RGF 4 (Revised 1 Feb 08)


Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 2 – Annual Progress Report

All information is treated with confidence. The information is furnished to the Ministry of Education (MOE) and its Academic Research Council (ARC) with the understanding that it shall be used or disclosed for evaluation, reference and reporting purposes.

All sections must be completed. Indicate “NA” where a particular section is not applicable.

PI must submit a softcopy and one hardcopy by 31st August to the Office of Research (ORE).

OREs are to submit all progress reports to:

Director, Higher Education

Ministry of Education

Higher Education Division

1 North Buona Vista Drive

Singapore 138675

(Please indicate “AcRF Tier 2 Progress Report” at top left hand corner)

Period of Report: ______

Grant Number: ______

Project Title: ______


University: ______

Approved budget (excluding research scholarship) : $ ______

Approved research scholarship funding: $______

Period of funding (MM/YY to MM/YY) : ______

Original completion date:

Expected completion date[1]:

1 Principal Investigator & Collaborators

Name / Role / University/ Institution

2 Other Professional Personnel Involved

Name / Role / University/ Institution

3 Abstract of Progress Report

Please provide a 1-page summary of the progress of the project.

4 Progress of Project

a) Findings

Please provide a succinct account of the findings and results for the period indicated above.

b) Outcome/Output of Research Project

Please provide the following for the period indicated above, as per Annex A, where applicable.

•  List of publications (with impact factor)

•  List of papers accepted by international conferences/ siminars

•  List of invitations to speak at international conferences/ seminars

•  List of patents filed/awarded and income derived

•  List of Awards (National and International)

•  Others – Please specify

5 Manpower recruited

Please provide a list of the personnel recruited under the grant, and for each person recruited, also provide the name, post, qualification, remuneration and duration of support.

6 Manpower training


(i) whether the grant supports any undergraduate or graduate students, or post- doctorates and whether any of the research team member pursued a higher degree (Masters, PhD) while working on the project

For each of the post-graduates, please specify

·  name

·  qualification attained

·  Present employment

(ii) the manpower training KPIs for the period indicated above, in the table below

(for project) / Achieved
(this year) / Remarks
No. of Masters Students to be Trained
No. of PhD Students to be Trained

(iii) the training courses attended by the PI or collaborators specifically in relation to the project in the period indicated above.

7 Equipment purchased

Please provide a list of inventorized equipment purchased under the grant, and for each piece of equipment, its date of purchase and purchase price in S$.

8 Problems encountered

Please highlight any problems encountered in the course of the project and propose solutions.

9 Deviations from original proposal

Please highlight deviations, if any, in the aims and/or methodology from the original proposals and provide justifications for the deviation(s).

10 Statement of Account

Please enclose the latest statement of account of the above project from your Finance Department. The statement should reflect the approved budget and the expenditure in the year reported in terms of manpower, equipment, consumables and others, as well as the balance available.

(excluding research scholarship)
($) / Equipment
($) / OOE
($) / Total

Grant approved

Expenditure to date
Utilisation rate
Research Scholarship

Grant approved

Expenditure to date
Utilisation rate

11 Brief outline of the project plan for the next 12 months.

12 Signing of Report

The report must be signed and dated by the PI of the project. The report must be acknowledged and dated by the Director of Research.

Annex A

Format for reporting outcome/output of research


#Status: Published / In Press / Accepted/Submitted

Author Names:

Title of Article:

Journal Name:


Year/ Issue/No.:

Page No.:

Impact Factor:

#Delete as appropriate.

Please provide 2 copies of published articles.


Author Names:

Title of Article:

Conference Name:

Page No. of Abstract:




Please provide 2 copies of published articles.


#Status: Filed/ Awarded

Author Names:

Title of Patent:

Covering Countries:

Filing Office:

Date of filing:

Date of Award:

Income derived:

#Delete as appropriate

Awards (National and International)

Name of Researcher:

Title of Article:

Name of Award:

Awarding Authority:

Date awarded:

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[1] If this is the expected final year of the project and there is a need to request for grant extension, please fill up the separate form for “Amendment(s) to Project” (Form RGF1).