Meeting of the Norwest Jasper Regional Water District
February 16, 2013
Attendance: Ken Pearman, Mark Boer, Andy Andree, Kent Bierma, Attorney Emily Waddle and Treasurer Donald Goetz
Absent: Larry Donis and John Price
Meeting was called to order at 8:00 a.m.
Andy Andree made a motion to approve the minutes of the January 19, 2013 meeting and was seconded by Kent Bierma. Motion carried with a vote of 5-0.
Donald Goetz presented the treasurer’s report as of January 31, 2013
Meter & Tap Fee Account$450,344.61
Construction Account$134,669.31
Andy Andree made a motion to accept the treasurer’s report and was seconded by Kent Bierma. Motion carried with a vote of 5-0.
Daryl Knip gave the engineer’s report
Daryl presented three pay requests for the construction
1. Shinn for Contract A in the amount of $19,035.39. Work is 90% complete
2. Grimmer for Contract B in the amount of $237,350.79. Work is 50% complete
3. Abonmarche for engineering fees in the amount of $23,512.65. Work is 53.6% complete
Don Goetz made a motion to approve the pay requests and Kent Bierma seconded the motion. Motion carried with a 5-0 vote.
Ken Pearman stated that he looked up the Indiana code for the minimum depth to bury exterior waterlines in Jasper County. Per IAC 16-1.4-4 Chapter 3, Jasper County’s minimum depth to bury exterior waterlines is 48 inches.
Mark Boer made a motion to adopt IAC 16-1.4-4 Chapter 3 minimum depth to bury exterior waterlines at 48 inches for the town water connections. Andy Andree seconded the motion and the motion carried with a 5-0 vote.
Ken Pearman presented letters from residents that are requesting to be released from their water contracts. The first request was from Dave and Mary Bean. Mr. & Mrs. Bean purchased 628 Cedar St NW in 2009, and the previous owner had signed up for the water. They do not want the water. The second request was from Chris Plant. Chris purchased 508 Fir Ct NW in March 2012, and the previous owner had signed up for the water. Chris does not want the water.
Don Goetz made a motion to release Dave and Mary Bean of 628 Cedar St NW and Chris Plant of 508 Fir Ct NW from their water contracts and motion was seconded by Kent Bierma. Motion carried with a vote of 5-0.
Ken Pearman presented two more letters from residents requesting to be released from their water contracts. The first one was from George Milde of 1113 Daisy St SE. George is requesting to be released because he believes the cost to connect will be too expensive. The second request was from Donald Spradlin of 508 6th Ave NW. Donald wishes to be released because he believes the cost to connect will be very expensive.
The board tabled these requests so that Attorney Emily Waddle can review the requests as well as the contract. Both residents were informed that there is a clause in the contract that states that there is a $400 fee to opt out of the water contract. Both residents were also informed that Steve Ballard of the USDA can be contacted to see if they qualify for a grant or low interest loan to cover their costs.
Attorney Emily Waddle stated that she will review the grant process for the board.
Mike Kessinger of 536 Cedar St NW stated that the sidewalk and a tree by his home are unsafe. Mike said that his children have to wait for the bus under this tree and it is leaning. Mike said that he is afraid that someone is going to get hurt. Nick Tremmel of Abonmarche stated that two contractors looked at this tree and it was determined that the tree is safe. Nick said that is why the tree was not removed. Mike Kessinger insisted the tree is unsafe. Daryl Knip said that they will look into his concerns.
Ron Kamminga of Kamminga Well and Pump and Jeff DeYoung of DeYoung Dirt Works both asked questions regarding specs for connecting the water. Daryl Knip stated that the standards are still being fine-tuned. Daryl said that they will be made available when they are completed.
Daryl Knip stated that the contractor meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 27th at 9 a.m.
Attorney Emily Waddle said that she will work with the board to adopt a policy for handling requests to be released from water contracts.
Don Goetz made a motion to adjourn the meeting at 9:30 a.m. and Mark Boer seconded the motion. Motion carried with a 5-0 vote.