CIKC Call for Proposals for tranche 2 funding May 2009
Cambridge Integrated Knowledge Centre aims to develop advanced manufacturing technologies using new macromolecular materials systems, such as polymers, advanced liquid crystals and nanostructures, for applications in computer and sensing technologies, displays and communication systems, and to create valid exploitation routes for these innovations. Funding for the Centre is provided by the EPSRC (£7m over five years) with a target to attract £5 million from industrial partners and £3-4m from other funding bodies over the five year timescale, in addition the university has committed over £2 million to the project. CIKC brings together research activities in molecular and macromolecular materials in the Electrical Engineering Division and in the Cavendish Laboratory with the expertise of the Judge Business School, the Institute for Manufacturing (IfM) and the Centre for Business Research (CBR), to create innovative knowledge exchange activities spanning business research, training and specific exploitation.
Details of currently funded projects and of the membership of the CIKC panels and Management Committee are available on the CIKC CamTools site ( and at
Tranche 2 funding of the CIKC collaborative programme
We anticipate that we will shortly obtainhave recently received confirmation from EPSRC of tranche 2 funding of £2 million (FEC) for collaborative projects (covering technology development, commercialisation research, training and outreach actions) over the period from 1 October 2009 – 31 December 2011. Project proposals for commercialisation research projects in tranche 2 should be submitted to the CIKC office by July 17th 2009,see details below.
The effective Commercialisation of Technology requires expertise in the timely delivery of projects, spin-off management, IPR management and management of partnerships and alliances. The difficulty in implementing this is that they often require some adaptation to the specifics of the technology. CIKC provides us with the opportunity to study Commercialisation commercialisation of a particular set of technologies technologies in an interdisciplinary approach. Examples of such work could be the study of the managerial aspectscommercialisation strategies of the emerging photonics and electronics technologies and what these imply for the implementation of what we know about management of process development and commercialisation in the relevant industrial sectors. Over the coming years and the course of several of these projects, we hope to build up generic insights on how to adapt Process and Product Innovation Management to specific technologies and sectors.
PIs of current projects wishing to access tranche 2 fundingcontinue beyond 30 September 2009 must submit updated project proposals to obtain continued funding indentifyingidentifying how the work will build on existing achievements. Although we anticipate that the major part of available funding will be directed through these foundation projects, further proposals for projects with merit within the remit described above may be considered by the panel. As the CIKC is moving into the tranche 2 phase, greater emphasis is being placed on targeted activities with clear outputs which are directly relevant to the CIKC remit. In particularly, there is a growing emphasis on “user pull” and so the projects should be expected to be collaborative with industry. Proposals are particularly welcome which are likely to enhance the longer term sustainability of the CIKC.
Whilst projects may apply to run for any term through to the end of the grant, funding will be granted in one or more annual tranches with allocated funding released only if targets are achieved. All CIKC projects are subject to periodic review and may be halted by the management committee if deliverables are not met. In such cases the host department will be responsible for managing all resulting contractual issues Whilst projects may apply to run for any term through to the end of the grant, all CIKC projects are subject to annual review and may be halted by the management committee if deliverables are not met.
Funding will cover staff, student support, equipment, facilities access, consumables and travel, in addition funding may be requested for staff secondment to/from industrial partners, the funding of student projects or collaboration with other academic institutions. Note: Funding is subject to confirmation of funding level from ESPRC
Proposal Procedure
On receipt, proposals will be judged on
relevance to the CIKC remit
potential business impact, as evidenced by
- involvement of, and support by, industrial partners and technology projects
- evidence of benefit to technology commercialisation process
technical quality and novelty of research
evidence of the need for support by CIKC and cost effectiveness of the use of CIKC resources
Following review and assessment by the Commercialisation Panel, a recommendation will be made to the CIKC Management Committee which will meet before the end of July.
If you should wish to discuss any matters concerningsubmit a proposal the proposals, please contact, Professor Ian White (Chair, CIKC Management Committee) Professor Arnoud De Meyer (Chair, Commercialisation Panel) or Mark Leadbeater (Program Manager).
CIKC Commercialisation Panel Project Proposal Form
The Project Proposal Form is designed to gather the basic information needed for the CIKC KT Panels to consider proposals. Additional information may be required later in the process. Expected project costs, including any new equipment to be purchased or facilities access required as well as any expected contributions from sponsors should be entered where indicated. The CIKC Office using pFACT (as a calculator only) will then provide a total FEC project budget. The project PI may be invited to attend the CIKC KT meeting at which the project is to be discussed to speak for the project.
Please fill in as completely as possible, adding explanatory notes wherever you feel they might be useful..
