Bridget K. Hamre

Associate Research Professor, Associate Director

Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning

Curry School of Education

University of Virginia

350 Old Ivy Way, Suite 100

Charlottesville, VA 22903



Ph.D., Clinical and School Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 2002

Dissertation: Depression in nonfamilial caregivers of young children: Prevalence and associations with caregiver behavior. (Chairperson: Robert C. Pianta)

M.Ed., Psychology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, 1998

Masters Thesis: Early teacher-children relationships and the trajectory of children’s academic and behavioral outcomes through eighth-grade.

B.A., Psychology, University of California, Berkeley, CA, 1995

Professional Positions

Research Associate Professor, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (June 2011-present)

Associate Director, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (June 2007-present)

Affiliated Faculty, Applied Developmental Psychology and Education Psychology, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (September 2009-present)

Affiliated Faculty, Program in Clinical and School Psychology, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (September 2006-present)

Senior Scientist, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA (September 2006-June 2011)

Research Associate/ IES/APA Postdoctoral Education Research Training Fellow, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (August 2004-August 2006)

MyTeachingPartner Consultant, Curry School of Education, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (August 2004-June 2006)

Post-doctoral Researcher, Policy Analysis for California Education (PACE), University of California, Berkley, CA. (July 2002 – August 2004)

Psychology Intern, Children’s Health Council and Lucile Packard Children’s Hospital at Stanford, Palo Alto, CA. (July 2001 – June 2002)

Senior Staff Therapist and Assessment Supervisor, Center for Clinical Psychology Services, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (July 2000 – June 2001)

Child Psychologist Trainee, DeJarnette Children’s Psychiatric Hospital, Staunton, VA. (September 1999 – June 2000)

Staff Therapist/Trainee, Center for Clinical Psychology Services, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (July 1998 – June 1999)

School Psychology Practicum Student, Head Start Transition to School Project, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (January 1998 – September 1998)

Graduate Research Associate, National Center for Early Development and Learning, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. (August 1997 – June 2001)

Assistant Teacher, East Bay Sierra School, El Cerrito, CA. (August 1995- June 1997)

Research Assistant, Institute of Human Development, University of California, Berkeley, CA. (January 1994 – January 1995)

Research Interests

Integrating psychological and educational theory and methodology. Identifying classroom-level processes that facilitate children’s academic, social, and emotional development. Developing and evaluating school-based prevention and intervention programs aimed at improving the quality of interactions between teachers and students.

Refereed Journal Articles

Williford, A. P., Carter, L. M., & Maier, M., Cash, A., s, B., Pianta, R., & Downer, J. (in press). Teacher engagement in core components of an effective, early childhood professional development course: Links to changes in teacher-child interactions. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education.

Roberts, A., LoCasale-Crouch, J., DeCoster, J., Hamre, B (in press) Exploring teachers' depressive symptoms, interaction quality, and children's social-emotional development in Head Start. Early Education and Development

LoCasale-Crouch, J., Hamre, B., Roberts, A., & Neesen, K. (2016). If You Build It, Will They Come? Predictors of Teachers’ Participation in and Satisfaction with the Effective Classroom Interactions Online Courses. The International Review of Research in Open and Distributed Learning, 17(1).

LoCasale-Crouch, J., DeCoster, J., Cabell, S. Q., Pianta, R. C., Hamre, B. K., Downer, J. T., ... & LaParo, K. (2016). Unpacking intervention effects: Teacher responsiveness as a mediator of perceived intervention quality and change in teaching practice. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 36, 201-209.

Hamre, B. K., & Cappella, E. (2015). Measures of early adolescent development and school contexts narrowing the research to practice divide. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 35(5-6), 586-596.

Roberts, A. M., LoCasale-Crouch, J., DeCoster, J., Hamre, B. K., Downer, J. T., Williford, A. P., & Pianta, R. C. (2015). Individual and contextual factors associated with pre-kindergarten teachers’ responsiveness to the MyTeachingPartner coaching intervention. Prevention Science, 16(8), 1044-1053.

Hafen, C. A., Hamre, B. K., Allen, J. P., Bell, C. A., Gitomer, D. H., & Pianta, R. C. (2015). Teaching through interactions in secondary school classrooms revisiting the factor structure and practical application of the classroom assessment scoring system–secondary. The Journal of Early Adolescence, 35(5-6), 651-680.

Cash, A. H., Cabell, S. Q., Hamre, B. K., DeCoster, J., Pianta, R. C. (2015). Relating prekindergarten teacher beliefs and knowledge to children's language and literacy development. Teaching and Teacher Education, 48, 97-105.

Jamil, F. M., Sabol., T. J., Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C. (2015). Assessing teachers’ skills in detecting and identifying effective interactions in the classroom. Elementary School Journal, 115 (3), 407-432.

La Paro, K.M. Scott-Little, C., Eijimofor, A, Sumrall, T., Kintner-Duffy, V., Pianta, R.C., Burchinal, M., Hamre, B., Downer, J., & Howes, C. (2014). Student teaching feedback and evaluation: Results from a seven state survey. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 35(4), 318-336.

