Com’è la tua famiglia? Raccontaci tutto!
Create and present athree-generation family tree. Include the following information:
- the first name of each family member on the treeimmediate and extended family
- The relationship that you have with each person on your family tree(my cousin, my sister, etc.)
- Tell me:
- how many people there are on your mother’s side.
- how many people there are on your father’s side
- how many cousins you have (from both sides).
- the name and age of your oldest relative.
- the name and age of your youngest relative.
- Talk about each member of yourimmediate family and tell us
- his/her name and age
- two things that the person likes to do and doesn’t like to do
- what he/she is like physically or personality wise using three or four adjectives total
- You may include pets, if you have any. (Type and name)
Informazioni extra: (opzionali)
- you can describe your family members using more than four adjectives (total)
- you can tell me two things that each family member does (using the present tense of regular verbs)
Lavoriamo in classe da venerdì il 4 aprile a martedì, l’ 8aprile nella biblioteca.
4 / 3 / 2 / 1Task Completion &
Content / Student accomplishes the goal of the assignment and exceeds the required information. / Student accomplishes the goal of the assignment including all required information / Student accomplishes many of the goals of the assignment; missingsome of the required information. / Student accomplishes some of the goals of the assignment with many of the goals missing.
Vocabulary &
Grammar / Vocabulary is excellent and appropriately used.
No or very few grammatical errors: subject verb agreement, noun –adjective agreement, order of words, articles, possessives, and prepositions. / Vocabulary is excellent and appropriately
Some grammatical errors. Basic grammatical structures are correctly used three quarters of the time. / Overall good use of vocabulary.
High proportion of grammatical errors. Basic grammatical structures are correctly used half of the time. / Very limited use of appropriate vocabulary with some words in English. Very high proportion of grammatical errors.
Little or no evidence of the correct use of basic language structures.
Visual Display / An absolute masterpiece! Well detailed, clearly seen and easy to read. Impeccable layout. / Pictures and graphics are neatly displayed, close attention to details in layout. Items are easily seen. / Pictures are somewhat neat. Some items are difficult to read/see. / Pictures and layout are not neat. Little attention to details. Overall difficult to read.
Pronunciation / Flawless pronunciation. Student is able to self-correct, if necessary. In what part of Italy were you born? / Generally correct and comprehensible with occasional errors. / Some errors in pronunciation. Student guesses at words. No interference with communication. / Comprehensible. Many errors which interfere with communication.
Fluency & Presentation Skills / Student/group is very well –prepared. Seamless presentation with excellent eye –contact with audience. Smooth delivery and able to self- correct. Audience can fully comprehend the presentation. / Student/group is well-prepared. Presentation flows smoothly. Good eye contact with audience. Audience can fully comprehend the presentation. / Student/group is somewhat prepared. Presentation is occasionally halting with fragmenteddelivery.Some eye contact with audience. Audience can get the general idea of the presentation / Student/group lacks preparation and is frequently halting. Llittle to no eye contact with audience.
Difficult for audience to follow or comprehend the presentation.