News from Mohawk

April 7, 2013

Mohawk has talent, and lots of it! On Friday, April 5, Mohawk students performed for their peers in the annual Talent Show organized by the Student Council. Thank you to everyone involved: as performers who shared their talents, as an engaged and appreciative audience, as faculty and staff judges, and as coordinators of this event. Special recognition goes to students Tucker Jenkins and Matt Sherman who, along with a number of Student Council members and other volunteers, planned and presented an incredible talent show for the middle school and high school. As Student Council co-advisor Laura Rubinaccio noted, “It was wonderful for the student body and staff to view the diverse talent of Mohawk. The show was well orchestrated, and it was clear to the audience that a lot of planning and teamwork took place to make such a successful show.” This year the student organizers reached out to include a more diverse group of performers and invited more staff members, including custodian Nelson Clukey, cafeteria staff worker Deb Benson, and Technology Specialist/webmaster Virginia Wiswell, to participate with other faculty judges. Students in the audience could register their own votes for the Audience Choice recognition by texting their choices; the student organizers recognized that this was one way to incorporate social media and technology into our annual talent show event.

Speaking of social media, our school is working to develop effective policies and practices in the evolving media and technology landscape, and to provide students with information about using technology responsibly. A group of students is working through the Student Council to help the School Committee’s Policy Subcommittee develop recommendations that will inform School Committee policies regarding social media and technology use. On March 29 Cindy Boyle of the South Hadley Police Department made presentations to our middle school students about responsible and safe use of online resources and social media; for the past several years Ms. Boyle has also made presentations about Internet safety to parents as part of our Family Move Up Day for families of incoming 7th graders in June. Our School Council (also known as LEC or Local Education Council) will also be reviewing guidelines for responsible social media use.

This edition of News from Mohawk highlights a number of ways that programming at Mohawk provides students with opportunities to prepare for their future beyond school. This week we will have a high school career fair on Wednesday and a middle school career fair on Thursday. I’ve also included student feedback about the Reality Check event for juniors and seniors that was held on March 21; this was the second time we have been able to work with community members to provide our juniors and seniors with a hands-on learning experience to manage household budgets.

Students in grades 8-11 should submit their course registration requests if they have not already done so. The high school Program of Studies for next year is posted on the website (see the right hand column) and 8th graders received a special catalog of courses with offerings for 9th graders on March 29. For additional information about the course registration process for 8th grade students entering the 9th grade, please see #5.

1.  Upcoming Events

2.  Athletic News

3.  Student Services News

4.  Music News

5.  Middle School News

6.  Junior and Senior News

7.  Mohawk students participated in Student Government Day on Friday, April 5

8.  Watch Mohawk’s As Schools Match Wits Team on television

9.  Physical Education students learn about Leave No Traces principles for outdoor activity

10.  Library News

11.  High School Career Fair on Wednesday, April 10

12.  Reflections on the Reality Check Event on March 21

13.  Drama News

1. Upcoming Events

Monday, April 8

Mohawk School Council meets at 5:00 in the Principal’s Conference Room. This advisory body to the administration will be discussing annual revisions to the Student Handbook, the School Improvement Plan, and ways to promote recognition of student achievements. This is a public meeting and all are welcome.

Wednesday, April 10

EARLY RELEASE DAY. Students will be released at 11:30, after lunch.

High School Career Fair (see #11 for more information)
Last day of Quarter 3.

Mohawk School Committee meets at 7:00 pm in the Superintendent’s Conference Room.

Thursday, April 11

EARLY RELEASE DAY. Students will be released at 11:30, after lunch.

Middle School Career Fair (see #5 for more information).

First day of Quarter 4.

Friday, April 12

Drawing for the Gertrude Streeter Raffle to support our library. (See #10 for details.)

Week of April 15-19: SCHOOL VACATION WEEK

Wednesday, April 24

Report cards for Quarter 3 will be issued.

Saturday, April 27

Junior Auction, 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. (For more information see #6.)

Saturday, May 4

Mohawk’s As Schools Match Wits Team on PBS Channel 57 at 7:00 pm. (See #8.)

Thursday, May 9

Annual MS/HS Spring Concert featuring MS Band and Chorus, HS Band, Chorus and Select chorus. We also have a few combined pieces this year! (See #4 for more Music News.)

2. Athletic News

Our spring sports season has officially begun as the girls varsity and junior varsity softball team played Pioneer on Thursday, April 4th and the girls tennis team also was in play on Thursday as they defeated Turners Falls 4-1. The rest of spring sports go into action during this coming week of April 8th.

Athletic Director Fred Redeker has prepared the schedule of games for the next two weeks; this is a separate attachment in this email. There will be a master schedule available in the front office starting Monday, April 8; please stop by and pick one up. Any questions about the schedule, please contact Fred Redeker at 413-625-9811 x1310 or you can look up each sport on

A reminder that anyone who hasn't paid their user fee should please do so immediately as they were due on Friday, April 5th.

3. Student Services News

Greenfield Community College representative to visit on Tuesday, April 9

We will have a representative from Greenfield Community College in Room 208, at 10:45, on Tuesday, April 9. He will be here to answer any questions that students may have and is available to help with the application process.

Air Force representative to visit on Tuesday, April 9

Sgt. Crystal Westbrook from the Air Force will be here on Tuesday, April 9 as well, but she will be located in Student Services during 2nd high school lunch. She will provide information about the Air Force in general and about the Junior Program (also known as Softbook Program), which is an option for Juniors who are interested in an early enlistment. To qualify the student must be 17 (or will turn 17) between April 2013 and September 2013. Students who utilize the Softbook Program will take the ASVAB (Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery assessment) and Process into the Delayed Entry Program prior to starting their senior year of high school.

