Computational Innovation

Performance Task Description:

Using the tools you learned in the Photoshop tutorials, create an image depicting yourassigned aspect of the self-driving car
It must be primarily non-textual (little text), but it does need a title of some kind and your name(s) as part of the image
The final image must be 8 ½” x 11” at 72 pixels/inch.Tip: Create a canvas of the correct size and then move images to it
All images must be of high enough resolution to avoid unintentional blurriness and distortion in the final project. / Practice all of the tools you’ve learned so far. (You need to use a minimum of ten different skills from Lessons 3-7)
You must utilize a minimum of 3 different images.
This is an art and design project. So you must purposefully use and be able to describe the principles and elements of design.
Turn in a Description of lessons used, design elements and sources (see attached)

Your assigned topic is:

  1. Beneficial effect on society
  2. Beneficial effect on the economy
  3. Beneficial effect on culture
  4. Harmful effect on society
  5. Harmful effect on economy
  6. Harmful effect on culture
  1. Data used by the innovation
  2. How the innovation inputs data
  3. How the innovation outputs data
  4. How the innovation transforms (processes) data
  5. Data storage, privacy, and/or security concern

See Explore Performance Task Description for more details


□Proper Size/Includes name and title/Un-blurred images…10 pts
□10 Skills and 3 images utilized…20 pts
□Additional Skills used (not included in the tutorial lessons)…10 pts
□Artifact clearly illustrates, represents, or explains the purpose, function, or effect of the innovation (according to the specific topic assigned)…20 pts
□Creativity/Originality/Art & Design elements w/description…20 pts
□Appropriate references used…10 pts
□Complete and clear documentation turned in with the artifact…10 pts / Comments:

Photoshop Tutorial Lessons and Skills:

Lesson 1 : Image Size
Resizing Images, File Size, Canvas Size, Resolution, Saving as a .jpg or .psd
Lesson 2 : Basic Layers
Creating New Layers, Drag and Drop, Rename, Moving, Hiding & Showing, Duplicating, Deleting, Transparency, Locking, Linking, The Stacking Order, Blend Modes, Flattening Images
Lesson 3 : Basic Selections
Selection Edges (Anti-Aliased, Aliased and Feathering) the Marquee, Lasso & Magic Wand Tools, Moving, Transforming, Adding To and Subtracting From, Drag and Drop, Select Inverse, Defringe / Lesson 4 : Straightening Images
Transforming Images (Scale, Rotate, Skew, Distort, Perspective, Warp, Flip), Straightening Images, Cropping
Lesson 5 : Removing Imperfections
Copy & Paste, The Clone Stamp, Healing Brush & Patch Tools.
Lesson 6 : Masking
Layer Mask, Vector Mask (Drawing shapes) , Quick Mask
Lesson 7 : Filters
Utility filters, Artistic filters, Extreme filters; Stacking Multiple Filters; Selective Filtering; Fading Filter Effects.

10 Photoshop Skills:

Skill Used: / Where Used: / Lesson: / Skill Used: / Where Used: / Lesson:
1 / 6
2 / 7
3 / 8
4 / 9
5 / 10

Additional Photoshop Skills Used:

Skill Used: / Where Used: / Skill Used: / Where Used:

Describe the principles and elements of design that you included and why:

Principle/Element: / Purpose:

Annotated Bibliography:

Summary of information:
Source (in APA style):
Summary of information:
Source (in APA style):
Summary of information:
Source (in APA style):
Summary of information:
Source (in APA style):

Attach additional sheets if necessary

APA Style references:

Academic Journal:

Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of article.Title of Periodical, volume number(issue number), pages.

Web Page:

Author, A. A.(Year, Month). Page Title. Retrieved From entire URL: