1.Purpose of Report
1.1To consider a scheme to reduce congestion at the which gives greater priority to traffic flowing between Lindsay Road / and Leicester Road junction, and to reduce rat running in nearby provide an on -road cycleway in Sandbanks Road, between Elgin Road and Evening Hill.
1.2The improvement of this junctiondevelopment of cycle lanes is part of a package of measures supporting the principle of improving journeys along Prime Transport Corridors within the conurbation. This is in line with the Strategy contained within theproposed in the South East Dorset Local Transport Plan 2006-11.Borough’s policy on cycling, which states that a safe, secure and convenient network of cycleways will be developed and maintained to encourage this form of transport.
It is recommended that :
2.1The signalised junction scheme, as shown on drg xxxJC0552/16 Appendix A, be approved, subject to obtaining the necessaryApproval be given to submit a Planning Permission Application for the removal of two trees.; and,
A recommendation be made to ?????? Committee that they approve the transfer of the necessary land to Transportation Services for enlargement of the junction; and,
Subject to approval of 2.1 and 2.2 above the proposal, as detailed in this report and shown at Appendix A, be agreed for implementation.
The proposal, as detailed in this report and shown on Appendix B JC?????, be agreed; And
Approval be given to advertise the associated waiting restriction orders
3.1The South East Dorset Local Transport Plan 2006-11 has recently been finalised and submitted to Central Government. It was prepared jointly by Bournemouth, Poole and Dorset. This document expresses a vision for transport in South East Dorset for the next 5 years which includes:
3.1.1More reliable journey times within the conurbation.
3.1.2Improved journey times between the Port, Bournemouth Airport, Town Centres, industrial areas and the national road network.
3.2The Government has developed and agreed with the Local Government Association four shared priorities for the delivery of transport strategy around which the Local Transport Plan (LTP) was structured. The four shared priorities are Congestion, Accessibility, Road Safety and Air Quality.
3.3The Strategy for delivery under the heading of congestionof the LTP includes a number of strands, wibuth one of the main features beingthose includes the improvement ofing traffic movement along several Prime Transport Corridors (PTC’s).
3.4The first of these to be considered is the corridor along the main route between Poole and Bournemouth Town Centres. Within Poole the PTC’s will be based around the A341, A3049 and A35 and include improvement to parallel routes to the principal road. The corridor concept looks at improvements not only on the main A35 but also on the parallel alternative routes of:
- Ashley Road ( Sea View - Redlands roundabout )
- Station Road – Penn Hill Avenue – Leicester Road – Lindsay Road
This is on the basis that improvement to parallel rPoole Local Plan First Alteration includes a plan of proposed cycleways, one of which runs along Sandbanks Road. Proposals to create a cycleway in this length of Sandbanks Road were originally included within the 2005/06 Capital Programme (reported to 10 March 2005 TAG) but, difficulties in identifying a workable scheme, together with limited staff resources meant that little progress was made during 2005/ 06. This was reported to 7 July 2005 TAG.
3.3The current proposals would extend the existing cycle lanes in Sandbanks Road, between Turks Lane and Elgin Road, to provide a continuous facility as far as the top of Evening Hill. A further extension to complete the link to Shore Road would be put forward to a future meeting of this committee. Appendix A shows the proposed route and it’s relationship to other National and local cycle routes proposed for this area.
3.5Sustrans are keen to see the completion of National Cycleway Network route No. 2. The route runs between Bodmin ------and Dover.------T, the Poole section of this route stretches between Sandbanks Ferry and the Promenade and links the Purbecks with the already completed Bournemouth section of the route. John Grimshaw, Director of Sustrans, has visited the site and submitted suggestions on route design. A cycle route along Sandbanks Road would provide Poole residents with a link to this facility andby joining the Heritage Cycleway and the National Cycleway Network route No 25--- and the Heritage Cycleway..
3.7The proposed Sandbanks Road cycle route will also form part of the
3.8plannedthe planned Poole Harbour Trail route. This is a walking and cycling route that follows the harbour shoreline as closely as possible and forms a circular trail of approximately 40 miles. The route is being developed by joint working with Purbeck District Council and Dorset County Council. The section of the route in Poole includes Sandbanks Road, Baiter, Poole town centre, Holes Bay and Ham Common. Beyond Poole the trail will visit Lytchett Bay, Holton Heath, Wareham, the Purbecks and Studland.
