Learner Progression Agreement Template
This Progression Agreement details the arrangements in place to support learners on the Preparation for Higher Education at the University of Leedsto progress to the Part-time Cert HE in Business Management at the University of Leeds.
- Entry Criteria
2. Guaranteed interview or review of learner transcript or place
- Application Process
- Understanding HE
- Personal Career and Development Planning
The following will be provided as an integral part of the Preparation for Higher Education Programme (PHE) programme in order to help you better understandthe options available to you within HE and to help you to decide on, and plan for specific progression routes that meetyour needs.
- Discussion of the Progression Agreement within the Learners Personal Development Plan : Personal Development Planning is integral to module LLLC0140 Academic & Personal Development with Vocational Studies that runs across the full year of PHE and provides opportunity for you to reflect upon the progression opportunities available through the PHE, including this agreement, and to discuss these with your personal tutor.
- Finance : Information about financial support is provided for potential applicants through the University part-time prospectus and website. On-course advice on financial matters is also available within PHE.
- Progression Opportunities: These are discussed within the context of PDP and the module LLLC0140 Academic & Personal Development with Vocational Studies.
- Induction: You will follow the standard BA Social Work induction programme. In addition, the LLC provides a “home” for all mature undergraduates throughout their studies at the University of Leeds. We provide a range of services tailored to address your practical circumstances. These include access to specialist Guidance staff and support for continuing development of academic and study skills. The LLC also offers a range of social events in conjunction with the University Union’s Mature and Part-time Students’ Assembly. All students will receive our Services for Mature and Part-time Students brochure.
- Advice and Guidance from specialist staff and one-to-one support is an integral part of PHE and will assist you in managing the application and selection processes involved in accessing the next level of study.
- Modification or Termination of the Progression Agreement
7. Learner Agreement Statement
You have been supplied with three copies of this Progression Agreement. Please sign
ALL THREE copies and then give two of the copies to your course tutor and keep the other copy for your own records. Your course tutor will keep one copy and send the other copy to the representative for the BA Social Work at The University of Leeds School of Healthcare.
I understand the Progression Agreement and agree to the arrangements detailed above.