Academy Day

Each year Congressman Richard Neal hosts an Academy Day, bringing together interested students with representatives of the service academies and other military institutions. Through the years, Academy Day had become a vital step in the application process for young men and women interested in pursuing this type of education. Academy Day will take place on Sunday, April 28, 2013 at 12:30 pm at the Westover Air Reserve Base Conference Center. Base regulations require pre-registration for this event. Interested students should contact their high school guidance counselor to pre-register for this event.

Dr. Tanja C. Davin Mohawk Medical Scholarship

This scholarship was established in the memory of Dr. Davin, who graduated as valedictorian of the class of 1989 at Mohawk Trail Regional High School. While at Mohawk she was president of the National Honor Society, a member of the band and peer educator. She graduated cum laude from Tufts University and received her medical degree from the University of Massachusetts Medical School. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine and Pediatrics at Bay State Medical Center in Springfield, MA Dr. Davin worked as a hospitalist for both the Concord, NH hospital and the Elliot Hospital in Manchester, NH.

The scholarship is to be awarded to student(s) who meet the following criteria:

1.  He or she must be a graduate of Mohawk Trail Regional High School

2.  He or she must have completed one full year as a student in good standing in an accredited United States medical school

A candidate for this scholarship award shall submit proof of completion in good standing of one year of medical school to the director of the Student Services department at Mohawk Trail Regional High School. Upon approval a check will be written to the candidate.

This scholarship will provide funds for students who have successfully completed their first year in a medical program. The funds could provide the necessary incentive for a student to complete the very demanding requirements of a medical program.

The amount of the scholarship to be determined by available funds in the account at the time of application. At present there is more than $33,000 in the Dr. Davin Memorial Scholarship Fund. Donations to this scholarship fund may be sent to The Mary Lyon Education Foundation at P.O. Box 184, Shelburne Falls, MA 01370. Please note Dr. Davin Scholarship on the check.

4. Music News

Our music teachers Scott Halligan and Gina Glover have been collaborating on a variety of enriching experiences for our students.

After school Jazz ensemble began on Monday, March 25th! It's not too late to join! Drop in any Monday after school at 2:15!

Spring Calendar of Music Events:


Tuesday, April 9: Mohawk Music Association (MMA) meeting in the library. 5:00p.m.

Wednesday, April 24: HS/MS trip to see Annie on Broadway


Thursday, May 2: Annual Kids in Concert performance featuring band and chorus students from all of our elementary schools! The concert will be held at Mohawk at 6:30p.m.

Thursday, May 9: Annual MS/HS Spring Concert featuring MS Band and Chorus, HS Band, Chorus and Select chorus. We also have a few combined pieces this year!

May 8-10: Auditions for PVSYO - see information below.

Tuesday, May 14: MMA meeting in the library. 5:00p.m.

Saturday, May 18: MS and HS music department competing at the Music in the Parks Festival at Six Flags New England.


Monday, June 3 and Wednesday, June 12: MS and HS ensembles go "on tour" to all of the district elementary schools

Tuesday, June 11: MMA meeting in the library 5:00p.m.

Pioneer Valley Symphony Youth Orchestra forming

PVSYO: The Pioneer Valley Symphony Orchestra is starting a youth orchestra in the fall. Auditions for any student aged 13-20 will be held in May. Audition dates are as follows:

May 8th: Percussion 5:30-7:00p.m. Most Holy Redeemer Church, Hadley

May 10th: Percussion 3:30-5:00p.m. Greenfield Middle School

May 11th: Strings/Woodwind/Brass 9:00-5:00 - TBA

May 12th: Strings/Woodwind/Brass 9:00 - 5:00 - Artspace, Greenfield MA

Rehearsals will begin in September and will be held at Greenfield High School

For more information: Please contact Mr. Halligan or Ms. Glover.

(We have several students already auditioning for this!)

5. Middle School News

Career Fair on Thursday, April 11th: 7th and 8th graders will be participating in a career fair. They will have the opportunity to learn about four different careers from a choice of 20. Middle School Guidance Counselor Ms. Loomis has organized a variety of presenters representing a wide array of careers.

7th grade news:

Project Based Learning teacher Samantha Lydiard reports that in PBL the 7th grade class is wrapping up their unit on maple sugaring in which they investigated ratios, nonfiction texts, and variables in maple sap collection. Currently we are working on a unit in probability where we will test out our skills in the spring on some seedlings in the garden. Students are also starting to gather recyclable materials to build two scale models of chairs out of a recyclable material of their choice.

The seventh grade, class of 2018, would like to thank those who supported the March Calendar raffle! Without the support of local businesses and families this fundraiser would not have been such a success! Congratulations to the winners and everyone who contributed to help make our trip to Boston a reality!

The money for the Class of 2018 field trip to Boston is due by next Friday, April 12. If you have questions about the amount your student owes please contact your student's homeroom teacher or Mr. Conlon or Mr. Johansmeyer for details.

8th grade news:

In the 8th grade, we had two important assemblies on Friday, March 29. Cindy Boyle, a police officer in the South Hadley police force, spoke with students about protecting one's on-line safety and well-being. On the same day students received information about 9th grade course registration.

Course registration for 9th grade:

On March 29 high school guidance counselor Jane Shaney reviewed the process for registering for classes for next year; Ms. Shaney explained how the high school schedule works and shared graduation requirements. Your daughter or son should have been talking with you about registering for classes -- the forms were due Wednesday, April 3. However, it's better to turn the form in late rather than not at all!