Problem 1.
Given a 32-bit address space and a 32Kbytes cache, determine the number of bits for each field of a memory reference used to access the cache (i.e., the cache index field, the tag field, and the bye-select field, etc.) for the following cache organizations. (Hint: you do not need to draw the organizations, only specify the reference fields in bits)
a) Direct-mapped cache with 32 byte blocks,
b) 8-way Set associative cache with 16 byte blocks
c) Fully associative cache with 128 byte blocks
Text: 7.14 Consider a mem hierarchy using one of the 3 organizations for main memory in Figure 7.11 on page 489. Assume the following:
Cache block size is 16 words,
Width of organization (b) of the figure is 4 words
Number of banks in organization (c) is 4
Main memory latency for new access is 10 memory bus clock cycles
Transfer time is 1 memory bus clock cycle
What are the miss penalties for each of these organizations?
.a b. c..
Text: 7.46 The following C program could be used to help construct a cache simulator. Many of the data types have not been defined, but the code accurately describes the actions that take place during a read access to a direct-mapped cache.
word ReadDirectMappedCache(address a)
static Entry cache[CACHE_SIZE_IN_WORDS];
Entry e = cache[a.index]
if (e.valid == FALSE || e.tag != a.tag)
e.valid = true;
e.tag = a.tag; = load_from_memory(a);
Your task is to modify this code to produce an accurate description of the actions that take place during a read access to a direct-mapped cache with multiple-word blocks.
Text: 7.52 Why might a compiler perform the following optimization?
/* Before */
for (j=0; j<20; j++)
for(i=0; i<200; i++)
x[i][j] = x[i][j]+1;
/* After */
for (i=0; i<200; i++)
for(j=0; j<20; j++)
x[i][j] = x[i][j] +1;