Further explanatory notes are on the last page.
Project Title:Acronym:
Originator(s): / E-mail:
Principal Investigator: / E-mail:
Tel: / % full-time
Co-investigator: / E-mail:
Tel: / % full-time
Co-investigator: / E-mail:
Tel: / % full-time
Industrial Partner:
Contact name(s): / E-mail:
Other sponsor(s):
Date of Submission:
Start date: / End date: / Duration:
Project Deliverables
Please insert verifiable milestones (a minimum of 1 per 6 month period) and list all project deliverables (including a clear description of form that they will take)
Milestone/Deliverable / DateProject Description:
Objective:Background• background and history, research undertaken to date and current status
• If this project is a continuation of a previous CIKC projects please provide a summary of the achievements of the project to date
Outline of Potential users of the infrastructure/commercial interest:indicate why the project is of commercial interest and/or how it would make a contribution to the commercialisation of technology, e.g. industrial partner involvement, potential products, contribution to wealth creation in the UK.
Relationship with Other CIKC Project Areas
Technology Development indicate how the project will interact with the technology development projects and industrial partners
Training Detail outputs potentially suitable for incorporation in training courses/material and any resources required for training e.g. attendance on CIKC sponsored courses by staff/RA/student
Outreach Outline plans to disseminate the results of this research
Commercialisation indicate existing or potential links with other CIKC Commercialisation research projects
Justification of Resources Include details of any new equipment to be purchased as well as access to existing infrastructure that will be required
Statement on Partneror other sponsor funding To demonstrate the cost effective use of CIKC resources, applicants should look to supplement the budget with support from other agencies (e.g. EEDA, TSB etc), or from industrial partners {Maximum 100 words}:Statement regarding
Potential for Longer Term Development
Comment on potential future exploitation and research projects that could be envisaged after completion of the CIKC EPSRC award
Other Information (e.g. Diagrams, Project Plan etc)
Other Information (e.g. Diagrams, Project Plan etc)
Resources Required
University Costs: Please detail all areas of expenditure (at 100% FEC) with costs supported by a pFACT calculation or equivalent – CIKC office will produce this if requested. If you produce your own pFACT please record the proposal ID number and arrange for CIKC Office to have access
2009 / 2010 / 2011 / TotalResearch Staff
Student Maintenance
Student Fees
Travel and subsistence
Other (please detail)
Facilities (e.g. cleanroom access)
Pooled Technicians
Directly Allocated Staff
Infrastructure Technicians
Indirect Costs
StaffPlease list everyone who will be working on the project, including principal investigator, co-investigator(s), teaching staff, research workers, postgraduate students whose time is to be charged to the project. The Grade and Spine point need only be added for a new appointment. If costs include a studentship please indicate whether the student is a UK, European or overseas student.
Person 1: / Grade/spine point (if necessary):% full-time / Start date: / End date: / Duration:
Person 2: / Grade/spine point (if necessary):
% full-time / Start date: / End date: / Duration:
Person 3: / Grade/spine point (if necessary):
% full-time / Start date: / End date: / Duration:
Person 4: / Grade/spine point (if necessary):
% full-time / Start date: / End date: / Duration:
Person 5: / Grade/spine point (if necessary):
% full-time / Start date: / End date: / Duration:
Other Project Income:Please itemise all expected contributions and give an estimate of their value
Industrial Partner(s)
partner / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / TotalCash
Staff secondment / contribution
Student support
Consumables donation
Equipment donations
Facilities access
Other sponsor(s)
sponsor / 2009 / 2010 / 2011 / TotalCash
Staff secondment
Student support
Consumables donation
Equipment donations
Facilities access
The CIKC Project Proposal Form is designed initially to gather the basic information needed for the CIKC KT Panels to consider proposals. Additional information may be required later in the process.The project PI maybe invited to attend the CIKC KT panel meeting at which the project is to be discussed.
Once the KT Panel has concluded that the project is suitable for consideration for CIKC funding, the project is submitted to the Management Committee for final funding approval. Once the project is approved, the PI is asked to sign the final version of the Project Proposal form, now called a Tasking Document. The Tasking Document is then signed by the CIKC Chairman to confirm funding approval and sent to RSD for entry of the project budget onto the University Finance System. Whilst projects may apply to run for any term through to the end of the grant, the panels may recommend funding for a shorter period and all CIKC projects are subject to annual review and may be halted by the management committee if deliverables are not met.
For consideration for tranche 2 funding this form should be returned to the CIKC Office by July 17t 2009.
CIKC Commercialisation proposal form tranche 2 200905 v3b.docCIKC Commercialisation proposal form tranche 2 200905.doc
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