Student Annual Report

For AY 2012-13

Please attach current CV and verification of FAFSA filing for domestic students.

Name: Current GPA: Year entered program:


Dept Use Only: / CV / Adv. Eval. / Adv. Sign. / Student Sign. / FAFSA

Please enter actual or anticipated quarter/year:

Comps/Dossier: / Dissertation Proposal Approved:
Research Paper Approved: / Advance to Candidacy:
MA Awarded: / File PhD:

Committee Chair/Advisor:

Committee Members:


Please check the forms of support for which you wish to be considered:


Nonresident tuition fellowship (for non-California residents only)

Fee fellowship (Department pays all/part of fees/health insurance)

Service/Spaulding Fellowship Stipend (for students advanced to candidacy)

Do you have/expect to have a fellowship or other funding for the upcoming year? If yes, please explain:

FAFSA Filing Date: (All domestic students must file with FAFSA.)

Please indicate if you plan to be off campus any quarter this coming academic year and indicate if you plan to be fully registered or apply for In Absentia status or a Leave of Absence. NOTE: Students on Leave of Absence are NOT eligible for fee fellowship support.

Fall 2012: / Winter 2013: / Spring 2013:

TASHIPS: Check quarters you are available for/interested in TAships

(Note: indicate if you will be taking your comps and do not want sections. We cannot guarantee such a placement.)

Fall 2012: / Winter 2013: / Spring 2013:

Please list all lower division (ANTH 2, 3, 5, 7) courses which you do NOT want to TA:

List courses for which you have been a TA (in Anthropology and other departments):

Course # / Course Title / Qtr/Yr / Course # / Course Title / Qtr/Yr

ACADEMIC PROGRESS (to be completed by Student)

A. Courses taken this past academic year

Course Numbers and Titles / Units / Grade

B. Courses planned for the coming academic year.

Course Numbers and Titles / Units / Grade


Advisors must communicate with student regarding this evaluation and BOTH Advisor and Student must sign below to verify they have communicated.The evaluation and signatures are required if the student wishes to be considered for merit & need-based fee fellowships.

Student: / Date:
Advisor: / Date:


On a separate page, students may submit comments without advisor or committee review about their progress, particular problems encountered, or this evaluation.

STUDENT SELF-EVALUATION (to be completed by Student)

In the space below, please provide a summary describing your research objectives and what you have accomplished. Include any publications, presentations, grants, scholarships, and awards received this year. Summarize your research plans for the coming academic year.

ADVISOR’S STUDENT EVALUATION (to be completed by Advisor)

In the space below, please provide a summary describing the student’s strengths, progress toward the dissertation, milestones and goals, and any additional comments.

1 UCSB Department of AnthropologyRevised Winter 2012