2014/2015 recruitment schedule

1. Full-time BA program (English Philology, English in Public Communication)

1st round

14.04 – thebeginning of online registration

7.07 – the deadline for online registration and payment of the recruitment fee

9.07 – entrance interview if applicable(foreign students and Old Matura candidates only)

11.07 –announcement of results.Candidates qualified for admission are required to deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee between 11.07 and 18.07.

The recruitment committee is open from Monday through Friday between 9 amand3 pmand on Saturdaybetween 9 amand 12 am.

18.07. (3 pm) – the deadline for documents delivery (in person and via snail mail). Candidates who will not have delivered the required documents by this time will not be admitted.

19.07 – the announcement of candidates admitted to Opole University

2nd round(applicable only if the limit for admission has not been achieved in the 1st round)

10.07 – the beginning of online registration. Between11.07 and 31.07 and from 1.09 until the end of recruitment, candidates deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee immediately after online registration and recruitment fee payment. Recruitment in the 2nd round is based on the ‘first come, first served’ rule until the limit for admission is achieved.

Between 1.08 and 29.08 (from 9 amto2 pm) the required documents can be delivered to the Teaching Department(Kopernika Square 11a, Collegium Minus, 3rd floor, room 33)

2. Extramural BA program

14.04 – the beginning of online registration

21.07 – the deadline for online registration and payment of the recruitment fee

22.07 – announcement of results.Candidates qualified for admission are required to deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee between 22.07 and5.09 (1 pm).

Between 11.07 and 31.07 the recruitment committee is open from Monday through Friday between 9 amand3 pmand on Saturdaybetween 9 amand 12 am. In September the recruitment committee is open from Monday through Friday between11 amand1 pm.

2nd round(applicable only if the limit for admission has not been achieved in the 1st round)

23.07 – the beginning of online registration. Between 11.07 and 31.07 and from 1.09 until the end of recruitment, candidates deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee immediately after online registration and recruitment fee payment. Recruitment in the 2nd round is based on the ‘first come, first served’ rule until the limit for admission is achieved.

Between 1.08 and 29.08 (from 9 am to 2 pm) the required documents can be delivered to the Teaching Department(Kopernika Square 11a, Collegium Minus, 3rd floor, room 33)

3. Full-time MA program (English Philology)

1st round

14.04 – the beginning of online registration

16.07 – the deadline for online registration and payment of the recruitment fee

18.07 – entrance interview (the candidate is required to send a seminar application form (download here) to 17 July)

18.07 – announcement of results.

Candidates qualified for admission are required to deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee between 18.07 and 25.07.

The recruitment committee is open from Monday through Friday between 9 amand3 pmand on Saturdaybetween 9 amand 12 am.

25.07. (3 pm) – the deadline for documents delivery (in person and via snail mail). Candidates who will not have delivered the required documents by this time will not be admitted to English Philology.

26.07 – the announcement of candidates admitted to English Philology

2nd round(applicable only if the limit for admission has not been achieved in the 1st round)

18.07 – the beginning of online registration.

Between 18.07 and 31.07 and from 1.09 until the end of recruitment, candidates deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee immediately after online registration and recruitment fee payment. Recruitment in the 2nd round is based on the ‘first come, first served’ rule until the limit for admission is achieved.

Between 1.08 and 29.08 (from 9 am to 2 pm) the required documents can be delivered to the Teaching Department(Kopernika Square 11a, Collegium Minus, 3rd floor, room 33)

4. Extramural MA program

14.04 – the beginning of online registration

17.09 – the deadline for online registration and payment of the recruitment fee

19.09 – entrance interview (the candidate is required to send a seminar application form (download here) to 17 Sept)

20.09 – announcement of results.Candidates qualified for admission are required to deliver the required documents to the recruitment committee between 22.09 and 25.09.

Between 11.07 and 31.07 the recruitment committee is open from Monday through Friday between 9 amand3 pmand on Saturdaybetween 9 amand 12 am.