course returns to your Tasks page.
  9. Approval
  10. Cancel approval request: allows you to withdraw your proposal from the Approval process; the course returns to your Tasks page.
  11. Clicking on the Reports tab, you will find reports on all UH Hilo Curriculum Central activities. Among the most useful are these, under Outlines
  12. Outline Approval Status: see where all UH Hilo proposals are in the Approval process
  13. Outline Review Status: see where UH Hilo proposals are in the Review process
  14. The Utilities tab opens to these useful functions, among others
  15. My profile: make sure your information on CC is current, especially that you are associated with the appropriate department
  16. Activity log: see what’s going on with all UH Hilo CC proposals and accounts
  17. Email list: create your own email lists, so you can quickly circulate draft or official proposals to colleagues for review

Explore these options at your leisure! And you can always return to your Tasks page by simply clicking on that tab.

Updating your CC profile

Length: 2.21 minutes

When you first use CC, you should make sure that your Profile is correct. Having the correct Department specified in your Profile will enable you to create new courses with the departmental alpha, and to modify existing courses with the departmental alpha.

If you are authorized to make curriculum proposals for more than one department, you will need to have the appropriate department selected in your Profile.

Approvers and Reviewers can review course proposals from any department. The Approver roles have been specified by the campus CC administrator to ensure that proposals go to the right folks. Reviewers are selected by Proposers and Approvers via the Email List function, and may be from any department.

To check/update your CC Profile:

  1. Log into Curriculum Central.
  2. In the CC main page, click on UTILITIES, then in the drop-down menu, click on MY PROFILE.
  3. You can insert or correct information in any of the yellow-highlighted slots.
  4. If the correct department or division is not selected, select it/them from the drop-down menu(s).
  5. Click SAVE when you are done.
  6. CC will notify you that your profile has been updated successfully.

Copy-and-pasting text from Word

Length: 2.47 minutes

Reviewers and approvers prefer to have all information, including the syllabus in item 19, embedded into the proposal, where it is immediately available for review. However, if your proposal involves program modification, you might choose to attach the revised program description in item 24. See the video “Attaching a document.”

1. Keep the formatting in the original document straightforward and simple—use one font and don’t include tables or images. Curriculum Central does not transfer boldface, underscoring, different font sizes either—you can add these after pasting.

2. Open the item in the course outline

3. In the original document, copy the text (Windows CTRL-C or Mac OSX COMMAND-C) to be inserted into the item HTML window

4. Click the Word icon in the third row of the HTML menu. A small window will open.

5. Click CTRL-V or COMMAND-V to paste the text into the small window.

6. The text will appear in the larger window. Using the appropriate icons in the HTML menu above window, you can bold, italicize, or underscore and adjust identation, numbering, and bullets.

7. Click SAVE.

8. To make sure the process was completed successfully, CLOSE the course page and go back to your TASKS page. Click on the blue course alpha/number link; the course view page will show the text entered for all items. If the pasting was not successful, repeat steps 1-8.

Attaching a PDF or Word document

Length: 2.31 minutes

  1. Have the document on your desktop.
  2. Open the outline item (e.g., item 19, Syllabus)
  3. Click on the blue Attachments tab at the top of the course box.
  4. Browse on your desktop to the file to be attached, and attach it.
  5. Click SAVE on your item screen.
  6. To make sure the attachment was successful, CLOSE the course page and select “View Outline” in the next window. Your attachment(s) should be at the bottom of the course view page. If they are not, repeat steps 2a-d.
  7. To later delete an attachment, return to the Course page and click on the blue Attachments at the top right.
  8. The next page shows the attachment file name in blue.
  9. Click on the waste basket icon to the left of the file name and confirm that this file should be deleted.

Creating and using a mail list for reviews

Length: 1.56 minutes

Proposers, department chairs, and committee chairs will wish to request groups of faculty to review proposals. They can establish Mail Groups to expedite the process.

  1. In the main CC page, click on the UTILITIES tab.
  2. From the drop-down menu, click on EMAIL LISTS.
  3. Several groups have already been formed. Click on the [+] next to “Pages” near the bottom of the Email List window.
  4. Give your new list a name—for example, English Dept
  5. Select the members of your list by clicking on each name then on the right-pointing arrow. The names will appear in the box to the right.
  6. If you change your mind and want to remove a name from the mail list, click on the name and click the left arrow to move it back to the master list.
  7. When you have selected all members, click INSERT.
  8. CC will confirm that the list has been created.