3.103.5Surveys on Sandbanks Road and Shore Road have shown 195 cyclists using the route in a 12-hour period on Wed 23 March 2003, 240 on Thursday 31 July 2003 and 260 on Thursday 29 July 2004 The number of cyclists using Sandbanks Road will be greater than this at weekends as this is a very popular route for residents and family groups to get to access the beach. outes will enable better traffic flow along the corridor as a whole.
3.5The first scheme to be considered in detail on this corridor is the To improve flow along the A35 corridor it is proposed to review the parallel route of Lindsay Road, Leicester Road, Penn Hill Avenue to Osborne Road, Station Road and back to the A35.
This Report considers the junction of Lindsay Road with Leicester Road, where the right turn out of Lindsay Road is difficult, particularly at peak times. This leads to considerable congestion and as well as causing extensive rat-running throughalong the nearby roads of Wilderton Road and Leicester Road. Current traffic flows are shown as Appendix C.
3.6Further schemes along the corridor, including the nearby Penn Hill signal junction, will be brought to this Group as the designs are developed. In all of these the common .primary objective will be towards the creation of reliable journey times by means of reduced congestion.
- Considerations
4.1This section of Sandbanks Road is wide enough to accommodate 1.2m wide advisory cycle lanes along both sides. The cycle lanes will be at least 1.2m wide but have been designed at 1.5m wherever the road width allows this.,although tTa minimum of ????2.75 (and 2.55m alongside the two refuges). This whichLarge vehicles willmay may need to encroach into the lanes in some places but the markings should encourage drivers to give cyclists space as they pass by. The markings could also encourage drivers to moderate their speed along this section of road.
4.1Two options for improvement of this junction have been assessed, as follows :
A mini roundabout would provide the cheaper solution but there are a number of drawbac
The junction would need to be enlarged significantly by taking land currently managed by Leisure Services. This would also require several mature trees to be removed.
Pedestrian facilities are poor.
Any growth in traffic would require the roundabout to be enlarged.
There would be no cycle facilities...
The proximity of the nearby Penn Hill signals will affect operation of a roundabout.
The only other suitable option would be aA signalised junction. Drawbacks with this are,
Higher installation and running costs.
Some additional land take, but not as much as for a roundabout.
The loss of 2 mature trees, but again less than for a roundabout.
4.24.3A signalised junction. ( drg JC0552/16 – shown as Appendix A ).
Main features are:
It is important that cyclists do not have to move in and out of the lanes to get around parked cars. No waiting at any time restrictions apply along much of the route but these will need to be extended along most of this section of road (see appendix B). . There will be scope to retain the parking spaces outside the shops and along the eastern side of the road between ------Marina Drive and ------. Blake Dene Road While there may be some objections from residents, others may welcome the protection that these would offer for their accesses. Clearways will be introduced at the two bus stops on the eastern side of the road .
The Cycling Liaison Group (CLAG) have been pressing for this type of scheme for several yearsrs. Although they have some reservations about minor details of the scheme they welcome it in principle. At a recent CLAG meeting members of the group were strongly supportive of the route but would like cycle lane widths to be maximised at points of danger, ie at bends, refuges and up-hill sections. There is a particular concern that the lane does not continue past the bus stop at Salterns Way.
4.3Advantages of a signalised junction are :
- Provision of cycling facilities.
- Better facilities for pedestrians.
- Positive control of traffic.
- Allows linking of signal control with the nearby Penn Hill signals to optimise capacity.
- This type of junction would have up to 30% spare capacity, allowing for future traffic growth.
This type of junction would have up to 30% spare capacity, allowing for future traffic growth.
h.The design has been amended to address as many of the CLAG suggestions as possible. This bus stop would be very difficult to relocate but green surfacing is suggested as a suitable way of guiding cyclists through this point.
- Higher installation and running costs.
- Some additional land take, but not as much as for a roundabout.
