Ushering Guideline
Concise Version
Ushers are responsible for opening up and preparing the church premises for worship. Jesus taught us to show our love, care, and concern to strangers as well as our neighbors (cf. Matthew 25:38-40). Ushers should have a caring attitude when fulfilling their duties. Ushers provide the first exposure and impression of the church to visitors. The old adage, “there are no second chances for a first impression.”
· Prepare the House of God for Worship Services
· Preparing others to enter into the House of God
· Tidy up the House of God at the conclusion of worship services
· Prior Preparation
o Spiritual Preparation: Pray for a heart of love for people, a sincere attitude, a courteous demeanor, a heart of reverence, and most importantly for God’s guidance and direction.
o Physical Preparation: Make sure to get proper amounts of rest the night before your ushering duties. Ushers need energy and stamina to properly welcome the congregation and provide for any needs that they may have.
o Preparation of one’s appearance: Because ushers give the first impression to people about our church, dress appropriately and groom yourself accordingly to serve God and represent the church.
· Preparation on the Hour
o Ushers should ensure that the lobby, the restrooms, and the chapel are clean, orderly and presentable.
o Ushers should prepare the chapel lights, temperature, and make sure the sound system is ready for worship services.
o Ushers should make sure there are enough Bibles, hymn books, and publications necessary and that visitor welcome kits are readily available.
· As people begin to arrive for service…
o Greet incoming members and visitors by: smiling, addressing them by name (if possible), and shaking their hands. If necessary, ushers should hand out or direct members to Bibles & hymn books, hearing aids, and church bulletins, handouts, or publications.
o If new visitors arrive at church, ushers should guide them to the reception desk to fill out the visitor welcome card, provide them with a welcome kit, and give them a prayer card. If the visitor came to church by himself/herself, arrange for a brother/sister to sit with him/her.
o Ushers are also responsible for ensuring members and visitors are seated politely, courteously, and in an orderly manner. Members may not need as much direction regarding where to sit.
o As people arrive to church and service begins, keep a watchful eye on people who seem to be mischievous or suspicious. This may not be possible/applicable if the usher is inside the chapel during service.
o Update the Service Record Book (sermon title, hymn numbers, speaker, interpreter, and take attendance during the final prayer session.)
· At the conclusion of the service…
o Give visitor cards and other pertinent information to the minister, deacon, or appropriate church council member. This should be done before announcements are made.
o Scan the aisles, pews, floor area under the pews, pulpit area, and windowsills for loose items. Leftover items should be placed in the lost and found. Bibles, hymn books, and materials should be returned to the bookshelf. Note: If this is done at the end of the Sabbath, a cleaning team may already be assigned to do this.
o Make sure the lobby, restrooms, and nursery are presentable throughout the day, and have been thoroughly cleaned at the end of the Sabbath.
· Additional Pointers
o In all circumstances, be prepared to handle any emergency that may arise. Keep your eyes and ears open for sights and sounds that indicate an emergency is at hand. In an emergency, there are some things you can prepare for:
§ Be prepared to act–Things to know:
· Emergency telephone numbers (police, fire, ambulance)
· Location of telephones, fire extinguishers, and first-aid kits
§ Be calm–In order to quickly and properly resolve any emergency, ushers must remain calm.
o After completing your ushering duties…
§ Make note of anything particular that occurred, such as new visitors, any “lost sheep” returning, etc.
§ Contact the ushering team coordinator or the following week’s ushers to inform them of any special occurrences or needs that you saw (ie: if there aren’t enough visitor’s kits, periodicals, etc.)
Liturgical Guideline Series Page 1 January 2009