Gardner-Neblett, N., DeCoster, J., & Hamre, B. K. (2014). Linking preschool language and sustained attention with adolescent achievement through classroom self-reliance. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 35(6), 457-467.

Von Suchodoletz, A., Fasche, A., Gunzenhauser, C. Hamre, B. K. (2014). A typical morning in preschool: Observations of teacher-child interaction in German preschools. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 509-519.

Pianta, R. C., DeCoster, J., Cabell, S., Burchinal, M., Hamre, B. K., Downer, J., ... & Howes, C. (2014). Dose–response relations between preschool teachers’ exposure to components of professional development and increases in quality of their interactions with children. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29, 499–508.

Gitomer, D. H., Bell, C. A., Qi. Y., McCaffrey, D. F., Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2014). The instructional challenge in improving teaching quality: Lessons from a classroom observation protocol. Teachers College Record, 116.

Hamre, B. K. (2014). Teachers’ daily interactions with children: An essential ingredient of effective early childhood programs. Child Development Perspectives, 8 (4), 223–230.

Hamre, B.K., Hatfield, B., Pianta, R.C., Jamil, F. (2014). Evidence for general and domain specific elements of teacher-child interactions: Associations with preschool children’s development. Child Development, 85, 1257–1274.

Pianta, R. C., Burchinal, M., Jamil, F. M., Sabol, T., Grimm, K., Hamre, B. K., . . . Howes, C. (2014). A cross-lag analysis of longitudinal associations between preschool teachers’ instructional support identification skills and observed behavior. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 29(2), 144-154.

Casabianca, J. M., McCaffrey, D. F., Gitomer, D. H., Bell, C. A., Hamre, B. K. & Pianta, R. C. (2013). Effect of observation mode on measures of secondary mathematics teaching. Educational and Psychological Measurement, 73, 757-783.

Cabell, S. Q., DeCoster, J., LoCasale-Crouch, J., Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2013). Variation in the effectiveness of instructional interactions across preschool classroom settings and learning activities. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 28, 820-830.

Allen, J., Gregory, A., Mikami, A. Lun, J. Hamre, B. Pianta, R. (2013). Observations of effective teacher-student interactions in secondary school classrooms: Predicting student achievement with the CLASS-S. School Psychology Review, 42, 76-97.

Curby, T. W., Brock, L. L.. & Hamre, B. K. (2013). Teachers' emotional support consistency predicts children's achievement gains and social skills. Early Education and Development, 24, 292-309.

Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R.C., Downer, J. T., Decoster, J., Jones, S., Brown, J.,…Hakigami, A. (2013) Teaching through interactions: testing a developmental framework of effective teaching in over 4,000 classrooms. Elementary School Journal, 113, 461-487.

Jamison, K. R., Cabell, S. Q., LoCasale-Crouch, J., Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2013). CLASS–Infant: An observational measure for assessing Teacher–Infant interactions in center-based child care. Early Education & Development, 1-20.

Cash, A., Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C., Myers, S.S. (2012). Rater calibration when observational assessment occurs at large scale: Degree of calibration and characteristics of raters associated with calibration. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 27 (3), 529-542.

Hafen, C. A., Allen, J.P., Mikami, A. Y., Gregory, A., Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R.C. (2012). The pivotal role of adolescent autonomy in secondary school classrooms. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 41 (3), 245-255.

Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C., Mashburn, A. J., & Downer, J. T. (2012). Promoting young children’s social competence through the preschool PATHS curriculum and MyTeachingPartner professional development resources. Early Education and Development, 23 (6), 809.832.

Cappella, E. Jackson, D. Wagner, C. Hamre, B. & Soule, C. (2012). Bridging mental health and education in urban elementary schools: Participatory research to inform intervention development and implementation. School Psychology Review, 40 (4), 486-508.

Cappella, E., Hamre, B. K., Kim, H., Henry, D. B., Frazier, S. L., Atkins, M. S., Schoenwald, S. K. (2012). Teacher consultation and coaching within mental health practice: Classroom and child effects in urban elementary schools. Journal of Consulting & Clinical Psychology, 80(4), 597-610.

Bell, C. A., Gitomer, C. A., McCaffrey, D. Hamre, B., Pianta, R., & Qi, Y. (2012). An argument approach to observation protocol validity. Educational Assessment, 17, 1-27.

Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C., Burchinal, M. Field, S. Locasale-Crouch, J.L., Downer, J. T…Scott-Little, C. (2012). A course on effective teacher-child interactions: Effects on teacher beliefs, knowledge, and observed practice. American Education Research Journal, 49 (1), 88–123.

LoCasale-Crouch, J., Kraft-Sayre, M., Pianta, R. C., Hamre, B. K., Downer, J. T., Leach, A., . . . Scott-Little, C. (2011). Implementing an early childhood professional development course across 10 sites and 15 sections: Lessons learned. NHSA Dialog: Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 14(4), 275-292.