- The loss of 2 mature trees, but again less than for a roundabout.
4.3A mini roundabout ( drg JC0552/17 – shown as Appendix B ).
Main features are:
- The junction would need to be enlarged significantly by building onto the adjacent amenity open space. This would also require several mature trees to be removed.
- No improvements to pedestrian facilities.
- Option shown can only accommodate up to 90% of the current peak hour flows. Spare capacity to accommodate future growth in traffic could only be achieved by a larger roundabout than shown.
- No improvements for cycle facilities.
- Cheaper solution.
- Cannot be linked operationally to the nearby Penn Hill signals.
4.4 In respect of the above it is considered Having considered the advantages and disadvantages of each option it is considered that the signalised junction delivers the most benefits and is the preferred scheme.should be implemented.drg xxxDrawing No. JC0552/16
Signalised Junction A scheme has been developed and is depicted on Drawing No. at Appendix A.
4.5The scheme requires the construction of the footway around the outside of the current road to be built on the adjacent amenity land managedwill require the transfer of some additional land from by Leisure Services. While the loss of any green space is not ideal, it is considered that the wider benefit that the scheme offers – including an improved pedestrian link across Lindsay Road – outweighs this loss. , Tand two mature trees also need to be removed, for which. Planning Permission will be required. for this. Consultation has been carried out with Leisure Services, who consider the signalised junction proposal acceptable.
4.6Cycle facilities arewould be provided by incorporating advanced stop lines and lead in1.2m wide cycle lanes on all approaches, linking to those which currently exist inEastbound in Leicester Road and on each side of Lindsay Road. – to link with those which currently exist. This does leave a slightly sub-standard outer lane width of 2.55m, which is nevertheless considered acceptable.However, this will require a reduced width (2.55m) outer lane in Leicester Road which, although considered acceptable, is a departure from standard. A cycle lane Westbound in Leicester Road is not possible within the proposed land take.
4.7Consultation has been carried out with the Cycling Liaison AGroup ( CLAG ), whose comments will be circulated to members before this meeting. had the following comments,
4.7??? Sally to addNo Ccomments received yet
4.8It will be possible to provide full pedestrian crossing facilities across both Lindsay Road and Leicester Road.
4.9In the past 5 years there have been 2 serious and 4 slight injury accidents at this junction. National statistics suggest that a 30-50% reduction in accidents could be expected by junction signalisation.
As part of improvements to this Prime Transport Corridor it is intended to propose modifications to the nearby Penn Hill signal junction. This will be the subject of a further Report to TAG, and is expected to include linkage of the 2 junctions to maximise flows.
4.10To ensure adequate visibility of the signal heads it will be necessary to trim back some overhanging vegetation to property boundaries.
4.11The Capital pProgramme includes an allocation of £15042,000 for this scheme. Although the Statutory Undertakers costs have not yet been finalised, the scheme isshould be achievable within the budget, currently estimated at £130,000xxxx..
scheme can be introduced for approximately £----inclusive of fees, for and which there is provision for this in the Capital programme.
The developers of the new doctors surgery at the Elms Avenue/Sandbanks Road junction have made a contribution to fund a new pedestrian refuge in Sandbanks Road. Surveys indicate that the most appropriate location would be between the Elms Avenue and Elgin Road junctions. The refuge will be installed at the same time as the cycle lanes.
Head of Transportation Services
Appendix A – Proposed Layout Drawing No. JC0552/16 ( Preferred scheme )
Appendix B – Roundabout option Drawing No. JC0552/17
Appendix C – Current Traffic flows0601/??Location of proposal and National and local cycle routes
Appendix B - Proposed Layout drawing Nos. JC??????0.
Name and telephone number of Officer contact : Graham SpicerSteve Dean (01202)2620721
Lindsay Road / Leicester Road - peak hour traffic flows
Lindsay Road
A M346A M23
P M353P M29
A M776
P M787
A M15
P M19
A M325
P M191
A M 190
P M 500
Leicester RoadLeicester Road
Number of vehicles – A M ( 8am to 9am )
P M ( 5pm to 6pm )
From traffic count taken 14 July 2005