
Pontypridd Town Council

6.30pm Wednesday 25th March 2015

Municipal Chambers, Municipal Buildings,

Gelliwastad Road, Pontypridd


Councillor S. Powderhill – Chair

Councillor L. Bengough

Councillor K. Bennett

Councillor A. Bevan

Councillor J. Brencher

Councillor M. Harvey

Councillor T. Hoppery

Councillor B. John

Councillor B. Watts

Councillor G. Whiles

Councillor G. Williams

Councillor K. Woodward

In attendance:

Gethin Williams Chief Executive

Jacqui Hopkins Administrative Officer

61. Apologies for absence:

Councillor Iago ap Steffan, Councillor T. Bates, Councillor S. Carter, Councillor C. Hull, Councillor B. Morgan and Councillor A. Reid.

62. Declarations of Interest:

Item 70 - Councillor S. Powderhill – Member of RCTCBC Planning Committee, Planning Application 14/1668/15 – variation of land West of Ashgrove Surgery, Ynysybwl Road, Pontypridd - Councillors M. Harvey and L. Bengough – involvement with the Planning application in the Glyncoch Ward, and 14/1568/09 – Certification of existing use Application at Ardref Direct Access Hostel, 11 – 11A Mill Street, Pontypridd - Councillor A. Bevan involvement with the Planning application.

63. Minutes


63.1 The minutes of the Council Meeting on the 25th February 2015, be approved subject to Councillor C. Hull being shown as having attended the meeting.

63.2 The Chief Executive reported that Ann Clwyd MP, and the Leader of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC, Councillor A. Morgan had also written to express their concerns regarding the temporary closure of Glyncoch Post Office.

64. Town Mayors Announcement’s

·  The Mayor reiterated his concerns regarding the adverse and unfair comments on the social network regarding Pontypridd and the Town Council.

·  He also reminded Members of the by-election for the Ilan Ward on the 16th April 2015.

·  The Mayor reminded Members of a planning course at the Pontypridd YMCA on the 31st March 2015. Councillor B. Watts had already indicated his desire to attend the course and Councillor K. Woodward also indicated her intention to attend.

·  The Town Mayor reminded Members that the next meeting of Council on the 22nd April 2015, would be held at the Museum.

65. Chief Executive’s Report

(a) Pont - Update

The Chief Executive reported that the Deputy Mayor, Councillor Mrs. J. Brencher, had recently returned from Uganda where she had been representing PONT in the Twinning with Mbale.

The Deputy Mayor was pleased to report that whilst she was in Uganda because of the good work of PONT, she had been invited to the High Commissioner’s residence in Kampala on St. David’s Day. Councillor Mrs. J. Brencher was proud to report that the Welsh flag officially had flown in Uganda on St. David’s Day.

The Deputy Mayor also reported on PONT’s successes in Mbale. She referred to the voluntary work provided by midwifes, ambulance workers, students and Church goers from Pontypridd who had lead to life changing benefits and improvements for the Mbale residents. She was particularly proud to report that PONT had provided motorbike ambulances which had made over 12,000 journeys and had saved countless lives.


To note the report and to compliment the Deputy Mayor for her role with PONT and that a letter be sent to PONT complimenting the organisation on the good work in Mbale.

(b) Casual Vacancy -

Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972

The Chief Executive reported that certain Councillors had failed to attend a meeting of Council or attended as a representative of the Council for a period of six consecutive months.

Section 85 of the Local Government Act 1972 provides advice that “if a Member of a Local Authority fails throughout a period of 6 consecutive months from the date of his (sic) last attendance to attend any meeting of the Authority, he (sic) shall unless the failure is due to some reason approved by the Authority before the expiry of that period, cease to be a Member of the Authority”.

On checking the attendance register the Chief Executive further reported that neither the Trallwn Ward Member, Councillor S. Farr’s nor Councillor Mrs. J. Hughes had not attended a Council meeting or attended a meeting as a representative of the Council for the last 6 months.

In view of the strict requirements of the legislation, the Council was required to inform Members that the two Councillors had ceased to be Members of the Authority by reason of failure to attend meetings.


(a) To note the report.

(b) As a result of the failure of the Councillors to attend meetings or to attend as a representative of the Council to declare that Councillors S. Farr and Councillor Mrs. J. Hughes had ceased to be Members of the Council and further declared “the offices” of the Trallwn ward and the Graig ward to be vacant.

(c) To instruct the Chief Executive to inform the Returning Officer of Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC of the vacancies at Trallwn and Graig wards.

(d) On receipt of advice from the Returning Officer that the vacancies be advertised by public notice in some conspicuous places in the Council’s area and in such manner as appears to be desirable and for giving publicity to the public notice.

(e) That all public notices required for election purposes are signed by the Mayor and or the Chief Executive of the Council as appropriate.

(f) To authorise the Chief Executive to take all further action required in connection with the by election (if any) to comply with legislation and in particular following responses received following the public notice of the vacancies.

67. Planning Application – Craig-yr-Hesg Quarry – Hanson

The Chief Executive referred to a letter received from the Lands and Planning Manager of Hanson Aggregates inviting Members to a public consultation event between 4.00 p.m. and 8.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 31st March 2015, at the Glyncoch Community Centre, Glyncoch.

The Leader of the Council, Councillor M. Harvey reported that unfortunately the dates for the public consultation clashed with another event at the Glyncoch Community Centre!


To note the information provided at the meeting.

68. Correspondence Received


(a) To note the Pontypridd Footfall figures for the weeks commencing the 16th and 23rd February and 2nd March 2015 – Members requested that a letter be forwarded to Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC pointing out the number of vehicles entering Penuel Lane by ignoring the no entry sign.

(b) To note the stopping order made by Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC regarding land at Rhydfelin.

69. Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC/Committee Reported Received


To note the reports received.

70. Planning Applications


To note the planning applications received and that in respect of Planning Application 14/1568/09 – Certification of Existing Use at Adref Direct Access Hostel 11/11a Mill Street, Pontypridd to request Rhondda Cynon Taff CBC for additional information and also to point out that it was considered that the proposed certificate could not be justified in view of the previous development on the land and in any event the development in the future if granted would adversely affect the neighbourhood and the Community.

71. Exclusion of Pubic, Representatives of the Press and Broadcast Media


Under the Public Admissions to Meetings Act 1960, the Public and representatives of the press and broadcast media be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the following items of business as publicity will be detrimental to the public interest because of the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, namely the awarding of commercial contracts.

72. Chief Executive’s Exempt Report

Alarm Contract

The Chief Executive reported on the tenders that had been received for the Council’s alarm contract for the maintenance of alarms CCTV coverage, panic alarm and links to the police response “URN” system.


To award the contract to Company A, namely Sonig Alarm Systems for a three year period at an annual cost of £762.50 per year which included the additional payments to correct the present faulty alarm system and the equipment change costs.

73. Insurance

The Chief Executive reported on the tenders that had been received for the insurance contract from the 1st April 2015.


(a) To note the report and to confirm that in view of the specialist company/brokers invited to tender to agree that standing orders be waived and confirm the action taken in inviting two tenders only.

(b) To award the insurance contract from the 31st March 2015 to Company A, namely Zurich Insurance plc, for a 3 year period at an annual cost of £9,699.10.

The meeting closed at 7.00 p.m.

Signed: ______

Councillor S Powderhill – Chairperson

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25h March 2015