Downer, J., T., Pianta, R. C., Fan, X., Hamre, B. K., Mashburn, A., & Justice, L. (2011). Effects of web-mediated teacher professional development on the language and literacy skills of children enrolled in prekindergarten programs. NHSA Dialog: Research-to-Practice Journal for the Early Childhood Field, 14(4), 189-212.

Scott-Little, C., La Paro, K. M., Thomason, A. C., Pianta, R. C., Hamre, B., Downer, J., . . . Howes, C. (2011). Implementation of a course focused on language and literacy within Teacher–Child interactions: Instructor and student perspectives across three institutions of higher education. Journal of Early Childhood Teacher Education, 32(3), 200-224.

Mintz, T. M., Hamre, B. K., Hatfield, B. E. (2011). The role of effortful control in mediating the association between maternal sensitivity and children’s social and relational competence and problems in first grade. Early Education and Development, 22 (3), 360-387.

Curby, T. W., Stuhlman, M., Grimm, K., Mashburn, A., Chomat-Mooney, L., Downer, J., Hamre, B.K. Pianta, R. C. (2011). Within-day variability in the quality of classroom interactions during third and fifth grade. Elementary School Journal, 112(1), 16-37.

Bridges, M., Fuller, B., Huang, D., & Hamre, B. (2011). Strengthening the early childhood workforce: How wage incentives may boost training and job stability. Early Education and Development, 22 (6), 1009-1029.

Mashburn, A. J., Downer, J. T., Hamre, B. K., Justice, L.M., &Pianta, R. C. (2010). Consultation for Teachers and Children's Language and Literacy Development during Pre-Kindergarten. Applied Developmental Science, 14, 179-196.

Rimm-Kaufman, S. E. & Hamre, B. K. (2010). The role of psychological and developmental science in efforts to improve teacher quality. Teacher College Record, 112(12), 2988-3023.

Downer, J. T., Sabol, T., & Hamre, B. K. (2010). Teacher-child interactions in the classroom: toward a theory of within- and cross-domain links to children’s developmental outcomes. Early Education and Development, 21, 699-723.

Hamre, B. K., Justice, L., Pianta, R. C., Kilday, C. Sweeny, B., Downer, J, et al., (2010). Implementation fidelity of the MyTeachingPartner literacy and language activities: Associations with preschoolers’ language and literacy growth. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 25, 329-347.

Jerome, E., Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2009). Teacher-child relationships from kindergarten to sixth grade: early childhood predictors of teacher-perceived conflict and closeness. Social Development, 18, 915-945.

LaParo, K.M., Hamre, B. K., Locasale-Crouch, J., Pianta, R. C., et al., (2009). Quality in kindergarten classrooms: observational evidence for the need to increase children's learning opportunities in early education classrooms. Early Education and Development, 20, 657-692.

Downer, J., Locasale-Crouch, J., Hamre, B., & Pianta, R. (2009). Teacher characteristics associated with responsiveness and exposure to consultation and on-line professional development resources. Early Education & Development, 20(3), 431-455.

Pianta, R. C., & Hamre, B. K. (2009). Classroom processes and positive youth development: conceptualizing, measuring, and improving the capacity of interactions between teachers and students. New Directions for Youth Development, 121, 33-46.

Pianta, R. C., & Hamre, B. K. (2009). Conceptualization, measurement, and improvement of classroom processes: standardized observation can leverage capacity. Educational Researcher, 38, 109-119.

Pianta, R.C., Mashburn, A. J., Downer, J. T., Hamre, B. K. & Justice, L. (2008). Effects of web-mediated professional development resources on teacher-child interactions in pre-kindergarten classrooms. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 23, 431-451.

Mashburn, A. J., Pianta, R. C., Hamre, B. K., Downer, J. T., et al. (2008). Measures of classroom quality in pre-kindergarten and children’s development of academic, language and social skills. Child Development, 79(3), 732-749.

Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C., Downer, J. T., Mashburn, A. J. (2008). Teachers’ perceptions of conflict with young students: Looking beyond problem behaviors. Social Development, 17, 115-136.

Mashburn, A. J., Hamre, B. K., Downer, J. T., Pianta, R. C. (2007). Teacher and classroom characteristics associated with teachers’ ratings of pre-kindergartners’ relationships and behaviors. Journal of Psychoeducational Assessment, 24, 367-380.

Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2005). Can instructional and emotional support in the first grade classroom make a difference for children at risk of school failure? Child Development, 76, 949-967.

Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2004). Nonfamilial caregiver self-reported depression: prevalence and associations with caregiver behavior in child care settings. Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 19, 297-318.

Konold, T., Hamre, B. K., Pianta, R. C. (2003) Measuring problem behaviors in young children. Behavioral Disorders, 28, 111-123.

Hamre, B. K., & Pianta, R. C. (2001). Early teacher-child relationships and the trajectory of children’s school outcomes through eighth-grade. Child Development, 72, 625-638.